Democrat's plan to assassinate a SC justice foiled.

It's not attempted murder. He never came close. In fact, he called 9/11 and told them that he was contemplating suicide, and was thinking about killing Kavanaugh.

This is where it gets interesting. A guy with clear psych issues has no problem obtaining a gun.

So Congress it twisting themselves into knots to protect the SC justices, but they don't give a flying fuck about dead children. They don't give a fuck about dead teachers. They don't give a fuck about dead church goers. They don't give a fuck about dead concert goers. They don't give a fuck about dead bar patrons. They don't give a fuck any of the hundreds of victims every year.

But they're shitting themselves over SC justices who aid and abet these murderers. We need at least one of Cruz's kids to be murdered for starters. Work down the line until every single NRA whore knows exactly how useless thoughts and prayers are.

Don't burst ExpressPain, LionBitches, and all the other Nazi's bubble. Like Charlie Sheen, let them think they're "winning" :)
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Time for a Convention of States. The Senate has lost their way. Executive orders? Eh..

Lobbying and legal insider trading and Citizens United? No.

The Senate will never unvote themselves the keys to the country. Fixing that and instituting term limits will go a long way to getting Federal representation back to the way it should be.

It really was not that bad before 1976.

To Carter's credit, he vetoed the 1st wave of what was to be a double whammy against the people and for Senators; However, the Congress overrode his veto with a 2/3 majority vote.

That was bad.

And then, (due to no term limits) the same guys voted themselves The Lords of America during Reagan's 2nd Congress.

They took power away from the States and people with that. It was bad and it's been a downhill slide ever since.

Off topic, bitch.
Nice rant but it isn't the SC justices that abet these murders, it is the constitution and if you disagree, get the fuck out of this country.
That said, I am not the least bit happy that my wife needs to carry a revolver. I am happy that she has the training in its use.
When you show me that these feral youth that roam the streets are arrested, convicted, and if committing any crime with a gun, five years mandatory, no plea bargaining, no Gascon intervening, flat ass, you goin' to jail thug for at least five. Second offense let's make that ten more.
Then, and then only, will I believe this shit is somewhat under control.
BTW, take out the 54% suicide rate and the gang violence bullshit. This is a very safe country to live in.
No need to ponder which party controls the state or city for these stats,

Your wife needs a revolver because if anyone got in your face, you'd shit your pants and faint.

You are and always will be - an evil cowardly Nazi.. who's score for framing Democrats is.. wait for it..

Those who are sick of hearing reporting on this current Dark Age will not be helping.

Knowing thy enemy is essential.

Knowing your enema is essential. Get on it gramps, you obviously need to blow out some more crap all over this forum.

You are so lame.
That I get so much pushback on my speaking the truth to the best of my ability because people dont like the feelings they have about what I report is a great indicator of how fucked we are.

This is a part of The Curse of the Modern Morons.

We cant get anywhere better if we dont correctly understand where we are, and how we got here.

The Happy HorseShit must walk.

Lord help us with this moon bat.
I fully expected something like this to be coming the moment that the leftist nutjobs leaked the addresses of the private residences of the conservative justices and led illegal protests outside them (breaking a law similar to the one which many Jan 6th rioters were charged with breaking)

We learned it from you and your abortion doctor assassinators, you evil bitch.

Fuck off.
Really, why?

I mean I do, but why do you?

They could really fix some things and do good for Americans. And if they didn't, Americans need another solution to get things right.

Republicans will never fix anything. They'll never do anything else but fortify their evil grip on power to control the masses. Just like they're doing to YOU right now, Nazi bitch.
Republicans will never fix anything. They'll never do anything else but fortify their evil grip on power to control the masses. Just like they're doing to YOU right now, Nazi bitch.

Thank you, Nostradumbass. Only time will tell.

You can't predict the future, dipshit.
"How the Supreme Court is treated and respected is a good indicator of the health or ill health of a society"
Hawkeye the Wise

OH, geez. Grow up and grow a backbone. You don't belong here. You don't debate.. I've never seen you lucid. I've never seen you respond to an easy question - you just blabber nonsense like you never saw the question in your first place.

Cruelty. Yes. It's what you do to our eyes and brains whenever we have the misfortune of accidentally reading your posts.

You don't belong here. You don't care about others. You're rude. You ignore questions and say things just to upset people.

You're an evil sad depressed drunken man, and my goal here is to accelerate your decline until your online evil is vanquished.

Buckle up, you asshole.
OH, geez. Grow up and grow a backbone. You don't belong here. You don't debate.. I've never seen you lucid. I've never seen you respond to an easy question - you just blabber nonsense like you never saw the question in your first place.

Cruelty. Yes. It's what you do to our eyes and brains whenever we have the misfortune of accidentally reading your posts.

You don't belong here. You don't care about others. You're rude. You ignore questions and say things just to upset people.

You're an evil sad depressed drunken man, and my goal here is to accelerate your decline until your online evil is vanquished.

Buckle up, you asshole.

You haven't successfully debated ary a thing since you've been here. STFU you rotten cumbreath idiot.

Just in case I missed it, link to it, motherfucker.