Democrats Move to Disenfranchise Voters in 46 States

Every adult has ID stupid. You don't want voter ID because is strongly reduces election fraud.

End of story.
What the FUCK are you talking about?
I have NEVER and I MEAN NEVER, said I don't want people to have IDs .
IF you think I did then show us where I said it.
In this day and age it is a fact IDs are needed for just about everything and just about everybody has one .
MY point to you is There ARE people that do not drive , and have a hard time getting to where they can get an ID.
In this area we have to go to the DMV and in my case the closest DMV is about 20 miles away and some people can't get there .
I want everybody to have an ID the Government has to figure out how to make it easier for people to get them.
And making people go that far isn't advantageous to anybody.
What the FUCK are you talking about?
I have NEVER and I MEAN NEVER, said I don't want people to have IDs .
IF you think I did then show us where I said it.
In this day and age it is a fact IDs are needed for just about everything and just about everybody has one .
MY point to you is There ARE people that do not drive , and have a hard time getting to where they can get an ID.
In this area we have to go to the DMV and in my case the closest DMV is about 20 miles away and some people can't get there .
I want everybody to have an ID the Government has to figure out how to make it easier for people to get them.
And making people go that far isn't advantageous to anybody.
You are a complete idiot. You racist pig

Someone has no grasp of ratios and statistical grouping...

Without the EC - 4 states, California, New York, Texas, and Florida would decide every presidential election going forward. The only time other states would have any voice at all is if there were significant conflict among dominant states.

The REASON democrats hate the electoral college is that it gives a voice to "flyover country," and you want to silence that voice. You want to disenfranchise the voters in 46 states. You, like all leftists, seek raw power and will do anything to ensure your party has it.

You didn't like my proposal?
How does making it a straight up fight "disenfranchise voters"?

Because the 4 most populous states will decide every presidential election, regardless of the wishes of the other 46 states.

You seek to silence Americans in the majority of the states.

I am a citizen of California. Our laws, culture, and customs are VERY different than the laws, culture, and customs of Idaho. You seek an empire - a ruler in DC who has an iron fist over the subjects across the land.

That is not what we are. We are 50 sovereign states that each make their own laws who have formed a federation for mutual defense and adjudication of conflicts between the many states.
Your opinion of California, Wyoming or any other state is irrelevant to the topic.

It's not my opinion, it is the United States Constitution.

The topic being that, under the electoral college, votes in some states count more than votes in other states because of the electoral college number and The population of the state. If the electoral college number was tied directly to the population, it would be a different story. It's not. Wyoming's electoral college count, when compared to its population, literally means that a vote in Wyoming counts more than a vote in California. There is no justification for that. Every vote should count the same.

You desire an empire - ruled from DC. A central authority that rules with an iron fist.

That is not what we are, and you lack to power to pervert us into such a system.
Free and fair elections are the bane of the democratic party. When elections are held without tampering, democrats lose. The Election Integrity laws passed by 11 resulted in democrats having 18 million less votes in 2024 than they did in 2020.

In a naked bid to seize power and a show of contempt for voting rights, the democrat party has moved to disenfranchise voters in the majority of American states. democrats seek to limit voting for president to the 4 most populous states, shutting out voters from the process in what democrats and their press call "fly over country." democrats want California and New York to appoint the president - avoiding the risk of losing elections.

The electoral college is a constitutional provision, meaning that this idiocy by Schumer and his fellow thugs is just posturing, it would require a Constitutional Amendment. But democrats are nothing if not stupid - and evil.
Ah, bullshit, as usual

First off it is a tweet, a tweet, why do MAGA believe everything they see on a tweet is fact. Show us the full report and then you will be taken serious, not a tweet

Second, removing the ElectoraL College would be a good move, ain’t happening, but would make America more of the representative nation the Founders intended
It's not my opinion, it is the United States Constitution.

You desire an empire - ruled from DC. A central authority that rules with an iron fist.

That is not what we are, and you lack to power to pervert us into such a system.
Ah, the Third and Eighteenth Amendment were part of the Constitution
Math proves you wrong.
Using the total number of voters in each state for the 2020 election, we can run some numbers.
If the 4 largest states had all voted 52% for one candidate and 48% for the other, the rest of the country would have only needed to vote 50.89% for the other candidate to win.

Candidate A and B
Vote total for TX, FL, NY and CA - 47,729,289
Vote total for rest of states - 107,778,187
Total votes cast for 2 candidates - 155,507,476

Assume 52% in 4 states
Candidate A - 24,818,230
B - 22,910,0159

Difference of 1,909,172

Rest of country 50.89% for Candidate B
Candidate A - 52,929,868
B - 54,848,319
Difference of -1,918,451

Candidate B wins nationally by 9,279 votes

That's nice. But we know that is not such a split. What the populous states do is swamp the otherwise even split.

