Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

Yes it is. Otherwise every thread on the board becomes a flame war. And playing innocent in that is ridiculous. I have seen you right in the middle of the fray.

How about quit whining and discuss a topic, or just quit? Can you manage that with a minimum of drama? I'd be willing to be 'No'.

Now that this is all cleared up, I am going to go back to my usual thoughtful, interesting posts
Know what folks on the real side for a moment. When the vitriole on a forum gets to the boiling point it doesnt do the board any good and it certainly takes away any fun or anything valuable you may gain from it. I am NOT saying this board is like that or even close to that. I was on a board a while ago that went right down the tube because of just that.
Sometimes its just as well to insult someone you dont agree with, with a bit more class and finesse, the point gets across and it doesnt offend the more sensitive type folks.
Know what folks on the real side for a moment. When the vitriole on a forum gets to the boiling point it doesnt do the board any good and it certainly takes away any fun or anything valuable you may gain from it. I am NOT saying this board is like that or even close to that. I was on a board a while ago that went right down the tube because of just that.
Sometimes its just as well to insult someone you dont agree with, with a bit more class and finesse, the point gets across and it doesnt offend the more sensitive type folks.

when I first entered the internets I didn't insult people.

I was a naïve Mom with a kid at home and tried to be Just reasonable and was sure people would come around if you just gave them facts.

I was all nice and was never using invective.

then I met who the right in this country really are.

some of those VERY people are still here.

that first year even though I never insulted people folks like Immanual ( remember Immie guys) told me I was a horrible person and all I ever did was insult people.

I told him to go find one insult of mine.

he could not find one.

I still tried to be nice and then I even left HERE because I thought oh its just these guys and they are playing with me because I am too trusting.

I wondered off into the internets to find reasonable right leaning people.

boy oh boy

I have found NOT ONE reasonable right leaning person who is willing to accept FACTS they don't like.

I have since then vowed off of insulting people twice now .

Both times for a year.

Guess what happened?
There is a faction in this country that see hating government as a religion.

they cant embrace this countries government because its their religion to hate government.

they are worthless to this country if you put them in office.

They will destroy anything government tries to do.
So you made a claim you can't back up.

No surprise there.

I know, right? You make claims you can't support several times a day! And don't get me started on your extremely shaky reading ability which borders on illiteracy. All-in-all, I'd say you, of all people here, have little room to talk!
Another condescending response from a poster who regularly derides those he disagrees with by hurling the "ignorant" label.

SF is just like Grind...arrogantly presuming he knows better than anyone else what's best for them.

Zappa: I really hate hate hate ILA, why do you mods do nothing, why won't you make him go away!!!

Mods: We are putting you on permanent IA with each other. So we are not only doing something, but doing exactly what you asked... we made him go away.

Zappa: HOW DARE YOU FORCE ME to not see my good buddy ILA. I should get to choose whether or not I see him.

Mods: Hey dumbass, you did have the CHOICE, but you kept whining and whining like a 3 year old tossing a tantrum, so we thought we would help you out

Zappa: Only a coward uses IA!!!

Mods: So you want him gone, but don't want to do it yourself and don't want us to do it either?

Zappa: You are condescending

Mods: It only seems that way because you are so far beneath us... yeah, we went there you pathetic ass clown
from what I know...DARLA purposely banned herself, in a protest (?) of some of the misogyny around here.

Yes; this is a blow to the site -i notice TEKKYCHICK hasn't posted either.

This is a moderated site -some good with that, some bad. Sticking around to see how it shakes out, at least for the time being.

But we really do need our good members to return, the one's that post IDEAS - whether one agrees or not.

So tired of message board drama

Hi, annata - I was out of town for a couple days and not able to post. And didn't want to post after I read about what happened to Darla and that ILA was still posting crap after Dam's "stern warning".

And now Rune is banned? That sucks.

Moderators - is this really what you want? Your board full of ILAs and USFs and no one else? Crack down on them.

Edited: I read that ILA is on "forced ignore" although I don't know what that means. I just hope I can't see his thread titles anymore
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He hasn't done anything that will get him banned. Just being an asshole isn't against the rules.

In my personal opinion - and Darla's quoting of his posts prove this to me - he has broken Rule 14:
"The treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts. Definition: Posting solely for reaction, to harass, or stalk. Whether single or secondary, those accounts posting solely for reaction and/or harassment and not contributing to the discussion in any way post at the sole discretion of the JPP Admin Team and may be removed at any moment."

I do have him on ignore. I have suggested before that we shun him - that no one respond. Unfortunately, I doubt USF and others will join us in this. And for new people, his posts are extremely offputting; they don't know to put him on ignore from the very start. And anyone browsing the board without logging in has to see his crap.

Apparently Rule 14 is not enforced on this board.
when I first entered the internets I didn't insult people.

I was a naïve Mom with a kid at home and tried to be Just reasonable and was sure people would come around if you just gave them facts.

I was all nice and was never using invective.

then I met who the right in this country really are.

some of those VERY people are still here.

that first year even though I never insulted people folks like Immanual ( remember Immie guys) told me I was a horrible person and all I ever did was insult people.

I told him to go find one insult of mine.

he could not find one.

I still tried to be nice and then I even left HERE because I thought oh its just these guys and they are playing with me because I am too trusting.

I wondered off into the internets to find reasonable right leaning people.

boy oh boy

I have found NOT ONE reasonable right leaning person who is willing to accept FACTS they don't like.

I have since then vowed off of insulting people twice now .

Both times for a year.

Guess what happened?

In my personal opinion - and Darla's quoting of his posts prove this to me - he has broken Rule 14:
"The treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts. Definition: Posting solely for reaction, to harass, or stalk. Whether single or secondary, those accounts posting solely for reaction and/or harassment and not contributing to the discussion in any way post at the sole discretion of the JPP Admin Team and may be removed at any moment."

I do have him on ignore. I have suggested before that we shun him - that no one respond. Unfortunately, I doubt USF and others will join us in this. And for new people, his posts are extremely offputting; they don't know to put him on ignore from the very start. And anyone browsing the board without logging in has to see his crap.

Apparently Rule 14 is not enforced on this board.

Sounds like you were complaining about Desh. :eek2: