Cyndi Lauper Says 'Our Families Are Validated' as Biden Signs Marriage Act

Your position is you want their right to get married limited.

A right that is universally afforded.

No sir/ma'am, my position is that I would grant them all the rights and privileges of married folks (insurance, job benefits, etc.) but I would prefer it not to be called "marriage."
No sir/ma'am, my position is that I would grant them all the rights and privileges of married folks (insurance, job benefits, etc.) but I would prefer it not to be called "marriage."

Why? Because you say so? Religion does not belong in legal decision making.

All of this is moot anyway. LGBT won and that's what's important. We need to leave religion behind and move on.
Be honest, it won't hurt. the fact is Repubs were talking about changing that. Clarence the cross-eyed Supreme talked about looking for cases to overthrow it. It was under fire from the right. That is why he did it.

you realize nothing changes that......if the SC says the federal government doesn't have the authority to interfere with state's rights on the issue of marriage it applies to this legislation as well, obviously......
you realize nothing changes that......if the SC says the federal government doesn't have the authority to interfere with state's rights on the issue of marriage it applies to this legislation as well, obviously......

How is a federal right the hostage of state government?
No sir/ma'am, my position is that I would grant them all the rights and privileges of married folks (insurance, job benefits, etc.) but I would prefer it not to be called "marriage."

Why? It is a union between 2 people who are in love and want a life together. They are acting as god made them. Why do you presume to know more than god? You are judging your maker. That is not religious.
I'm not "opposed" to it. I'm pointing out its irrelevance.

It's nothing but an empty feel-good measure of the sort the Left often pulls to appear to be doing something when they are really doing nothing.
You dodged the question, Terry. Interesting choice. LOL

Meh. The fucking Wall is an empty feel-good measure and you supported that, Terry. Why the flip-flop? Because, as a WSE supporter, you hate everything that doesn't help White Males get back on top? Make America Great Again? America First, Terry?

Why? It is a union between 2 people who are in love and want a life together. They are acting as god made them. Why do you presume to know more than god? You are judging your maker. That is not religious.

The bolded part is wrong on so many levels. I know just exactly everything God wanted me to know, which is enough.
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Can you two get a motel- for Heaven's Sake?

Because watching you two give each other your friendly reach-arounds in public is PATHETIC!