Democrats Move to Disenfranchise Voters in 46 States

Well people think smaller states won't get their say on who they want to be President.
When everybody would be voting and everybody's vote would count.
As it is now IMO the Winner take all BS should be stopped and if they want to keep the EC, have it go on Congressional districts , as I said before IF you are in a state that has 27 districts all you need to take all the EC votes for that state is 14 of those districts, and in states like NY if you get say NYC to go for one candidate the rest of the state doesn't matter , and those peoples votes don't really matter.
IF they want to keep the EC then get rid of Winner take all, I believe 49 out of 50 states use it.
each state gets equal representation.

this stops the animals living in Dem totalitarian squalor from infecting the whole nation with their poisonous stockholm syndrome.
each state gets equal representation.

this stops the animals living in Dem totalitarian squalor from infecting the whole nation with their poisonous stockholm syndrome.
And without the winner takes all they would STILL be getting equal representation.
How would they, NOT? their vote counts in their district and every district gets a vote in the EC.
Well people think smaller states won't get their say on who they want to be President.
When everybody would be voting and everybody's vote would count.
As it is now IMO the Winner take all BS should be stopped and if they want to keep the EC, have it go on Congressional districts , as I said before IF you are in a state that has 27 districts all you need to take all the EC votes for that state is 14 of those districts, and in states like NY if you get say NYC to go for one candidate the rest of the state doesn't matter , and those peoples votes don't really matter.
IF they want to keep the EC then get rid of Winner take all, I believe 49 out of 50 states use it.
currently evert voter in every state DOES get an equal vote, except for sanctuary states who, under Biden's executive order from 2022, count illegal migrants in their census....that of course doesn't bother you demmycrats.......and if you don't like winner take all lead the way to the promised land in California.....

personally, I acknowledge the fact the EC system works exactly as intended ever since the country was created.....your problem is you've never learned how to use it as intended.......which was to avoid the risk of NY and California......
And without the winner takes all they would STILL be getting equal representation.
How would they, NOT? their vote counts in their district and every district gets a vote in the EC.
the presidency should continue being a combination of both.

shut your dumb idiot face.
currently evert voter in every state DOES get an equal vote, except for sanctuary states who, under Biden's executive order from 2022, count illegal migrants in their census....that of course doesn't bother you demmycrats.......and if you don't like winner take all lead the way to the promised land in California.....

personally, I acknowledge the fact the EC system works exactly as intended ever since the country was created.....your problem is you've never learned how to use it as intended.......which was to avoid the risk of NY and California......
MY point is in states like NY the people in up state or western NY can all vote for the opposite Candidate then people in NYC do and NYC will win because over 1/2 of the people in NY live south of the border that runs between PA and NY. as far as I am concerned they should extend that border all the way across to Mass and make everything below that line another state, and have the people above that line votes really count not as it is now.
If you don't live in NY you may not realize most of the time what NYC wants NYC gets the heck with the rest of the state,
the presidency should continue being a combination of both.

shut your dumb idiot face.
And NO I will NOT shut MY face, Trump your want to be dictator hasn't taken over yet and taken our CONSTITUTIONAL rights away YET.
And NO I will NOT shut MY face, Trump your want to be dictator hasn't taken over yet and taken our CONSTITUTIONAL rights away YET.
you Dems provably hate the constitution more than trump does.

you always say how its out of touch, too much freedom, too much individual rights.

you can't be the freedom party now.

its too late.
you Dems provably hate the constitution more than trump does.

you always say how its out of touch, too much freedom, too much individual rights.

you can't be the freedom party now.

its too late.
WE DO???????????? NOT.
You are out of touch with what is going on right now.
You are SOOOOOOOOO dumb that you don't even listen to Trump and what he says he wants.
Wake up, Trump has said Take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
Well when is later?
who decides when later is ?
That IS taking away some AMERICANS Second Amendment rights .
Does later ever come?
He has also said he will get every Federal agency he can to go after all Left leaning MSM outlets , some that have talk shows and call in shows taking some Americans First Amendment rights away.
He has also said he would be going after his political opponents, putting them in jail, taking their fifth Amendment rights away.
These are all things DICTATORS do NOT Presidents of the USA.
And what says when he is all done doing all that he doesn't turn and starts coming after YOUR Constitutional rights?
You got what you wanted now we have to sit back and see if Trump does what he said he wants to do and destroys the USA as we have known it all our lives.
I personally hope he doesn't and all his talk was just that talk and he got all you low IQ MAGAS to vote for him for nothing.
You MAGAS aren't too smart.
WE DO???????????? NOT.
You are out of touch with what is going on right now.
You are SOOOOOOOOO dumb that you don't even listen to Trump and what he says he wants.
Wake up, Trump has said Take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
Well when is later?
who decides when later is ?
That IS taking away some AMERICANS Second Amendment rights .
Does later ever come?
He has also said he will get every Federal agency he can to go after all Left leaning MSM outlets , some that have talk shows and call in shows taking some Americans First Amendment rights away.
He has also said he would be going after his political opponents, putting them in jail, taking their fifth Amendment rights away.
These are all things DICTATORS do NOT Presidents of the USA.
And what says when he is all done doing all that he doesn't turn and starts coming after YOUR Constitutional rights?
You got what you wanted now we have to sit back and see if Trump does what he said he wants to do and destroys the USA as we have known it all our lives.
I personally hope he doesn't and all his talk was just that talk and he got all you low IQ MAGAS to vote for him for nothing.
You MAGAS aren't too smart.
yes you always say "living document" and "not relevant to modernity".

you hope he does take away gun rights, as you admitted.

he won't.

you're so spirtually lost in a world of lies.
yes you always say "living document" and "not relevant to modernity".

you hope he does take away gun rights, as you admitted.

he won't.

you're so spirtually lost in a world of lies.
WHEN did I EVER say " "living document" and "not relevant to modernity". EVER????
Please post it so we all can see.
yes you always say "living document" and "not relevant to modernity".

you hope he does take away gun rights, as you admitted.

he won't.

you're so spirtually lost in a world of lies.
As I asked what are you going to do if when he is done taking left leaning AMERICANS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS away from them and comes after yours if he does?
And you are convinced that all states not in the statistical sump will vote as a bloc?


