It is worth noting that I won that round not unanimously, in spite of huge mistakes by my opponent, showing what I've been asserting all along, that the judging was poor. :)
It was indeed. Having said that, a win is a win and 3D won and you did not. We now have a different panel of judges whom I think will peform well and you have an excellent opportunity to show us all what a debate stud you really are. ;)
Even if I made a slight error as you described, my opponent massively self-pwned, so any unbiased judge would have scored me for the win. Only an obviously biased one would have scored against me.
Ahh another of your famous circular arguments. So let me get this straight. If the judges voted for you, even with the obvious mistakes you made, they are not biased but if they voted against you because you did make obvious mistakes then the judges are biased? Is that how it works? By that reasoning it would be impossible for the judges to vote against you with out being "biased".

I wouldn't suggest trying that sort of circular reasoning with the current panel of judges. You may not like the results.
Ahh another of your famous circular arguments. So let me get this straight. If the judges voted for you, even with the obvious mistakes you made, they are not biased but if they voted against you because you did make obvious mistakes then the judges are biased? Is that how it works? By that reasoning it would be impossible for the judges to vote against you with out being "biased".

I wouldn't suggest trying that sort of circular reasoning with the current panel of judges. You may not like the results.
If you could read you should have been able to understand it the first time around. What I said was this: Solitary described a slight error . Compare this with my opponent's massive self-pwnage. Judges must vote one way or the other, so any unbiased judge would have scored me for the win.

Lets hope the emphasis and short sentences helps you to understand better this time. :)
It was indeed. Having said that, a win is a win and 3D won and you did not. We now have a different panel of judges whom I think will peform well and you have an excellent opportunity to show us all what a debate stud you really are. ;)

I don't really see how different judges will change anything, as SM claims. A shitty debater is still a shitty debater, is it not?
I don't really see how different judges will change anything, as SM claims. A shitty debater is still a shitty debater, is it not?
Well having one that will show up and do their job will make a tremendous difference. Some people just lost interest in the debate after it dragged on like it did and that could not help but impact performance. Kudos to you for stiking in there but you are essentially correct, a shitty debator is a shitty debator. SM's ego will not permit him to admit defeat. I even had my opponent (Winter) PM me after our debate congratulating me for defeating him only to be surprized when I lost. So ultimately, it doesn't matter what the individual thinks cause a win is a win and a loss is a loss. I lost to Winter, fair and square. SM lost but can't accept that simple fact.
If you could read you should have been able to understand it the first time around. What I said was this: Solitary described a slight error . Compare this with my opponent's massive self-pwnage. Judges must vote one way or the other, so any unbiased judge would have scored me for the win.

Lets hope the emphasis and short sentences helps you to understand better this time. :)
Yes, I understand completely. You screwed the pooch and blew it and can't accept that you lost. LOL
the fact that sm is still upset means this will be awesome this year. nothing better than hurting everyones egos O_O
this is why I won't guys are still at each other's throats from the last time.....same reason I don't do werewolves....
So much for avoiding drama and bullshit.

Let the lunacy, whining and insults begin.
Lindsay Lohan isn't part of this argument, idgit...

Since when does something not being a part of the argument matter to you???

I guess it would be nice if you could hold people to standards you don't have to live with yourself, but that ain't how it works, Sport.