In your case, its a shame to be a fool one time but to be a Putin puppet and tRump ass...
1) Covering your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming, "It's lies! All lies, I tell you!" over all the facts already presented in no way refutes what has been claimed. The proof is right there in front of you and you impotently and childishly choose blind denial.
Typical hate-filled Demagogue Party psycho. Learn how to debate and try again.
2) And again, Democrats are the only ones here with an established record of incessant pathological lying.
-the Trump demanded Georgia ballots hoax
-the Russia collusion hoax
-the "Trump told people to drink Lysol" hoax
-the Covington Catholic hoax
-the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax
-the Roy Moore pedophile hoax
-the Kavanaugh rape gang hoax
-the "repealing Net Neutrality will destroy the Internet" hoax
-the Hydroxchloroquine hoax
-the Jussie Smollett hoax
-the "Investigating Biden's corruption is worse than Biden BEING corrupt" hoax
-the Ukraine transcript hoax
-the Duke Lacrosse team hoax
-the Trayvon Martin hoax
-the "uninsured crisis" hoax
-the multitude of college hate crime hoaxes
-the "deceptively edited video" Planned Parenthood hoax
-the "children in cages" hoax
-the Michael Cohen perjury/contacting the Russians hoaxes
-the SPLC "hate group" hoax
-the "Trump mocking people with disabilities" hoax
-the "you can keep your doctor" hoax
-the "immigrants are rapists, criminals, animals" hoax
-the Kavanaugh "white power symbol" hoax
-the "Trump asked Putin to hack the DNC" hoax
-the polar bear dying from climate change hoax
-the "Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to purchase guns" hoax
-the Scaramucci Russian bankers hoax
-the "Muslim ban" hoax
-the global warming "consensus" hoax
-the "Obama's scandal-free presidency" hoax
-the Trump Jr. WikiLeaks hoax
-the Iran nuclear appeasement hoax
-the "polls show Trump will lose" hoax
-the "Obamacare will never fund abortions or illegal immigrants" hoax
-the "Hillary exonerated" hoax
-the "white privilege" hoax
-the voter suppression hoax
-the "hands up don't shoot" hoax
-the "Trump called soldiers losers" hoax
-the "peaceful protesters" hoax
-the "Trump used a Nazi eagle" hoax
-the "Trump ignored Russia putting bounties on U.S. soldiers" hoax
-the coronavirus hoax
-the "Trump used a Nazi red triangle" hoax
-the "Trump admitted to sexual assault" hoax
-the "penises cause climate change" hoax
-the "Trump denying passports to Latinos" hoax
-the "Mission Accomplished" hoax
Thanks for the Q NUT daily update, I thought I missed it.
That ain't all you missed...
Thanks for the Q NUT daily update, I thought I missed it.
Rannity and the huckster update.
The MTG and Gaytze update.
I'm already getting excerpts on those from the teabaggers ( comments.
That a hard pass.
1) How long has it been since you screamed at the sky in your little vagina hat about imaginary Russian collusion (hint: You're the only actual conspiracy theorist here).
2) Nothing posted here has anything to do with Q.
3) Trying to dismiss what you cannot refute with impotent ad hominem smears will get you nowhere. They only confirm that you aren't interested in the truth.
Try again.![]()
FailSo, you keep posting the same picture of yourself.
Is that your graduation picture or when your dog ran away?
Notice how Democrats spent four years straight lying about a sitting U.S. president being a secret Russian agent to erroneously de-legitimize an election, provoking four years straight of coast-to-coast Democrat domestic terrorism, sedition, secession, anarchy, arson, and murder...which Democrats praised every step of the way (they also praised the storming of capitals, and stormed the Capitol themselves) and encouraged more of by bailing the terrorists out of jail?
Big Tech censored none of them, stripped no one of their rights or turned anyone into second class citizens for that. There was no persecution of anyone who questioned elections or expressed Democrat opinions in public, even though they ACTUALLY lied about the election, ACTUALLY supported treasonous insurrection (years of it), and ACTUALLY supported attacking capitals. Yet "conservatives" doing anything like what they have done for YEARS (in response to President Trump calling on them to peacefully resist election theft) provokes a total 180 in the response.
Are we finally ready to start acknowledging that the only real privilege here is Democrat privilege?
Democrats turn blind eye to Antifa in rush to condemn right-wing riot at U.S. Capitol
So, that a picture of you when you failed to graduate.
You can take the GED anytime, my step son just took his last year.
Behold, the party of "diversity," "tolerance," and "civility" spewing blind, aimless partisan hatred at anyone who isn't exactly like them.
Except for the fact that they are anti-democracy in every conceivable way, hence the refusal of sane, thinking adults to ever refer to them as "democrat-IC."
Then you should have no problem refuting them.
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You're photo proves it.