Craigslist Date Tomorrow


Worst gambler ever
Really cute gal responded to my drunken craigslist "men seeking women" ad this week and we've been chatting it up since sunday. We meet tomorrow. Greek food, bottle of Pinot, at Kapiolani Park by Diamond Head. I'm going to wear a plumeria flower from my tree in my ear. She seems really cool, and cute, and fun, so I'll let all you retards know how it went this weekend.

Live Aloha!
My friend found a prostitute on craigslist but then pussied out and hid in his car behind a grocery store.
That's generous. Look at the "my game" threads and you'll see what I mean. He didn't even realize what he was passing on until it was gone.

Why you hatin' on me? I put my personal business out there and get this? Anyhow, this girl seems like a blast. I'm awful at getting pussy, but I've always been good at getting hearts, and if I like her tomorrow, I will turn up the beefcake charm factory.

I just wish Asshat was around to give me some tips.
Beefy jeezzzus, do yourself the biggest favor.
Get a job bartending at a local halfass hangout.
Treat the girls like friends never trying to pick them up.
Withing 3 months you'll do better than you dreamed and your game with go from Irkle to Joey on friends.
Greek food. Good choice - it's a sharing cuisine, unlike the tight-arse nature of Anglo-Saxon cuisine. Best of luck oh big fella.
Why you hatin' on me? I put my personal business out there and get this? Anyhow, this girl seems like a blast. I'm awful at getting pussy, but I've always been good at getting hearts, and if I like her tomorrow, I will turn up the beefcake charm factory.

I just wish Asshat was around to give me some tips.
It's probably a negative reaction to the you're all idiots thread...

I'll get over it, but my scathing attack on your skill in the game will haunt you forever! MwaHAHAHAhaaaa!
Really cute gal responded to my drunken craigslist "men seeking women" ad this week and we've been chatting it up since sunday. We meet tomorrow. Greek food, bottle of Pinot, at Kapiolani Park by Diamond Head. I'm going to wear a plumeria flower from my tree in my ear. She seems really cool, and cute, and fun, so I'll let all you retards know how it went this weekend.

Live Aloha!

Make sure its over your right ear!

Really cute gal responded to my drunken craigslist "men seeking women" ad this week and we've been chatting it up since sunday. We meet tomorrow. Greek food, bottle of Pinot, at Kapiolani Park by Diamond Head. I'm going to wear a plumeria flower from my tree in my ear. She seems really cool, and cute, and fun, so I'll let all you retards know how it went this weekend.

Live Aloha!

Good God man...stick to the auto section in Craigs List...A deputy friend of mine told me a scary story about a craigs list date...he stopped and checked a vehicle parked in 'American Flats'..a known teeny bopper park and fool around area...well as it turned out this guy was making out with this 'Cute' craigs list girl...after a routine 10-27/28 it turned out this girl had a warrant out for Grand Theft auto...seems she stole her College Professors car...she also had a loaded Glock in her purse...
Needles to say the guy thanked the deputy and said he would stick to the craigs list auto section!:cof1: