Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

Listen to yourself!

The mods, who run this circus, shouldn't do their jobs.

Oh no, lets instead force every single poster here to give in to the demands of a handful of cowardly posters who have certain morons on IA, and FORCE the rest to cower behind IA as they do.

If only you weren't too ignorant to see the sheer stupidity in the above post. It is truly comical.

The mods job is to enforce the rules of the board. They are doing their job. You on the other hand are not. You job is to choose who you wish to interact with. If you find someone reprehensible, you have three options:

1) Put them on IA (no one is forcing you to, it is your CHOICE)
2) Just simply ignore their posts and dont respond (again... your CHOICE)
3) Keep responding to their posts, give them what they want, then whine about the fact that they keep 'forcing' you to respond to them...again... your CHOICE

Nail on the head!!

It's all about ILA and his "right' to being an asshole being more sacred to the board and it's MODS than those who actually would like civil discourse.

They can couch it in all the flowery language they like, but they are willing to censor EVERYONE in order to cater to a troll.

While you are not a racist or as crass as ILA by any means, you are also one of the bigger assholes on the board. Should they ban you as well?
BAC I 100% do not blame you for your perception of the matter. If I were you, I probably wouldn't be using this board either. There are a lot of racist assholes. I think they are scum.

In the past it was easier for the good voices to drown out the bad. Lately the idiots have gotten louder. I am aware of that.

And yet, I believe 90% of the people on this board are good people. That is enough of a big number to make the trolls go silent. But people have to be willing to ignore the trolls, to not engage them, to not quote their posts. They need to be willing to thread ban them, or participate more in APP where we have strict moderation. There are many options for the good people here.

we/I have faith in people to ultimately do the right thing, and for the trolls to be sidelined. But that takes active participation from the good members to ignore the idiots, and promote good discussion and understanding.

That is how we built or board, to put the full responsibility on the users (ALL USERS) as much as possible.

If one engages the trolls and pays them attention, they have fed them and let their presence grow stronger.

We HAVE NOT pulled the wool over anyones eyes here. Everyone knew what this board was like when they signed up. They knew the boards philosophy. They could see that we had very limited rules. People still made their accounts. They made that conscious choice.

If you are now ready to make a different choice, I don't fault you at all. That's what this JPP living organism is all about. ebb and flow, conscious choices, and personal responsibility.

right..."personal responsibility" is why you're censoring what the good folk here can see rather than simply making an example out of a single troll.
enforced ignore is not to be seen as a punishment. It should be seen as doing you a favor. I am doing for you what you cannot do for yourself. You desire for ILA to be silenced, now you can't read his posts. You are literally complaining about not being able to read someone you deem offensive, mean, an asshole, and someone you don't even want to be on the site. And yet you want to read the things he says. Makes zero sense.

ILA's offended audience will finally be able to get the peace they desire. No more ILA. What's the problem?

You have no solid reason to continue to be able to interact with ILA, except drama, yelling matches, fighting, etc.

When users are no longer able/willing to have any semblance of a correspondence with someone, that's what forced ignore is for.

It's not a value judgement.
ILA doesn't have free reign... you can CHOOSE to put him on IA, if not, you can CHOOSE to not respond to him. Yet instead of either of those, you respond and whine and bitch and in the end... ILA has beaten you. Because you are giving him exactly what he wants from you.

I can put him on IA or I can ignore him.

In either event, he still has FREE REIGN to post whatever filth he wishes.

ILA has beaten all of Y-O-U who hide your heads in the sand and hope against hope that today might be the day he finally leaves.
He hasn't done anything that will get him banned. Just being an asshole isn't against the rules.

I haven't done anything that merits having my ability to read other people's posts CENSORED, yet that is precisely what the MODS have done to me and many others with their cowardly "forced ignore".
If only you weren't too ignorant to see the sheer stupidity in the above post. It is truly comical.

The mods job is to enforce the rules of the board. They are doing their job. You on the other hand are not. You job is to choose who you wish to interact with. If you find someone reprehensible, you have three options:

1) Put them on IA (no one is forcing you to, it is your CHOICE)
2) Just simply ignore their posts and dont respond (again... your CHOICE)
3) Keep responding to their posts, give them what they want, then whine about the fact that they keep 'forcing' you to respond to them...again... your CHOICE

Except I don't have three options because #3 has been taken away by the board CENSORS who have forced me to do what they want, not what I want.

THEY don't like ILA's bullshit, so I am not allowed to respond to him...that's it in a nutshell.
While you are not a racist or as crass as ILA by any means, you are also one of the bigger assholes on the board. Should they ban you as well?

You said it yourself..."I am not as big an asshole as ILA"...fine, then hows about we deal with the bigger asshole first then worry about me.

You don't want him banned therefore you don't want me banned either.
enforced ignore is not to be seen as a punishment. It should be seen as doing you a favor. I am doing for you what you cannot do for yourself. You desire for ILA to be silenced, now you can't read his posts. You are literally complaining about not being able to read someone you deem offensive, mean, an asshole, and someone you don't even want to be on the site. And yet you want to read the things he says. Makes zero sense.

Listen to this NAZI...attempting to tell me what's best for me.

Yeah...lets send anyone who doesn't immediately accede to Grind's ridiculous position to "re-education" camps until he thinks the way Grind wants!

After all, he's "doing what's best for me" he says so himself...censoring me and others is fine, but ridding the board of a filthy troll is unacceptable.

ILA's offended audience will finally be able to get the peace they desire. No more ILA. What's the problem?

You won't CENSOR ILA, but you will CENSOR what everyone else can and can't see.

You have no solid reason to continue to be able to interact with ILA, except drama, yelling matches, fighting, etc.

Who are you to tell me what is and isn't reason to do something?

Y-O-U who couldn't even be bothered to provide a little comfort to a family member who asked for your help.

When users are no longer able/willing to have any semblance of a correspondence with someone, that's what forced ignore is for.

It's not a value judgement.

Ah, so when I've been effectively brainwashed and come around to your way of thinking, then you won't censor me any more...ROTFLMAO!

Listen to yourself!
If a tree falls in the woods when no when is around, does it make a sound?[/COLOR]

That's it...make all the ridiculous excuses you must so you can continue to rationalize punishing the reasonable posters while giving the troll free reign.
right..."personal responsibility" is why you're censoring what the good folk here can see rather than simply making an example out of a single troll.

So in other words: you want them to ban him so you can't see him, but don't want them to force an IA so that you can't see him???

So in other words: you want them to ban him so you can't see him, but don't want them to force an IA so that you can't see him???


I want them to force re-education on the venom spitting troll, not everyone else.

Grind says just that up in post # 91...I'm not being "punished"...he's doing it for my own good.
Because that wasn't what I suggested. Just because you interpreted it that way says more about you than it does about me.

Are you saying that a parent paying too much attention to their child can only be molestation?


we know how to read context here.

you got a warning and an edit because it was your first offense and your post was not completely explicit, didn't specifically mention ages, etc.

What people don't realize is when they see people get banned for even vague references, those are almost always after already having been banned for the same stuff before, or after being warned. People usually don't get banned the first offense unless it's egregiously over the top to the point where they had to know what they were doing. no plausible deniability or it being a "mistake"

if that type of post happens again though it'll 100% result in a ban.
I like to know what the radical right is up to, so I read some of his posts, but I generally refuse to reply.