Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

I want them to force re-education on the venom spitting troll, not everyone else.

Grind says just that up in post # 91...I'm not being "punished"...he's doing it for my own good.

well Grind feels the need to help out the 'special' people on the board that are too damn ignorant to use the IA feature on their own. So he will help those 'special' people stop having endless whine fests about ILA.
well Grind feels the need to help out the 'special' people on the board that are too damn ignorant to use the IA feature on their own. So he will help those 'special' people stop having endless whine fests about ILA.

Another condescending response from a poster who regularly derides those he disagrees with by hurling the "ignorant" label.

SF is just like Grind...arrogantly presuming he knows better than anyone else what's best for them.
enforced ignore is not to be seen as a punishment. It should be seen as doing you a favor. I am doing for you what you cannot do for yourself. You desire for ILA to be silenced, now you can't read his posts. You are literally complaining about not being able to read someone you deem offensive, mean, an asshole, and someone you don't even want to be on the site. And yet you want to read the things he says. Makes zero sense.

ILA's offended audience will finally be able to get the peace they desire. No more ILA. What's the problem?

You have no solid reason to continue to be able to interact with ILA, except drama, yelling matches, fighting, etc.

When users are no longer able/willing to have any semblance of a correspondence with someone, that's what forced ignore is for.

It's not a value judgement.

I understand your explanation and I've had him on IA for months, no need for any forced ignore.

But... if potential members lurk here awhile, decide it's too raw for them and move on, is that a good thing? Don't we want an assortment of people here, not just the ones with asbestos hides?
That's it...make all the ridiculous excuses you must so you can continue to rationalize punishing the reasonable posters while giving the troll free reign.

Surely you are not calling yourself a "reasonable poster"? I have seen you spew filth with the best of them, and recall you anda fe w others (Howey ect) gang up on someone just to ridicule them. Reasonable indeed.
I understand your explanation and I've had him on IA for months, no need for any forced ignore.

But... if potential members lurk here awhile, decide it's too raw for them and move on, is that a good thing? Don't we want an assortment of people here, not just the ones with asbestos hides?

I guess that is the only thing I see as a problem, but maybe with the forced ignore he will tone it down is my hope.
You think it's okay for the MODS to decide for each of us who we will and will NOT respond to?

Yes it is. Otherwise every thread on the board becomes a flame war. And playing innocent in that is ridiculous. I have seen you right in the middle of the fray.

How about quit whining and discuss a topic, or just quit? Can you manage that with a minimum of drama? I'd be willing to be 'No'.
Im new here Im probably missing something but if youre allowed to call women the C word and others the N word, how much more can you do to get banned if thats allowed other than threaten someone, im really abit confused about this.

threatening someone might get you noticed, but not banned.....