Democratic House Approves Big Changes in Student Aid

Its an investment in our future ability to compete in the market.

There you are not paying for someone elses anything you are paying for your future.

Now that you know you are not doing it to help anyone but your self does that make you feel better?

And wouldn't it be better no one ever had to live through that again, Damo? I guess not.
What is there exactly to live through? I feel great for doing it myself. Moreover this helps people take education seriously. I was a lazy ass in high school and just couldn't bring myself to care. When I started paying my own college, I had 2 years in saving to get there, did you really think I would just blow that money and not care when I worked so long and hard to save it?

Yeah, maybe you did it (I seriously doubt you were "lower class", and you couldn't even afford a graduate degree yourself). I know a lot of people who don't do it because they can't even be assured they'll get a degree.
I was definetely lower class at 18, again I dropped out to work full time at a minimum wage job at McD's. I've been middle class for some years and poor for others.

And what would this take? 1% of our budge? You were more than willing to spend 10 times that on a fake war of fearmongering outrage.
2 wrongs don't make a right. I've said I was wrong to support the Iraq war, and it is wrong to fund adult student welfare.
Why should I have to pay for your police protection, Dano? It's outrageous!
And if you didn't, would you be "sticking it to me"?

You sure love to team up with those lefties Watermark, Che as your symbol. I'd say your transition back to the raving Socialist you were 2 years ago is nearly complete. I'm not proud to say I predicted it to others a long time back...I had some hope for you, but you just ended up thinking like the majority of people your age in the end.
Its an investment in our future ability to compete in the market.

There you are not paying for someone elses anything you are paying for your future.

Now that you know you are not doing it to help anyone but your self does that make you feel better?

No it's not. Each education is an INDIVIDUAL's investment in their own future well being. If they feel it is worth it then they should pay for it.

Suppose there is some teen who can fix cars, he is perfectly capable of starting work right away doing mechanics work without having to bother with college. Should he be forced to pay taxes for people like doctors and lawyers who will go on to make millions more than him?

Higher education is not in itself a good societal goal or however lefties like to portray it as, it is a means to an end, if you can avoid it, why wouldn't you?
"What is there exactly to live through? I feel great for doing it myself. Moreover this helps people take education seriously. I was a lazy ass in high school and just couldn't bring myself to care. When I started paying my own college, I had 2 years in saving to get there, did you really think I would just blow that money and not care when I worked so long and hard to save it?"

Yes, it's sort of like crack. Make everything in life so bad that you appreciate those uptimes.

Anyway, off with my non-sequitors! Having a highly educated populace will increase our competitiveness in the world market with little actual cost. That's my argument.

"I was definetely lower class at 18, again I dropped out to work full time at a minimum wage job at McD's. I've been middle class for some years and poor for others."

I mean, Dano, that guy got a technical degree to. (DID you get a graduate degree?) But getting a graduate degree at a university is pracitcally impossible. Entry level jobs in the delta, full time, pay 10,000 a year. University of Mississippi costs 8000 a year. It at least can't hurt to pay for out of the general fund something that nearly everyone is going to need anyway. It's just that the cost won't hit them all at once.

"2 wrongs don't make a right. I've said I was wrong to support the Iraq war, and it is wrong to fund adult student welfare."

I disagree that free college education is "wrong". It's really a matter of opinion. I think that it's simply pragmatic.

And wouldn't it be better no one ever had to live through that again, Damo? I guess not. Yeah, maybe you did it (I seriously doubt you were "lower class", and you couldn't even afford a graduate degree yourself). I know a lot of people who don't do it because they can't even be assured they'll get a degree.

And what would this take? 1% of our budge? You were more than willing to spend 10 times that on a fake war of fearmongering outrage.
That wasn't me.
No it's not. Each education is an INDIVIDUAL's investment in their own future well being. If they feel it is worth it then they should pay for it.

Suppose there is some teen who can fix cars, he is perfectly capable of starting work right away doing mechanics work without having to bother with college. Should he be forced to pay taxes for people like doctors and lawyers who will go on to make millions more than him?

Higher education is not in itself a good societal goal or however lefties like to portray it as, it is a means to an end, if you can avoid it, why wouldn't you?

Humans have been shown to generally underestimate what they will need in the future. It's a basic part of human psychology.
And if you didn't, would you be "sticking it to me"?

You sure love to team up with those lefties Watermark, Che as your symbol. I'd say your transition back to the raving Socialist you were 2 years ago is nearly complete. I'm not proud to say I predicted it to others a long time back...I had some hope for you, but you just ended up thinking like the majority of people your age in the end.

That isn't Che, actually. It's Maddox. The picture mocks Che.

