Despicable Christians using trickery and lies.

This is nothing new, Christians and all religions are based on trickery and deception.
It is what they are all about.
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Did you read through the partisan drivel? Whenever I hear liberals speak on Abortion it is usually masked with the words We dont support abortion..we support the choice, we favor discouraging abortion and we must reduce the number of abortions that take place. Well.., thats what these centers provide...a place to look inward and make a decision. They dont encourage abortions.... Oh my God how disgusting!!
Do you realize how disgusting you sound with your constant posting favoring abortions.. day after day.. and my God Jarod.. presently Abortion is legal! It makes me wonder why you are so attracted to this act of terminating innocent life inside the womb. far as that woman ending up in that Center...sounds to me as if she didnt research properly... and it is hacks like yourself that would speak out against centers that discourage abortions.....

Ive heard many a Democrat propose initiatives like these centers as a way to combat the amount of abortions that take place. Its called public education.
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Do you realize how disgusting you sound with your constant posting favoring abortions..

Because you might find an idea or opinion ugly, doesn't make it any less worthy of airing.
Do you realize how disgusting you sound with your constant posting favoring abortions..

Because you might find an idea or opinion ugly, doesn't make it any less worthy of airing.

I would agree if only you would have made the same argument against Jarods(Alex) thread title .. "Dispicable Christians using trickery and lies."
Klaatu is right, the title of the thread doesn't match the article. From what I could gather was people are not happy that these clinics that encourage ladies not to have an abortion are getting govt. money. Deceptive? I don't think so. I'd rather see these types of agencies get it than places where abortions are performed with impunity. I feel that if the government defunds one type, they should defund both.

I read in the comments after the article someone said something like, "until there are no children in need of adoption in this country I'll not believe these [Christian] people are serious about thier efforts. If people only knew how much effort is put forth by various churches/denominations to see to this need. I am a part of a Christian group that sponsors 2 orphan's homes in the State of Oklahoma alone. They actively seek out parents for these children and many/most are adopted by members of the church. My wife and I have fostered 4 children until they were adopted and as soon as our son is a year older will resume helping out.
Well, the PROBLEM I have with this when I read it, is that Florida is using a portion of its tobacco taxes or law suit winnings, to fund this program instead of using these taxes on cestation programs and healthcare for those that pay these taxes, the smoker in florida.....

I don't think that part is just....
I think its dispicable to lie to women and tell them things such as, not having the babby will increase your chance of breast cancer.

I also think they are holding themselves out as an unbiased counseling center that will give you honest and ballanced counseling. They are hiding there agenda to get you in the door, thats dishonest and dispicable.
Do you hold planned parenthood to the same standard. Do you know the origin of planned parenthood?

I dont care about the origin, I care about what they do... And I happen to know that at least in two local clinics and one in Washington, D.C. they provide honest and up front information about abortion, just as advertised. They dont encourage or discourage it, they merely provide honest information about it!
I dont care about the origin, I care about what they do... And I happen to know that at least in two local clinics and one in Washington, D.C. they provide honest and up front information about abortion, just as advertised. They dont encourage or discourage it, they merely provide honest information about it!

Are you going by one apparently biased report... or do you have first hand knowledge that they are misleading women.. or finally is it your bias and prejudice against Christians that prompts you to give a title like this to this thread? Your hate is boiling over. C'mon in! Abortions for everyone!!
About a month ago my wife and I went to one of these centers to get some free stuff. While my wife was talking with one of the counselors I looked through some of their material as I was curious to see if they disseminate false information. To my surprise none of it was false as far as I could see despite the aim of the organization to discourage abortions.
This thread really has me scratching my head and wondering what the hell is going on ..
I mean.. calling a center that discourages abortions despicable ...

Hillary Clinton once said that she was horrified at the number of abortions per year, reportedly 1.5 millions, and should be restrained and discouraged.

In every speech Obama talks about lowering abortion rates through education.

It has always been the Democratic mantra .. ABortions must be Safe, Legal and Rare
How despicable, klaatu...

The only thing despicable about it would be that it is run by Christians... At least as far as I can tell.
This thread really has me scratching my head and wondering what the hell is going on ..
I mean.. calling a center that discourages abortions despicable ...

Hillary Clinton once said that she was horrified at the number of abortions per year, reportedly 1.5 millions, and should be restrained and discouraged.

In every speech Obama talks about lowering abortion rates through education.

It has always been the Democratic mantra .. ABortions must be Safe, Legal and Rare

My problem with them is not that they discourage abortions, I like that, I think its great. My problem is that they are misleading to people who are in a vunerable state. They should not lie or mislead. If they were upfront about who they are and what there agenda is, and if they only told the truth... Id have no problem with them.

I think misleading women who are in a vunerable state no matter how noble the untimate goal is, is dispicable.