Death by Corona Explodes to 61!

I can't say for sure about them, but it sounds plausible. The one that I recall most clearly has a burning need to be seen as an expert in health, legal, political, and spiritual matters -- rather than as a failed "bunny girl" who struggled to make it out of high school. :laugh:

Loneliness and a strong feelings of regret can cause a person to spiral down into a very dark area like Anthony Warner did. Most people aren't going to blow themselves up on Christmas (probably with their two little dogs), but that doesn't mean they aren't suffering the same pains Warner was going through.

FWIW, depressed, lonely people giving away their possessions is a suicide flag.
NASHVILLE suspected suicide bomber Anthony Quinn Warner told the woman he gifted his two homes to that he “intended to travel on Christmas Eve to spend a few weeks in the woods with his dogs,” The US Sun can reveal.

In a November letter to Michelle Swing, 29, revealing he had signed a house over to her, Warner said his basement was “not normal” and urged her to “take a look”.

The fact that he was furloughed when the pandemic began says that whatever his job was there, it was 1) non-essential, and 2) something that could not be done remotely, like administration type work. He reminds me a lot of a girl in my nursing class. She was ~20 or so, and worked as a tech (what used to be called a nursing assistant) at one of the larger hospitals in STL. She would constantly interrupt the instructor (a woman in her 60s with a masters in nursing) to declare, "As you know, *I* work at St. John's and WE always ____" to contradict her. The prof would just roll her eyes at first, but eventually told her to stop speaking out w/o raising her hand first. lol
IIRC, Darth later claimed he'd been retired from the medical field for several years. He never clarified the discrepancy AFAIK.
Loneliness and a strong feelings of regret can cause a person to spiral down into a very dark area like Anthony Warner did. Most people aren't going to blow themselves up on Christmas (probably with their two little dogs), but that doesn't mean they aren't suffering the same pains Warner was going through.

FWIW, depressed, lonely people giving away their possessions is a suicide flag.
NASHVILLE suspected suicide bomber Anthony Quinn Warner told the woman he gifted his two homes to that he “intended to travel on Christmas Eve to spend a few weeks in the woods with his dogs,” The US Sun can reveal.

In a November letter to Michelle Swing, 29, revealing he had signed a house over to her, Warner said his basement was “not normal” and urged her to “take a look”.


Strange and very, very sad. Did he choose the location so that his name would be remembered? Why not do the suicide bomb thing out in a farm field or somewhere that wouldn't cause damage?
IIRC, Darth later claimed he'd been retired from the medical field for several years. He never clarified the discrepancy AFAIK.

I hadn't seen the "several years" part. I recall him saying that since he got furloughed he decided to just go ahead and retire.

I wonder how come some ppl can't understand that if you don't lie about stuff, you don't have to worry about discrepancies? lol
Loneliness and a strong feelings of regret can cause a person to spiral down into a very dark area like Anthony Warner did. Most people aren't going to blow themselves up on Christmas (probably with their two little dogs), but that doesn't mean they aren't suffering the same pains Warner was going through.

FWIW, depressed, lonely people giving away their possessions is a suicide flag.
NASHVILLE suspected suicide bomber Anthony Quinn Warner told the woman he gifted his two homes to that he “intended to travel on Christmas Eve to spend a few weeks in the woods with his dogs,” The US Sun can reveal.

In a November letter to Michelle Swing, 29, revealing he had signed a house over to her, Warner said his basement was “not normal” and urged her to “take a look”.

Now, the basement has me very curious.
I hadn't seen the "several years" part. I recall him saying that since he got furloughed he decided to just go ahead and retire.

I wonder how come some ppl can't understand that if you don't lie about stuff, you don't have to worry about discrepancies? lol

I have never been able to get a Deplorable to explain to me what exactly the point is of lying on an obscure message board to people they do not know and will never meet.
I have never been able to get a Deplorable to explain to me what exactly the point is of lying on an obscure message board to people they do not know and will never meet.

Same here, but it sure happens a lot, doesn't it? I guess they know that being a lunch room lady or a janitor or a call center clerk doesn't carry much credibility, so they inflate their resumes in order to seem more knowledgeable. And some use pretend credentials to lend more sting to their personal attacks where they diagnose others with imaginary mental illnesses and pathologies. "Stolen valor" isn't just for veterans any more.
That is nothing. More people died in 2018 than in 2020. You are a fool.

Bless you my child
Hmmmm, I bet if we didn’t have the medical advances if that would be the case? If we overwhelm the hospitals, we will see an increase in deaths.

You are the foolish one, Steven.
Same here, but it sure happens a lot, doesn't it? I guess they know that being a lunch room lady or a janitor or a call center clerk doesn't carry much credibility, so they inflate their resumes in order to seem more knowledgeable. And some use pretend credentials to lend more sting to their personal attacks where they diagnose others with imaginary mental illnesses and pathologies. "Stolen valor" isn't just for veterans any more.

^ Seems like a plausible explanation for message board resume embellishment.

I have a feeling actual Navy Seals and Psychology PhDs are not crowing about their achievements on message boards to people they have never met.

I really do not even see why one has to embellish their degrees and credentials - it is possible to be reasonably informed on physics, medicine, religion, history just by reading and focused self-improvement.
Strange and very, very sad. Did he choose the location so that his name would be remembered? Why not do the suicide bomb thing out in a farm field or somewhere that wouldn't cause damage?

Anybody's guess, but I think he did have the choice of just shooting himself or, literally, going out with a bang.

Look at all the mass murderers who capped themselves at the end. The last part of their plans always included suicide. For some reason they were driven to "make a statement" before offing themselves. Except, probably, for his two little dogs, Warner took pains to avoid killing others while still making his statement.

That's about as far down the rabbit hole I can go when trying to rationalize the actions of irrational people.
Anybody's guess, but I think he did have the choice of just shooting himself or, literally, going out with a bang.

Look at all the mass murderers who capped themselves at the end. The last part of their plans always included suicide. For some reason they were driven to "make a statement" before offing themselves. Except, probably, for his two little dogs, Warner took pains to avoid killing others while still making his statement.

That's about as far down the rabbit hole I can go when trying to rationalize the actions of irrational people.

That cryptic thing about the basement is kind of ominous, don't you think? I hope it doesn't turn out that he was a serial murderer or something.
^ Seems like a plausible explanation for message board resume embellishment.

I have a feeling actual Navy Seals and Psychology PhDs are not crowing about their achievements on message boards to people they have never met.

I really do not even see why one has to embellish their degrees and credentials - it is possible to be reasonably informed on physics, medicine, religion, history just by reading and focused self-improvement.

You are right. Real ppl have no need to embellish or outright lie about their achievements.
^ Seems like a plausible explanation for message board resume embellishment.

I have a feeling actual Navy Seals and Psychology PhDs are not crowing about their achievements on message boards to people they have never met.

I really do not even see why one has to embellish their degrees and credentials - it is possible to be reasonably informed on physics, medicine, religion, history just by reading and focused self-improvement.

IMO, it's insecurity. A deep-seated feeling of being less than others, a loser, trash and/or any other names we all use to demean others. Anyone who watched "The Queen's Gambit" knows that janitors can have a powerful and positive influence on the lives of others. It happens everyday with retired people and their grandchildren or neighborhood children regardless of their career success or money in their bank account.

It appears Anthony Warner didn't have anybody, or so he thought. That's a bad part of mental illness; the irrationality in decision making.