Yay! I'm a socialist!
Dano, I'm still socially liberal, economically moderate like always. It's just after a while I realized that atomism is a logical fallacy and wasn't like I had thought it.
Personally... I joined the military and CLEP'd out of many college courses during the time I was in, and took several classes at local community colleges along the way, I transferred what was equivalent to 27 hours of russian, a ton of math, several english courses to the Denver University where I got a Math/English Degree. I paid up front for those courses with money I had saved.
"What is there exactly to live through? I feel great for doing it myself. Moreover this helps people take education seriously. I was a lazy ass in high school and just couldn't bring myself to care. When I started paying my own college, I had 2 years in saving to get there, did you really think I would just blow that money and not care when I worked so long and hard to save it?"

Yes, it's sort of like crack. Make everything in life so bad that you appreciate those uptimes.

Anyway, off with the non-sequitors. Having a highly educated populace will increase our competitiveness in the world market with little actual cost. That's my argument.
I've heard it over and over from the left. Having a higher educated populace doesn't help Germany and France who have unemployment in the double digits. JOBS are what are needed and though employers prefer educated people, that costs more in taxes, but what employers prefer more is lower taxes.

"I was definetely lower class at 18, again I dropped out to work full time at a minimum wage job at McD's. I've been middle class for some years and poor for others."
I mean, Dano, that guy got a technical degree to. (DID you get a graduate degree?) But getting a graduate degree at a university is pracitcally impossible. Entry level jobs in the delta, full time, pay 10,000 a year. University of Mississippi costs 8000 a year. It at least can't hurt to pay for out of the general fund something that nearly everyone is going to need anyway. It's just that the cost won't hit them all at once.
That's what a loan is for.
This is like people who say they could never afford a house because it costs too much. Well you borrow money and you pay it back. That's part of life.

"2 wrongs don't make a right. I've said I was wrong to support the Iraq war, and it is wrong to fund adult student welfare."
I disagree that free college education is "wrong". It's really a matter of opinion. I think that it's simply pragmatic.
Then pay charity for it, support your own opinion, don't make me pay for your opinion.
There will never be 100% employment.
especially with the profits the top 1% are raking in...
OOPS that might be me now ;)
There will never be 100% employment.
especially with the profits the top 1% are raking in...
OOPS that might be me now ;)

You can get very close to that with no minimum wage laws. The highest unemployment rates are in the inner cities and especially with youth. Not many job-creating businesses have reason to go there. But slightly lower wages in that one area only would lower the unemployment rate there to be very low.

The vast majority of people would be unaffected by minimum wage repeal as they make more than that due to natural labor market wages, so there is no reason to fear it.
"Then pay charity for it, support your own opinion, don't make me pay for your opinion."

Dano, you knew that was a stupid as it was whenever you typed it down. If it isn't mandatory then everyone will feel desperate in the irrelevance of their minute contribution and won't contribute. That's the same reason charity to Africa doesn't work. There are some things the government must do.

Why don't you contribute to the public education system, Dano? WHy make me pay for it, with your public and private vouchers? How dare you?
"That's what a loan is for.
This is like people who say they could never afford a house because it costs too much. Well you borrow money and you pay it back. That's part of life."

And contribute to Citibanks 30% profits, and get hounded by loan sharks for the rest of your life? I think not.
"I've heard it over and over from the left. Having a higher educated populace doesn't help Germany and France who have unemployment in the double digits. JOBS are what are needed and though employers prefer educated people, that costs more in taxes, but what employers prefer more is lower taxes."

The tax rate in a nation is almost irrelevant to a companies decision to set up shop there or not. Especially an irrelevant tax increase like 0.5%. It would have to be sucked out of the economy anyway whenever the people DID go to college. Take economics 101.

France? Like you said before, don't compare between nations. The thing that holds France back isn't the free college education. That doesn't contribute to it. It's the economic insanity, like giving someone 6 months paid leave off from work. Trust me, that would piss a company off far more than a 0.5% tax increase that mainly goes to personal income anyway. Especially if all they have to hire is a bunch of stupid people.
Hmm must be for some states not for KY. Community colleges were cheaper but not as cheap as you say. Must have been a liberal CA thing.

No...I went to college after HS way back in 1963(Free)...did one semester at JC(Community College) then went into the Army...after getting out I went to The UCNR(State College) both were well in the reach of the average Joe or Sue( did it working full time and the GI bill)...and this was during a GOP rain(opps sp error-I was listening to 'Raindrops' keep fallin on your head...guess the old fingures got ahead of the brain-no matter it is still a good 'pun' on reign-or was that rein?-never mind betta quit while I am and well as DNC...what is your point?
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If Repubs had passed the very same bill the only headline you would hear would be "Republicans vote to slash $19 billion in federal subsidies to student lenders"
with no further explanation and crying how the right cut 19 Billion from students seeking aid.....