The reality is that most elections are within a few percentage points in every state - which is why you oppose the EC - knowing that California is the same 52-48 split as other states - but with a population to swamp and drown the voices of other states.

Simply said - you seek to take the right to vote away from 46 states in your lust for raw power.
You sure do like to trot out your ignorance for all to see.
How many states do you think had an election result within the 52-48 result?
In 2024, only 11 states had a result where the winner had 52% or less of the votes.
in 12 states, Trump got over 60% of the vote. Harris only got over 60% of the vote in 4 states.

Care to show your math that supports your claim that California with a 52-48 vote would swamp out the other states?
In which elections since 1959 (when we got 50 states) would the popular vote winner have been different between the 50 states and removing California?

Simply said. You can't support your argument with any actual facts.

It would only matter if the 4 states were diametrical to the other 46.

In fact both "red" and "blue" states tend to be about a 52-48 split - in either direction. You want to destroy the EC so that you can swamp the red states with the shear population mass of California.

Your intent is evil - you seek permanent rule by your party and are willing to end the voting rights of the most states to achieve your lust for power.
Math proves you wrong.
Using the total number of voters in each state for the 2020 election, we can run some numbers.
If the 4 largest states had all voted 52% for one candidate and 48% for the other, the rest of the country would have only needed to vote 50.89% for the other candidate to win.

Candidate A and B
Vote total for TX, FL, NY and CA - 47,729,289
Vote total for rest of states - 107,778,187
Total votes cast for 2 candidates - 155,507,476

Assume 52% in 4 states
Candidate A - 24,818,230
B - 22,910,0159

Difference of 1,909,172

Rest of country 50.89% for Candidate B
Candidate A - 52,929,868
B - 54,848,319
Difference of -1,918,451

Candidate B wins nationally by 9,279 votes
"Simply not true. A vote in Wyoming has meaning only in Wyoming. When the STATES elect the president - then Wyoming only has two votes, while California has 53 votes."

It is true, because of the ratio of electoral votes to population, a vote in Wyoming counts double that of a vote in CA.

Wrong - a vote in California has meaning only in California. What you collectivest authoritarians refuse to acknowledge is that Wyoming isn't a vassal of California.

No person or profession should have a bigger say in elections. In state governor elections, they don't do EC for counties where farmers votes count more than other votes. That would be ridiculous.

That would solve massive problems in California. The people in Kern, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino counties have nothing in common with the coastal elites in Los Angeles , San Francisco, and San Diego. The state is constantly trying to break into three states because of the rule of the elites that ignores the middle class working families.

Here's some info.

Electoral votes and population: Why one electoral vote accounts for 195,000 people in Wyoming and over 700,000 people in Texas, Florida or California.

Because this is not the empire ruled by the King and his ministers DC that you desire. We are 50 independent states in a federation for mutual defense and to resolve disputes.

Again, this is not an empire ruled from afar with all bowing to the dictator.
I don't get snap for one thing and I got my ID hell over 60 years ago and I do drive and I can get to the DMV but there are people that do not drive and when the DMV is 20 miles away and that is where you have to go to get an ID it can be very difficult for some people to get there.
And another thing FUCK FACE I never said people did not need ID. EVER and IF you think I did then find where I did and post it.
YOU are a lying POS.

Every adult has ID stupid. You don't want voter ID because is strongly reduces election fraud.

End of story.
Wrong - a vote in California has meaning only in California. What you collectivest authoritarians refuse to acknowledge is that Wyoming isn't a vassal of California.

That would solve massive problems in California. The people in Kern, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino counties have nothing in common with the coastal elites in Los Angeles , San Francisco, and San Diego. The state is constantly trying to break into three states because of the rule of the elites that ignores the middle class working families.

Because this is not the empire ruled by the King and his ministers DC that you desire. We are 50 independent states in a federation for mutual defense and to resolve disputes.

Again, this is not an empire ruled from afar with all bowing to the dictator.
Your opinion of California, Wyoming or any other state is irrelevant to the topic. The topic being that, under the electoral college, votes in some states count more than votes in other states because of the electoral college number and The population of the state. If the electoral college number was tied directly to the population, it would be a different story. It's not. Wyoming's electoral college count, when compared to its population, literally means that a vote in Wyoming counts more than a vote in California. There is no justification for that. Every vote should count the same.
Yes . now look at how far people of color, poorer people have to go to get them in some places, yes it may be to the DMV but in some cases the DMV is across town from the hood and it take a long time to get there.
They should be making it easier for people to get these IDs not harder ,
For people in the area I live in they have to go at least 15 to 20 miles to get to the DMV. why not have several places they can get them? town halls , Police stations and other places.
You racists are amazing. You STILL can't figure out why you lost can you

Tried to link a video it didn't work