Democrats' Rhetoric Inspired 2 Assassination Attempts on Trump

I agree. you cowardly democrats don't have the courage to do anything violent.

To a greater or lesser degree that's kinda true. The Left is almost always the "wuss".

Guess that aligns pretty well with the fact that Right Wing terror is considered an actual threat by law enforcement while left wing terror hardly exists (except for that one time an Antifa person punched a neo-Nazi....)
Lol, we have the common sense not to make a martyr.

I think the attempts on Trump's life are truly appalling just from a common human decency standpoint. I also think your point is spot on. At this point in the development of the MAGA movement if Trump were hurt or killed it would be a tragedy beyond reckoning and he'd become an immediate martyr to the causes he espoused. If it was earlier in the evolution of MAGA it would have been really bad but it would probably have resulted in the MAGA movement falling apart. Now there are so many people who are invested in the cult and the GOP has figured out that this base is rock solid and unmovable (even by facts) that it would be a martyr situation and armed with some "righteous indignation" I honestly cannot imagine what horrors the MAGA movement would visit on the country.

It's going to be bad enough if Trump loses in November. I'm sure his followers will be considering some awful ideas.