Democratic House Approves Big Changes in Student Aid

Oh the whining ...

"Why should I have to pay for others" whining and whining.

"Taxes, taxes, taxes" whining and whining

Jeez, it's sickening.

Arguing the merits of an educated society being in America's best interest is time wasted with the "it's all about me" whiners. Arguing that America's economic security rests in an educated society is also wasted time. Any argument that does not begin and end with "me" is not an argument they can comprehend.

Oh, if only they could go back to the failures of presidential landslide loser Goldwater and neocon zen-master Reagan, things would be so much better. The fact that they keep reaching into the past looking for solutions is proof that conservatism has run out of ideas and has no clue how to govern modern society. No clue how to deal with the problems of healthcare, no clue how to deal with the problems of education, no clue how to deal with multi-culturalism, and no clue how to deal with a changing world that has gotten smaller with nations being more dependent on each other.

The whiners incessantly whine about elected government and decentralization but sing the praises of unelected corporate control. They don't really care for democracy or the will of the American people. All their heroes are plutocrats dressed as cowboys.

The survival of humans and all animals is their ability to adapt to changing environments. Those who seek their future by looking in the past are doomed to extinction. Such is the state of conservatism today. They have no ability to adapt to an evolving America.

Easier access to higher education is nothing but good news for the American people, but of course one won't see it that way if they hold themselves above the American people and America. They believe that what is good news for America is not always good news for me.

America is evolving and we will have to adapt to a changing populace and changing dynamics within and without. Listening to the whining death throes of conservatism is a cross we'll have to bear .. for a while.
Just quit the war and route 1/10th of that money to colleges....
The war on poor education is a war we CAN win.