The point is moot - you will not be able to overthrow the United States Constitution.
Ah, bullshit, as usual

First off it is a tweet, a tweet, why do MAGA believe everything they see on a tweet is fact. Show us the full report and then you will be taken serious, not a tweet

So the Senate democrats did NOT try to overturn the Electoral College, Comrade?

Is that your claim?

Second, removing the ElectoraL College would be a good move, ain’t happening, but would make America more of the representative nation the Founders intended

One thing anyone who studies economics understands quickly is that Socialism is just Feudalism rebranded to sell to the stupid,. All is owned by the State/Crown and peasants work to enrich the State/Crown.

What we also understand is that leftists are Monarchists - seeking a return to a central ruler that is absolute and not subject to the whims of those who are ruled.

The Marxists here, you, @ZenMode , @Poor Richard Saunders advocate for an Imperial court and the dissolution of the many states for absolute rule by the Emperor and the Court in DC.

Ultimately what you seek is a one world government - out of Brussels, or better yet Rome. All people on earth subject to the rule of the Globalist Oligarchs. The United States is the greatest impediment to the hell on earth you seek - so you seek to destroy this nation.
So the Senate democrats did NOT try to overturn the Electoral College, Comrade?

Is that your claim?

One thing anyone who studies economics understands quickly is that Socialism is just Feudalism rebranded to sell to the stupid,. All is owned by the State/Crown and peasants work to enrich the State/Crown.

What we also understand is that leftists are Monarchists - seeking a return to a central ruler that is absolute and not subject to the whims of those who are ruled.

The Marxists here, you, @ZenMode , @Poor Richard Saunders advocate for an Imperial court and the dissolution of the many states for absolute rule by the Emperor and the Court in DC.

Ultimately what you seek is a one world government - out of Brussels, or better yet Rome. All people on earth subject to the rule of the Globalist Oligarchs. The United States is the greatest impediment to the hell on earth you seek - so you seek to destroy this nation.
I don’t know, a tweet doesn’t prove anything, and certainly “overthrow” is a bit over generalized

And the rest of your post is pure bloviating over abstract concepts without a clue of what they mean, socialism is now feudalism and anyone supporting such is a monarchist and Marxist while it is operated out of Brussels, okie dokie
It's not my opinion, it is the United States Constitution.

You desire an empire - ruled from DC. A central authority that rules with an iron fist.

That is not what we are, and you lack to power to pervert us into such a system.
"You desire an empire - ruled from DC. A central authority that rules with an iron fist.

That is not what we are, and you lack to power to pervert us into such a system."

Why do you jump to this rather than the unfairness of the electoral college system?
Because the 4 most populous states will decide every presidential election, regardless of the wishes of the other 46 states.

You seek to silence Americans in the majority of the states.

I am a citizen of California. Our laws, culture, and customs are VERY different than the laws, culture, and customs of Idaho. You seek an empire - a ruler in DC who has an iron fist over the subjects across the land.

That is not what we are. We are 50 sovereign states that each make their own laws who have formed a federation for mutual defense and adjudication of conflicts between the many states.
You're disenfranchising millions of voters in the most populous areas in favor of a few who chose to live in isolation.

The government is to do the greatest good for the most people, not cater to the whims of a few whack-jobs.
That's nice. But we know that is not such a split. What the populous states do is swamp the otherwise even split.

The point is moot - you will not be able to overthrow the United States Constitution.
You keep making the same argument that math proves wrong.

Can you provide any support for your argument other then repeating the same bullshit over and over with no facts to support it?
So the Senate democrats did NOT try to overturn the Electoral College, Comrade?

Is that your claim?

One thing anyone who studies economics understands quickly is that Socialism is just Feudalism rebranded to sell to the stupid,. All is owned by the State/Crown and peasants work to enrich the State/Crown.

What we also understand is that leftists are Monarchists - seeking a return to a central ruler that is absolute and not subject to the whims of those who are ruled.

The Marxists here, you, @ZenMode , @Poor Richard Saunders advocate for an Imperial court and the dissolution of the many states for absolute rule by the Emperor and the Court in DC.

Ultimately what you seek is a one world government - out of Brussels, or better yet Rome. All people on earth subject to the rule of the Globalist Oligarchs. The United States is the greatest impediment to the hell on earth you seek - so you seek to destroy this nation.
An amendment to the Constitution is an amendment to the Constitution?
Why do you hate the Constitution so much that you don't think anyone can actually use the Constitution as it is written?

You are a very frustrated little Stalinist.

Your frustration is driven by your abysmal education and your rank stupidity. You can't refute what your betters - and face it, everyone is your better - post here. You want to spread the word of MSNBC, but you're too stupid to pull it off. So you react with anger and profanity.
