Democrats' Rhetoric Inspired 2 Assassination Attempts on Trump

commander dumbass, I just fucking said that in the post right above yours.
Of course, it's all my fault, never yours. Just like Donnie "Ain't my responsibility" Trump. LOL

Good luck with trying to live the Turner Diary fantasy, but I think most Americans will support you being shot down as terrorists.

Why did you never answer the question about the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter, DtM? You did reply about your claims of being a freedom fighter, but you never answered the question.

Of course, it's all my fault, never yours. Just like Donnie "Ain't my responsibility" Trump. LOL

Good luck with trying to live the Turner Diary fantasy, but I think most Americans will support you being shot down as terrorists.

Why did you never answer the question about the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter, DtM? You did reply about your claims of being a freedom fighter, but you never answered the question.

Word games won't work, Sybil.
Oh such a mature response. Methinks your brain isn't any better than that of Lurch's brain, that is, if he even has one.
Are you holding yourself up as a example of mature responses, Hater? Should I repost a half dozen of your hateful, racist responses?

Something like these?:

I look at the dem party and find nothing but Marxists everywhere--especially those in leading
govt positions. Kommy kamala and tim tampon are perhaps the two most prominent communists
to ever have top positions in our government. And a Republic is exactly what you Marxists
fight against, for it's our Constitutional Republic that made America the greatest nation on
earth, and Trump will not allow you anti American Marxists to poison our nation like you
you've done for these past 3 1/2+ years.
Kalifornicator remains a skid row SANCTUARY STATE that invites, shelters, finances and accommodates
some of the worst illegal criminals in our country. People are leaving that hellhole in droves while businesses
are closing down and all that's left are the elite clowns like newsome and pelosi et al.
And slow joke joe will be missing the millions of bribes that his drug infested son got from our foreign enemies.
We all should feel bad for joke joe, as the dems are now calling him very patriotic for his or for his puppet masters
decision to have him sit out the next election in the confines of his Delaware hide-away home.
I don't bother to vote here in democrat led TAXachusetts for those in charge are Marxists, communists, progressives,
illegal loving nitwits that allow the illegals to enjoy the comforts of life at the taxpayers expense.
Looks like you'll never understand what fascism is, and that it is an almost perfect word describing
the democrat party. Try something relevant that describes Trump, like him being an America First

Unsurprising you support white supremacy, Hater.

Are you holding yourself up as a example of mature responses, Hater? Should I repost a half dozen of your hateful, racist responses?

Something like these?:

None of those statements were racist in any way whatsoever. And my hatred isn't for you communists, marxists, and anti Americans that make up most of the Democrat party, but my hatred is toward your specific communist/Marxist ideology that is currently putting America in a downward spiral. It's all up to GOD to see whether you commies go to hell where you belong.
Should I repost a half dozen of your hateful, racist responses?
None of those statements were racist in any way whatsoever. And my hatred isn't for you communists, marxists, and anti Americans that make up most of the Democrat party, but my hatred is toward your specific communist/Marxist ideology that is currently putting America in a downward spiral. It's all up to GOD to see whether you commies go to hell where you belong.
Fucking moron agrees his posts are hateful.

Your family would be better served by leading you deep into the woods and leaving you there, Hater. I have no doubt you're an embarrassment to all of them.