Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

BAC I 100% do not blame you for your perception of the matter. If I were you, I probably wouldn't be using this board either. There are a lot of racist assholes. I think they are scum.

In the past it was easier for the good voices to drown out the bad. Lately the idiots have gotten louder. I am aware of that.

And yet, I believe 90% of the people on this board are good people. That is enough of a big number to make the trolls go silent. But people have to be willing to ignore the trolls, to not engage them, to not quote their posts. They need to be willing to thread ban them, or participate more in APP where we have strict moderation. There are many options for the good people here.

we/I have faith in people to ultimately do the right thing, and for the trolls to be sidelined. But that takes active participation from the good members to ignore the idiots, and promote good discussion and understanding.

That is how we built or board, to put the full responsibility on the users (ALL USERS) as much as possible.

If one engages the trolls and pays them attention, they have fed them and let their presence grow stronger.

We HAVE NOT pulled the wool over anyones eyes here. Everyone knew what this board was like when they signed up. They knew the boards philosophy. They could see that we had very limited rules. People still made their accounts. They made that conscious choice.

If you are now ready to make a different choice, I don't fault you at all. That's what this JPP living organism is all about. ebb and flow, conscious choices, and personal responsibility.
I thank the Goddess everyday!

also before anyone mentions, trolls in the above context is shorthand for jerk/assholes. not a literal definition.
IHA is a complete fucktard. Now, to anyone contemplating a war with the JPP Staff - I offer these words of wisdom:

You might be interested to know that my best friend at school produced the Clash's first album from which this was taken. His name is Mickey Foote and he has retired to Aberdeen in Scotland now. I still keep in contact with him.
BAC I 100% do not blame you for your perception of the matter. If I were you, I probably wouldn't be using this board either. There are a lot of racist assholes. I think they are scum.

In the past it was easier for the good voices to drown out the bad. Lately the idiots have gotten louder. I am aware of that.

And yet, I believe 90% of the people on this board are good people. That is enough of a big number to make the trolls go silent. But people have to be willing to ignore the trolls, to not engage them, to not quote their posts. They need to be willing to thread ban them, or participate more in APP where we have strict moderation. There are many options for the good people here.

we/I have faith in people to ultimately do the right thing, and for the trolls to be sidelined. But that takes active participation from the good members to ignore the idiots, and promote good discussion and understanding.

That is how we built or board, to put the full responsibility on the users (ALL USERS) as much as possible.

If one engages the trolls and pays them attention, they have fed them and let their presence grow stronger.

We HAVE NOT pulled the wool over anyones eyes here. Everyone knew what this board was like when they signed up. They knew the boards philosophy. They could see that we had very limited rules. People still made their accounts. They made that conscious choice.

If you are now ready to make a different choice, I don't fault you at all. That's what this JPP living organism is all about. ebb and flow, conscious choices, and personal responsibility.

Wow, when you put it this way you make me, almost, feel guilty. I don't believe troll means asshole, but I do think there are certain posters who do troll the board and on top of that they are assholes.
I don't think you appreciate how lucky you are to have me bless you with my presence.

I do appreciate your presence. I know every time you are here, something stupid will be said that will provide an easy opportunity to mock those from Ohio and USC.

How is your professor doing?