Worst gambler ever
You must be pretty embarrassed that the most outrageous racists are on your side of the aisle.
This preemptive strike against anyone daring to point out that what Dano did is racist, and to claim that assuming that BLACKFACE IS ABOUT FUCKING RACE, is "beyond stupid" makes you look beyond stupid.
You accomplished nothing.
It's racist. Dano is racist.
And the rest of your asses are like cats trying to cover up their own shit. It still smells.
My side of the aisle? What the fuck? Maybe I am beyond "stupid". Maybe I'm just a dumb fucknut. I didn't know about the blackface reference because the moniker looked to me like a couple of cat's eyes and a square that was inserted by Microsoft Paint.
So I'm sorry. I guess my side of the aisle is just a bunch of stoopit ignoramuses.