Darla and Rune banned, but morons like ILA still here

LOL, if we could find a way to gather all the liberal tears shed in this thread we could solve the water shortage in Africa.
A quite succinct summation of the events, however Darla jumped on me because like her I just don't take shit lying down and that really pisses her off. She is like one of those Komodo Dragons that bites you and you are supposed to die in agony days later from the toxic bacteria in their mouths. That didn't work so now she has sent in Bijou, one of her crack sturmtruppen to sort me out in a belt and braces attempt to finish me off once and for all.

So if the fix worked why do I still have to look at this sleazy bastard's fucking rape approving posts along with this irrelevant shit. Darla was correct in every instance; she was completely correct and accurate. Anyone with half a brain and one working synapse knows that completely and unequivocally. It is an open secret. The complaint wasn't specifically about or even limited to the use of any particular words , although they were certainly used with vulgar intent at every possible occasion; it was about violence against women and the pornographic images that were used regularly for over a 2 week period in which the language and the violence in the comments grew increasing vulgar and insufferable, in the pursuit of that violence and those violent images. Had Darla not done what she did, we would still be reading those violent images. Prior to her action, we had a poll asking who didn't like those particular words. Not surprising, on a board dominated by conservatives the majority overwhelmingly approved of the use of those words. Denoting nothing more than that the majority here or at least the majority who participated in the poll are sexists and racists--evidently conservative values. Anyone who doesn't understand that at this late date is pretty damn dim. Of course, such a misunderstanding is always a distinct possibility with these two women hating gits!
well for starters it was actually a much closer vote but legion troll spammed the no vote.

nobody approved of those words my favorite paragraph hater. They just didn't want to ban them. It has nothing to do with agreeing with those words and everything to do with a slippery slope of language policing.

We try to eliminate subjectivity as much as possible on this site when it comes to modding. Therefore, either our rules are going to take a zero tolerance approach where there is basically no wiggle room, or we don't have rules at all.

The grown, supposedly mature adults on this site can choose to use ignore the assholes, (and simply not read their quoted posts), or thread ban them, or post in APP where they aren't allowed to say those things.

If you can't handle that, then JPP isn't for you.
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So if the fix worked why do I still have to look at this sleazy bastard's fucking rape approving posts along with this irrelevant shit. Darla was correct in every instance; she was completely correct and accurate. Anyone with half a brain and one working synapse knows that completely and unequivocally. It is an open secret. The complaint wasn't specifically about or even limited to the use of any particular words , although they were certainly used with vulgar intent at every possible occasion; it was about violence against women and the pornographic images that were used regularly for over a 2 week period in which the language and the violence in the comments grew increasing vulgar and insufferable, in the pursuit of that violence and those violent images. Had Darla not done what she did, we would still be reading those violent images. Prior to her action, we had a poll asking who didn't like those particular words. Not surprising, on a board dominated by conservatives the majority overwhelmingly approved of the use of those words. Denoting nothing more than that the majority here or at least the majority who participated in the poll are sexists and racists--evidently conservative values. Anyone who doesn't understand that at this late date is pretty damn dim. Of course, such a misunderstanding is always a distinct possibility with these two women hating gits!

He wasn't trying to get Darla banned, he was trying to get Dantes/Bijou banned. Darla was an unexpected bonus.

And I'm still here! And I'll be here until I decide to leave so eat your fucking heart out, pencil dick! Darla not was a bonus, she made a decision to protest a lack of action on the part of the moderators on this board to take any action unless and until something forces their hand. So she did that. The result was meager and was a small step, but it was something. Of course without any precedent who knows if the new rules will ever be used but at least they were finally articulated. As for your friend, he is still celebrating the rape of women. He just has a smaller audience for his continuing violence against women.
So if the fix worked why do I still have to look at this sleazy bastard's fucking rape approving posts along with this irrelevant shit. Darla was correct in every instance; she was completely correct and accurate. Anyone with half a brain and one working synapse knows that completely and unequivocally. It is an open secret. The complaint wasn't specifically about or even limited to the use of any particular words , although they were certainly used with vulgar intent at every possible occasion; it was about violence against women and the pornographic images that were used regularly for over a 2 week period in which the language and the violence in the comments grew increasing vulgar and insufferable, in the pursuit of that violence and those violent images. Had Darla not done what she did, we would still be reading those violent images. Prior to her action, we had a poll asking who didn't like those particular words. Not surprising, on a board dominated by conservatives the majority overwhelmingly approved of the use of those words. Denoting nothing more than that the majority here or at least the majority who participated in the poll are sexists and racists--evidently conservative values. Anyone who doesn't understand that at this late date is pretty damn dim. Of course, such a misunderstanding is always a distinct possibility with these two women hating gits!

Violent images and pornographic images?

The lady doth protest too much. Although a lot of what you said was nasty and uncalled for, I don't recall any porn.

Oh I readily admit it was nasty, but it was only a tenth of where I could have taken it. Called for? Definitely called for. I can't disclose my reasons, but everything was calculated.

I actually considered going farther, but discretion took hold

All's well that ends well

You should pay me a royalty for your buddy Rune getting banned
It isn't violent porn.

That was easy.

I don't think there was anything pornographic. I went back and reread it. That was some good stuff.

I want to thank Snarla for cataloging that for me.

What is hilarious is that they laughed their collective asses off when HowAIDS wished that I was "ass raped by Tyrone" in prison. Oh, Darla and Rana thought that was a hoot and even thanked his post.

So forgive Damo for thinking that Snarla and Rana are OK with such posts.