Democratic House Approves Big Changes in Student Aid

Let me ask you this. I'm going off memory from an article I read and I hope I have my facts accurate but I could be wrong. I believe the author was stating that the more involved the federal government has gotten involved in helping fund students for college the more expensive colleges have gotten because they can.

I don't know if that correlation was accurate or not. I'm all for helping all students get a chance to go to college as its that important. Are the loan methods etc. that we are using today having the reverse effect of ultimately making college more expensive?
The more directly involved they get, the less the states fund them... It basically takes the drain from more local taxes and puts it on the feds...
i.e. the Republicans were going to try the same approach the Democrats used for six years.

Meet my new boss, same as the old boss.

Ummm, Dems gave bush both his wars, his patriot act, his education bill. I don't know why they couldn't fillibuster the pill bill. But they didn't. They gave him all his fiscally irresponsible tax cuts. They gave him 99% of his judges, and political appointments.
Really and how do you feel about the Community Colleges..back in the day this was free to all...ya just had to pay for books minus a small administative charge for processing your enrollment...y'all are really good with the pc crap...but forget how well it worked in the past..State Universities were within easy reach for the common man or woman to obtain..without rediculous student loan charges!

State colleges are still easy for me to obtain. And, actually, I have two scholarships to my community college that pay the whole damn fee. I'm not sure how that's going to work out.

Then again, my dad does make like 3 times what the average Mississipian makes... (still not extreme by national standards).
What has that have to do with this?

I support community colleges as well, but there are limits to the educational level one can obtain from a community college.

I see no reason why there can't be a robust and affordable community college and university system. It's an investment in our future AND security. If we don't keep up with the Chinese and other nations we'll be dependent on them.

I personally believe in free colleges. And that's not even me being selfish. I can afford college - but it makes me really sad to hear from people who want to be something but can't afford the college program.
Or it is just another thing where he agrees with the majority of Democrats, like the border...

I still will always remember that first reaction when he lost both houses of Congress...

"Well, I'm excited to work with them, at least I'll get my 'immigration reform' bill passed now!"

Thank the little gods he was wrong.

Good thing we've regressed back to 1850's xenophobia, eh?
I know one guy who wanted to be an archaeoligist...

But he got a degree in welding instead, just because he saved 20,000 on the college program. The welding degree pays almost as much, but he'll never be happy all his life just doing that. And I don't really see a future in welding. He lost his job to a bunch of illegals coming in... and he works with me at Popeyes, again, until he can find a new job. The thing is, they tell him they don't even consider applicants unless they've had 3 years of experience. He's only had 6 months.
And I don't really see a future in welding. He lost his job to a bunch of illegals coming in... and he works with me at Popeyes,

don't tell superfreak that. Used to be that welding was an honorable well paid job, that a working stiff could support a family and a mortgage on.

According to sfreak, everything is just peachy for america's working stiffs.
I personally believe in free colleges. And that's not even me being selfish. I can afford college - but it makes me really sad to hear from people who want to be something but can't afford the college program.

It's always possible to work your way through and go part time -- I did my whole undergrad that way, just took a job working nights once I'd specialized. Of course it has some disadvantages (apart from the longer time) in that you don't often get the simultaneous cross-referencing of information from your various courses. But it can be done if someone wants it enough, and it is certainly worth it.
It's always possible to work your way through and go part time -- I did my whole undergrad that way, just took a job working nights once I'd specialized. Of course it has some disadvantages (apart from the longer time) in that you don't often get the simultaneous cross-referencing of information from your various courses. But it can be done if someone wants it enough, and it is certainly worth it.

The highest paying job in Wiggins, MS is at a plywood processing plant. It would at least be difficult to work college and that kind of job into a schedule, but I guess it could be done. Working at just Wal-Mart, though, there's no way. I've been working for near minimum wage for a year, 20 hours a week and I've got 4000 in the bank. You could go full time, I guess, but it would still be difficult to make rent and buy groceries, and you wouldn't have enough time to study.
The highest paying job in Wiggins, MS is at a plywood processing plant. It would at least be difficult to work college and that kind of job into a schedule, but I guess it could be done. Working at just Wal-Mart, though, there's no way. I've been working for near minimum wage for a year, 20 hours a week and I've got 4000 in the bank. You could go full time, I guess, but it would still be difficult to make rent and buy groceries, and you wouldn't have enough time to study.
People do it all the time H2O.
No they don't.
Yes. They do.

I'll bet I can go to the WalMart, remember I worked there for a short period (I think I posted it here), and find people using their reimbursement program right now, as well as taking a full course load.

The attempt here is to say, "It is so difficult nobody can do it."

And if I couldn't find even one there (and I know I could...) then you would be right saying that nobody at all goes to college and works at WalMart.

People do it all the time H2O, regardless of your emoting all over this issue. You have begun to fully argue without merit and only argue your emotion on almost every issue. What happened to the intelligent kid I used to know?
Yes. They do.

I'll bet I can go to the WalMart, remember I worked there for a short period (I think I posted it here), and find people using their reimbursement program right now, as well as taking a full course load.

The attempt here is to say, "It is so difficult nobody can do it."

And if I couldn't find even one there (and I know I could...) then you would be right saying that nobody at all goes to college and works at WalMart.

Damo, people can do it. It is so difficult that almost no one does. I know that 90% of those kids stepping out of the delta are destined to be farmers all of their lives, and then there's the sons of plantation owners who get a posh position at Yale because of who their dad was, just George Bush and John Kerry. Then there's a few middle-class people, who work at Wal-Mart, whos dad pays for half of college, who "make" it. Those are the people you're talking about, people like me. Then there's the lower class. Those kids in the delta. Making 5000 a year YOU ARE NOT going to get into college. Even a community college is difficult.
Maybe if they make a 28 on the ACT. That's the only way. Too bad that's only 5%, and those are usually the rich kids who could pay for tutors anyway.
Shit, do you think I could get into Yale, Damo? My ACT score is higher than George Bush's equivalent SAT score, and I didn't even have the ridiculous amount of tutoring he obviously did to push it up that high. Too bad I don't have a rich dad.
Damo, people can do it. It is so difficult that almost no one does. I know that 90% of those kids stepping out of the delta are destined to be farmers all of their lives, and then there's the sons of plantation owners who get a posh position at Yale because of who their dad was, just George Bush and John Kerry. Then there's a few middle-class people, who work at Wal-Mart, whos dad pays for half of college, who "make" it. Those are the people you're talking about, people like me. Then there's the lower class. Those kids in the delta. Making 5000 a year YOU ARE NOT going to get into college. Even a community college is difficult.
Yes, but "almost noone" does not equate to "no they don't".

People do it.