Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

Kinda funny reading BAC lecture about civility. Maybe he forgets his Trayvon outbursts.

Good times.

Yeah this board was a bastion if civility and moderation until I arrived

The truest irony is that those who cry about it the most have no troubles calling someone a teabagger but use the C word and holy hell breaks loose.

Thing is that I know who I am but y'all need to look in a mirror
I do appreciate your presence. I know every time you are here, something stupid will be said that will provide an easy opportunity to mock those from Ohio and USC.

How is your professor doing?

Haha. I'm glad you noticed one of our chemistry professors just won the Nobel Prize. Just another day in the land of Troy; National Championships, Heismans, Nobel Prizes, beautiful women...
Haha. I'm glad you noticed one of our chemistry professors just won the Nobel Prize. Just another day in the land of Troy; National Championships(taken away), Heismans (taken away), Professors banging you, beautiful women (that know you are from Ohio and thus scum)...

yep, I noticed.
yep, I noticed.

I see you've put in your weekly order.

from what I know...DARLA purposely banned herself, in a protest (?) of some of the misogyny around here.

Yes; this is a blow to the site -i notice TEKKYCHICK hasn't posted either.

This is a moderated site -some good with that, some bad. Sticking around to see how it shakes out, at least for the time being.

But we really do need our good members to return, the one's that post IDEAS - whether one agrees or not.

So tired of message board drama

But the little boy MODS here can't get their drama unless sickening pigs like ILA are allowed free reign to post their misogynistic nonsense.
Im new here Im probably missing something but if youre allowed to call women the C word and others the N word, how much more can you do to get banned if thats allowed other than threaten someone, im really abit confused about this.
Im new here Im probably missing something but if youre allowed to call women the C word and others the N word, how much more can you do to get banned if thats allowed other than threaten someone, im really abit confused about this.

I guess you failed to notice that you agreed to abide by the board rules when you acknowledged having read them when you signed up?

Im new here Im probably missing something but if youre allowed to call women the C word and others the N word, how much more can you do to get banned if thats allowed other than threaten someone, im really abit confused about this.

Posting personal information and accusing others of pedophilia are ways to get banned, posting porn, permanent banning is when you habitually do these things.

I am not sure how many times you have to break the rules for a permanent ban.
But the little boy MODS here can't get their drama unless sickening pigs like ILA are allowed free reign to post their misogynistic nonsense.

ILA doesn't have free reign... you can CHOOSE to put him on IA, if not, you can CHOOSE to not respond to him. Yet instead of either of those, you respond and whine and bitch and in the end... ILA has beaten you. Because you are giving him exactly what he wants from you.
Posting personal information and accusing others of pedophilia are ways to get banned, posting porn, permanent banning is when you habitually do these things.

I am not sure how many times you have to break the rules for a permanent ban.

for you it would be about a million... cause if they permabanned you, 3D would come at them like a spider monkey.
I've had that ignorant asshole on IA for a long time. That's not my point.

Why doesn't the board do something about these assholes instead of banning good posters?

It's their board and they can do whatever they want .. but those with whom I'd even want to have a conversation with here is getting pretty thin.


Why do the board CENSORS...uh...I mean mods FORCE everyone to ignore a vicious, vulgarity spewing troll rather than just boot the offending troll himself?

They take arbitrary action against an entire group of posters who have done NOTHING WRONG, but bend over backward to ignore the rules and pander to the troll everyone is sick of.

Why do the board CENSORS...uh...I mean mods FORCE everyone to ignore a vicious, vulgarity spewing troll rather than just boot the offending troll himself?

They take arbitrary action against an entire group of posters who have done NOTHING WRONG, but bend over backward to ignore the rules and pander to the troll everyone is sick of.

Oh man, I have defended you on many occasions but you are just being a serious dick here.
Yes, you do, I do... the problem is that so very many of those that don't like ILA (for obvious reasons) chose to engage him. They deliberately refuse to put him on IA. They continually quote him so that those of us who do have him on IA still have to see his shit. It gives him the attention he wants.

The board could have effectively shut him out long ago. But too many chose not to. It should not be up to the mods to pick and choose who they want to remain. There are rules for a reason. IF someone violates those rules, they get banned. If people feel that other rules should be added, they can make a suggestion to do so to the mods or set up a poll to get input from the rest of the board.

Listen to yourself!

The mods, who run this circus, shouldn't do their jobs.

Oh no, lets instead force every single poster here to give in to the demands of a handful of cowardly posters who have certain morons on IA, and FORCE the rest to cower behind IA as they do.

Why do the board CENSORS...uh...I mean mods FORCE everyone to ignore a vicious, vulgarity spewing troll rather than just boot the offending troll himself?

They take arbitrary action against an entire group of posters who have done NOTHING WRONG, but bend over backward to ignore the rules and pander to the troll everyone is sick of.

He hasn't done anything that will get him banned. Just being an asshole isn't against the rules.
Darla and Rune aren't here obviously, and I don't need to 'take it up' with anybody. I'm expressing what I think without expecting that anything will be done about it.

It's real simple for me .. if ILA and his 'right' to be an asshole is more sacred to the board then those who actually care about civility here .. its your board.


Nail on the head!!

It's all about ILA and his "right' to being an asshole being more sacred to the board and it's MODS than those who actually would like civil discourse.

They can couch it in all the flowery language they like, but they are willing to censor EVERYONE in order to cater to a troll.