Scut Farkus
each state gets equal representation.Well people think smaller states won't get their say on who they want to be President.
When everybody would be voting and everybody's vote would count.
As it is now IMO the Winner take all BS should be stopped and if they want to keep the EC, have it go on Congressional districts , as I said before IF you are in a state that has 27 districts all you need to take all the EC votes for that state is 14 of those districts, and in states like NY if you get say NYC to go for one candidate the rest of the state doesn't matter , and those peoples votes don't really matter.
IF they want to keep the EC then get rid of Winner take all, I believe 49 out of 50 states use it.
this stops the animals living in Dem totalitarian squalor from infecting the whole nation with their poisonous stockholm syndrome.