Democrats' Rhetoric Inspired 2 Assassination Attempts on Trump

You prove me right so quickly. Do you know this is an anonymous debate board? There is no masculinity in typing.
Instead of whining why don't you explain how Biden saying trump should have a bullseye on him doesnt incite violence. Im willing to treat you like an adult but I can't make you behave like an adult.
Trump says, protest peacefully and patriotically and you retards think that incites violence but Biden says, Trump should have a bullseye on him but that doesn't incite violence. Look at me trying to reason with a retard.
Get away from the mirror then.
Stop trying to blame Democrats for the republican-on-republican violence problem.

Stop inciting violence in your fellow democrats like you did with the creep last weekend.

Standard Disclaimer: I'm surprised you're posting, I strongly suspected you had been arrested on a Florida Golf Course.
I hate liberalism and I never lie about the Communists that make up the dem party.
Don't worry about it, Libby.
We liberals hate you back at least as much.

As for Communists making up the Democratic Party,
that's typically stupid like ALL of your observations,
virtually without exception.

The Communists are one political party.
The Democrats are another--one of the two major American ones, in our case.

Members of one party don't make up another.
It doesn't work that way.
I may like Communists a lot more than I like Republicans,
but I'm not a member of either of those parties..
I'm registered only with the Democratic Party...since I turned 21 in 1967.

That should be simple enough, even for someone of your deficient intelligence.
Trump uses insults and name-calling as standard fare

So he's just like you.

in every interview and event rally. He has lowered the standards for political debates and discussions, perhaps forever. Remember "crooked Hillary". Here are many others just as primitive and childish. You cannot blame the Dems.
The Dems are stating facts.


The Marxist vermin have done nothing but Slander Republicans since the days of Reagan.

Trump is the first one to give your shit right back to you.