you made up THE theory of evolution.....scientists are stuck with science....
??? What is your point, here? Just to respond?
No, I did not make it up. You are the one engaged in bad rewrites of your favorite fairy tales and who rejects evolution.
you made up THE theory of evolution.....scientists are stuck with science....
kk.....though I doubt people at the time had any trouble understanding it......since they were all descendants of Noah, you know.....
All flesh.
??? What is your point, here? Just to respond?
According to you when the bible says God flooded the earth it means the part of the world Noah might be familiar with and when in the same passage he says he will never flood the earth again it means the entire earth. It is not possible to more disingenuous than you clowns. Lol...
yes, I expect most of them were anyway......
to point out that part of the Baxter Theory of Evolution is not backed up by scientific evidence.......
scenario A......all people in one location......scenario B......people everywhere........would more have to be flooded in scenario B than in scenario A? takes someone disingenuous to figure out the answer, I guess......
I wish you would get back to laying out humanity's evolutionary path for me.....after we left bioslime, what was our next stop......did we ever pass mold or do we take more of a plankton route?......
There is no reason to believe the flood was intended to be local.
you continue the vague absurdity that this had any impact on the fossil record
That part of THE evolutionary theory is backed by scientific evidence that I have cited.
Again, tell us about this alternative theory of evolution that does not include common descent?
You are altering what was clearly intended
I wish you would explain to us how the earth is flat, the center of the solar system/univers, 6000 years old and explain all the other nonsense you and Ken Ham ACTUALLY believe. Because its clear you DON'T accept the theory of evolution.
I already answered you on this.
I already answered you on this. If you can't move it forward then there is no reason to repeat it.
I wish you would START laying out this theory of evolution that does not include common descent. Has anybody ever done so? You claim it is the more common theory yet you have no references.
I wish you would explain to us how the earth is flat, the center of the solar system/univers, 6000 years old and explain all the other nonsense you and Ken Ham ACTUALLY believe. Because its clear you DON'T accept the theory of evolution.
???...really?....I would consider anything else to be terribly inefficient.....
???...why would the flood have had an impact on the fossil record......most of the fossils would have been fossils long before a flood......