Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

He said why, but as usual you are too busy with your "the GOP are all liars" rant. He was given a warning, which everybody gets the first time including you. I also see that you have nothing to say about a female poster saying despicable things about me. I guess that you just don't like facts.

then comment on the SCOTUS agreeing that the record shows the republican party cheats in elections?

they agree with me.

they think the evidence is there and the COURTS were correct in punishing the republican party for it

then tell me why you claimed "left wing media" doesn't report on this?
God you are so divinely dotty, Rune was reported by me and consequently banned for repeating the same shit that Darla said.

I never heard a denial of that shit from you so I assumed that the shit you are talking about whatever that shit was was true and therefore not shit at all! Whatever it was!
He said why, but as usual you are too busy with your "the GOP are all liars" rant. He was given a warning, which everybody gets the first time including you. I also see that you have nothing to say about a female poster saying despicable things about me. I guess that you just don't like facts.

What "female poster"? Did you know that Amanda Marcotte says that men who call women "female" are much more likely to be misogynist scum than those who call them women. I doubt that you did but I think it applies across the board and I would be willing to bet that it really applies in your case, pencil dick.
The dozy tart was railing against ILA and then, for no reason that I can ascertain, said some extremely nasty things about me. Then that dumb twat Rune goes and does the exact same thing.

Exactly. I wasn't even trying to get Bijou banned. Darla can go off in her little Rosa Parks moment, but what was truly amazing was why she dragged you into it
Darla did it deliberately. As did Rune. I would suggest you put ILA on IA. Be rid of him. I cannot fathom why it is so hard for people who dislike him so much to simply put him on IA.

I've had that ignorant asshole on IA for a long time. That's not my point.

Why doesn't the board do something about these assholes instead of banning good posters?

It's their board and they can do whatever they want .. but those with whom I'd even want to have a conversation with here is getting pretty thin.
I've had that ignorant asshole on IA for a long time. That's not my point.

Why doesn't the board do something about these assholes instead of banning good posters?

It's their board and they can do whatever they want .. but those with whom I'd even want to have a conversation with here is getting pretty thin.

Yes, you do, I do... the problem is that so very many of those that don't like ILA (for obvious reasons) chose to engage him. They deliberately refuse to put him on IA. They continually quote him so that those of us who do have him on IA still have to see his shit. It gives him the attention he wants.

The board could have effectively shut him out long ago. But too many chose not to. It should not be up to the mods to pick and choose who they want to remain. There are rules for a reason. IF someone violates those rules, they get banned. If people feel that other rules should be added, they can make a suggestion to do so to the mods or set up a poll to get input from the rest of the board.
Yes, you do, I do... the problem is that so very many of those that don't like ILA (for obvious reasons) chose to engage him. They deliberately refuse to put him on IA. They continually quote him so that those of us who do have him on IA still have to see his shit. It gives him the attention he wants.

The board could have effectively shut him out long ago. But too many chose not to. It should not be up to the mods to pick and choose who they want to remain. There are rules for a reason. IF someone violates those rules, they get banned. If people feel that other rules should be added, they can make a suggestion to do so to the mods or set up a poll to get input from the rest of the board.

But that's far too easy, much better to act like a two year old instead.
This site is getting less and less interesting to participate in. Now full of racist morons like ILA while Darla and Rune get banned.

it isn't complicated....Darla and Rune set out specifically with the intent to get banned.....ILA didn't.....everyone got what they wanted.....
Yes, you do, I do... the problem is that so very many of those that don't like ILA (for obvious reasons) chose to engage him. They deliberately refuse to put him on IA. They continually quote him so that those of us who do have him on IA still have to see his shit. It gives him the attention he wants.

The board could have effectively shut him out long ago. But too many chose not to. It should not be up to the mods to pick and choose who they want to remain. There are rules for a reason. IF someone violates those rules, they get banned. If people feel that other rules should be added, they can make a suggestion to do so to the mods or set up a poll to get input from the rest of the board.

If the board wants to allow morons who do nothing but attack people with sexist and racist comments to fuck up their board .. that's up to them. I've said many times that such idiotic behavior should not be allowed .. obviously to no avail. It's not a matter of picking and choosing .. everyone here knows what an asshole ILA is. Why in the hell would we need a poll?

Like I said, their board, their call.

My time, my call.
I've had that ignorant asshole on IA for a long time. That's not my point.

Why doesn't the board do something about these assholes instead of banning good posters?

It's their board and they can do whatever they want .. but those with whom I'd even want to have a conversation with here is getting pretty thin.

when one has taken it upon themselves to accuse another member of "fucking underaged teens" and going on "Sex tours", well I think you can see that's not very appropriate, or a appropriate response to those that are also being assholes.

They set out to purposely get banned, they got what they wanted.

Take it up with darla and rune.
when one has taken it upon themselves to accuse another member of "fucking underaged teens" and going on "Sex tours", well I think you can see that's not very appropriate, or a appropriate response to those that are also being assholes.

They set out to purposely get banned, they got what they wanted.

Take it up with darla and rune.

Darla and Rune aren't here obviously, and I don't need to 'take it up' with anybody. I'm expressing what I think without expecting that anything will be done about it.

It's real simple for me .. if ILA and his 'right' to be an asshole is more sacred to the board then those who actually care about civility here .. its your board.