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DID I ever say he WAS????Trump isn't a dictator. No matter how many times you pound your tiny, brainless, insignificant little fists on the table and say it is so.
NO, but he is a WANT TO BE DICTATOR .
DID I ever say he WAS????Trump isn't a dictator. No matter how many times you pound your tiny, brainless, insignificant little fists on the table and say it is so.
I realize math is really, really, really hard for you, Uncensored, but the 4 largest US states have less than 30% of the US population and their voting patterns would not result in cancelling out the rest of the country.
Math is not your forte obviously. But for the obvious, re-read my post above.12 states would have to vote exclusively for one candidate before the other states wouldn't matter and no state has ever had 100% of their popular vote go to one candidate.
OMFG.YouI reallyaream a moron.
To summarize: Three incredibly stupid and uneducated Democrats came up with a stupid idea that will NEVER pass constitutional muster or an amendment to the constitution.Three progressive Democratic senators have unveiled a constitutional amendment that aims to abolish the Electoral College,
U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and U.S. Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Peter Welch (D-VT) introduced a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College system![]()
Durbin, Schatz, Welch Introduce Constitutional Amendment To End Undemocratic Electoral College | U.S. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois
The Official U.S. Senate website of Dick Durbinwww.durbin.senate.gov
Here is the Congressional site with the proposed amendment. It's like you are a real life Emily Litella and can't hear things correctly.
All Information (Except Text) for S.J.Res.121 - A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.
I wish you could comprehend math. But the 2020 election was fraudulent in every possible way with 2024 illustrating the fraud.OK. Do the math from a year you think the election wasn't fraud. I doubt you can do the math so I won't be waiting for you to show us your work. We will just give a a failing grade now.
DID I ever say he WAS????
NO, but he is a WANT TO BE DICTATOR .
Math seems to be hard for you as well. Do you know which states have the most electoral college votes and why? Do you know how many electoral college votes are required to win the Presidency?Stop pretending you have even the slightest clue of what you are emoting about.
It is obvious that the most populous states on both coasts would decide every election if not for the electoral process making the middle of the country irrelevant.
You should check your version of the Constitution. You seem to be missing several parts. Does your Constitution have Art V and Art VI?But that isn't the argument. The argument is that we are not a democracy. We are a Democratic Republic of States where those rights not expressly given to the Federal government are reserved to those states.
Math is not your forte obviously. But for the obvious, re-read my post above.
And the math from 2020 shows the same thing as the math from 2024. The four largest states don't decide the election since they only have about 30% of the electorate.I wish you could comprehend math. But the 2020 election was fraudulent in every possible way with 2024 illustrating the fraud.
wtf are you talking about?OK. Do the math from a year you think the election wasn't fraud. I doubt you can do the math so I won't be waiting for you to show us your work. We will just give a a failing grade now.
Americans want election security.And have you even paid attention to what the Right has been doing to make it harder for some AMERICANS to vote?
DID I ever say he WAS????
NO, but he is a WANT TO BE DICTATOR .
I am talking about what you responded to. Did you not realize you were responding to someone?wtf are you talking about?
which is what?I am talking about what you responded to. Did you not realize you were responding to someone?
YOU have NO idea what my education is.
And for your info I have NOT watched MSMBC in YEARS
NO I said HE WANTS to be.You infer it with your posts halfwit.
How do you know this? Because MSNBC told you so? You really are dumber than a box of rocks, which is why you vote for Democrats.
NO FUCK YOUDoesn't your finger ever get tired?
And one more thing dumb fuck.You infer it with your posts halfwit.
How do you know this? Because MSNBC told you so? You really are dumber than a box of rocks, which is why you vote for Democrats.
Sure, but no candidate has brought out as many voters against him as Trump. Biden, a nearly deceased and underwhelming candidate, got the most votes ever.
Kamala Harris will likely end up as the 3rd highest vote getter in history... and she's one of the worst candidates to ever run. Biden and Harris got votes because people hate and fear Trump.
OMFG. You really are a moron.
Three progressive Democratic senators have unveiled a constitutional amendment that aims to abolish the Electoral College,
U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and U.S. Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Peter Welch (D-VT) introduced a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College system![]()
Durbin, Schatz, Welch Introduce Constitutional Amendment To End Undemocratic Electoral College | U.S. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois
The Official U.S. Senate website of Dick Durbinwww.durbin.senate.gov
Here is the Congressional site with the proposed amendment. It's like you are a real life Emily Litella and can't hear things correctly.
All Information (Except Text) for S.J.Res.121 - A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.
"Until voter integrity laws were passed and 18 million votes magically disappeared"Until voter integrity laws were passed and 18 million votes magically disappeared as quickly as they appeared when there were no address checks or signature validation on mail in ballots during the Scamdemic...
Kam-Kam dropped right back to the mean average for democrats over the last 10 election cycles.
Just one outlier in the series - the 2020 election. Wonder how that happened?
Why the hell are you pissed with me? You think and talk like all those racist assholes in the video I posted. Your a filthy shit eating racistI was giving you a complement ASSHOLES are useful you aren't , you are a low life POS.
Go fuck yourself.