Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

It would appear that anything short of an outright perma ban for me is not going to be enough for the left wing censors.

What is so funny is that they have spent so much time telling the mods they aren't doing their jobs, they haven't noticed that the "words" that they have been crying about haven't been posted by me.

So let's review.

I post some pretty over the top shit. Yeah, I know I did and I had my reasons but not why people think.

Darla loses her mind and proceeds to copy and paste my greatest hits on the board thinking she will get me banned.

Damo sends me a PM politely asking me to cease and desist. I immediately comply.

Not enough for Darla, for some inexplicable reason she goes after Tom with posts that the Mods have stated categorically will never be tolerated. Whether she was trying to be JPPs version of Rosa Parks is irrelevant.

Zappa and Rune jump in the mix

Dante's and Zappa whine and complain that they can't take seeing my posts anymore and dammit the mods better do something about it

Now bear in mind the behavior they claim to find intolerable has ceased, but that isn't enough for the board censors. No they want more. They need more.

So the mods take the further step of force ignoring the easily offended members so that they don't have to be troubled with my posts any longer

Does that make the harpies happy? Hells no

This is all very humorous. Don't worry, I know some of you can't read this, don't care. Get Steelplate or Tekky to read you the big words
It would appear that anything short of an outright perma ban for me is not going to be enough for the left wing censors.

What is so funny is that they have spent so much time telling the mods they aren't doing their jobs, they haven't noticed that the "words" that they have been crying about haven't been posted by me.

So let's review.

I post some pretty over the top shit. Yeah, I know I did and I had my reasons but not why people think.

Darla loses her mind and proceeds to copy and paste my greatest hits on the board thinking she will get me banned.

Damo sends me a PM politely asking me to cease and desist. I immediately comply.

Not enough for Darla, for some inexplicable reason she goes after Tom with posts that the Mods have stated categorically will never be tolerated. Whether she was trying to be JPPs version of Rosa Parks is irrelevant.

Zappa and Rune jump in the mix

Dante's and Zappa whine and complain that they can't take seeing my posts anymore and dammit the mods better do something about it

Now bear in mind the behavior they claim to find intolerable has ceased, but that isn't enough for the board censors. No they want more. They need more.

So the mods take the further step of force ignoring the easily offended members so that they don't have to be troubled with my posts any longer

Does that make the harpies happy? Hells no

This is all very humorous. Don't worry, I know some of you can't read this, don't care. Get Steelplate or Tekky to read you the big words

A quite succinct summation of the events, however Darla jumped on me because like her I just don't take shit lying down and that really pisses her off. She is like one of those Komodo Dragons that bites you and you are supposed to die in agony days later from the toxic bacteria in their mouths. That didn't work so now she has sent in Bijou, one of her crack sturmtruppen to sort me out in a belt and braces attempt to finish me off once and for all.
Even Howie has more sense than to trust her version of facts, I'll bet.

He probably lurks here all day.

How many times have the Mods caught him ban-evading so far?
A quite succinct summation of the events, however Darla jumped on me because like her I just don't take shit lying down and that really pisses her off. She is like one of those Komodo Dragons that bites you and you are supposed to die in agony days later from the toxic bacteria in their mouths. That didn't work so now she has sent in Bijou, one of her crack sturmtruppen to sort me out in a belt and braces attempt to finish me off once and for all.

I have noticed that too. Seems that since she has been forced to ignore me, the parasite needs a new a host
Even Howie has more sense than to trust her version of facts, I'll bet.

He probably lurks here all day.

How many times have the Mods caught him ban-evading so far?

we don't really care if someone is still reading the board. as long as they can't interact it's all good. Lots of banned members still read JPP.
This site is getting less and less interesting to participate in. Now full of racist morons like ILA while Darla and Rune get banned.

I will be posting a lot less, if much at all.
This forum is different, that's for sure, but for all the right reasons. It's like a breath of fresh air. Get over yourself, or get out. ;)
This forum is different, that's for sure, but for all the right reasons. It's like a breath of fresh air. Get over yourself, or get out. ;)

Well said.

It's funny that liberals keep crying about how awful this forum is, and stay, and stay, and stay...

Is their real agenda to silence those they disagree with?