Despite bible thumpers whining we keep finding transitional fossils

pretty much traditional Christian doctrine

I think it was crystal clear by both thread title and context that my post was speaking to conservative biblical literalists.

Not to Quakers, Unitarians, transcendentalists, Christian humanists, or anyone who thinks Genesis is either allegorical, or that Genesis is referring to the evolution of Homo Erectus on the African plain.

Agreed. Isn’t that what was decided at the First Council of Nicaea?

Also agreed the OP was about Biblical literalists.
According to Christian doctrine, Adam and Eve are our ancestors and we are stained with their original sin. I have never in over half a century of life heard a conservative Protestant minister say that Adam was a different species of hominid

Guess you went to the wrong churches. Did they handle snakes also?
The he is an idiot. Even his church teaches

I am not Catholic. This is the standard way bogus innuendo about me and other posters gets circulated: some tool makes a categorical claim which is presented as definitive and factual, but is actually totally unfounded and based on guesswork and hyper-speculation.
Nice work.

The fundamental questions are: why is there order rather than chaos? Why is there something rather than nothing? What is consciousness? These are questions which science, philosophy, religion can all legitimately participate in.


My guess goes to an ancient question: What is the purpose of life? Is there a purpose? If God exists, why did God create the Universe?

Humans are egocentric enough to think it’s all about them, but this is a far bigger Universe than mankind could ever use before the Universe ends in about 22B years…which tells me humans aren’t the main focus.

If there’s a purpose, maybe it’s just a puzzle. School kids don’t learn very much if they are given all of the answers. They need to figure out the answers for themselves if they are meant to learn and grow. Teachers help guide them, but it’s like the old maxim about leading a horse to water; it’s still up to the student to learn, not for the teacher to learn for them.
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Sure, I understand Biblical literalism. But, I don't think that represents the "traditional conservative conception of God." You are confusing two different groups of very different sizes. Also, many who claim they believe the Bible literally still accept some leeway in its interpretation.
When I am writing thread titles conveying intent of this topic "bible thumpers" or "conservative fundamentalists" is more feasible than:

"that subgroup of Christians who accept biblical literalism rather than the principles of neo-Darwinian biological evolution"
I am not Catholic. This is the standard way bogus innuendo about me and other posters gets circulated: some tool makes a categorical claim which is presented as definitive and factual, but is actually totally unfounded and based on guesswork and hyper-speculation.

Agreed about bogus innuendo, but only fucking morons believe bogus innuendo*. If your real name and reputation were on the line, sure, it’d be a problem. On an anonymous message board, not so much. People like about me all the time.

Consider this; anyone who believes bullshit about you without asking you isn’t your friend. Your friends would ask first. Life is too short for me to chase down every fucking moron on JPP, and there’s a lot of them, to correct perceptions which they have no intent of changing anyway. Fuck’em.

*See Trump Administration.
What the Romans were doing was punishment, not sacrifice.

Besides, compared to even 19th Century mankind, the ancient world was full of fucking savages.

I think you missed his point. Christianity itself is based on the human sacrifice, as foretold in Scripture, of Christ in atonement for mankind's sins. In the OT they would sacrifice a goat or lamb or dove or such to the Lord. There are multiple verses in the NT that refer to Jesus as a sacrifice. His name "Lamb of God" is based on that.
The Romans were punishing but according to Christian doctrine God sacrificed his son to save humans. Why couldn't an all-powerful being just declare humans free of sin?

Thank you. Or as I used to think of it, if God is perfect why would he make imperfect creations? It's one thing to be born perfect but then fall into whatever your culture's idea of sin is. It's a whole nuther thing to be BORN covered with sin. That's not at all logical, if you believe in a perfect, omnipotent god.
Thank you. Or as I used to think of it, if God is perfect why would he make imperfect creations? It's one thing to be born perfect but then fall into whatever your culture's idea of sin is. It's a whole nuther thing to be BORN covered with sin. That's not at all logical, if you believe in a perfect, omnipotent god.

It is rather satanic. God made you and it's your fault you're fucked up. A cult of sado-masochism.
I think you missed his point. Christianity itself is based on the human sacrifice, as foretold in Scripture, of Christ in atonement for mankind's sins. In the OT they would sacrifice a goat or lamb or dove or such to the Lord. There are multiple verses in the NT that refer to Jesus as a sacrifice. His name "Lamb of God" is based on that.
Sorry, but I don’t agree with that interpretation because it’s post hoc, if not post hoc ergo propter, just like saying Christianity is based on God committing adulterous rape to obtain a child. All of that was written decades after the event.

Not doubt the anti-Christians love it though. :laugh:
Guess you went to the wrong churches. Did they handle snakes also?

I grew up in mainstream Lutheranism, went to a fundie/evangelical church for a couple years in my 20s, then went Roman Catholic till I found my true faith. I have never, in all my experience with Christians and Xtian ministers, ever heard any of them hint around that Adam was some other type of being other than human like us. Am I missing something here?
Agreed about bogus innuendo, but only fucking morons believe bogus innuendo*. If your real name and reputation were on the line, sure, it’d be a problem. On an anonymous message board, not so much. People like about me all the time.

Consider this; anyone who believes bullshit about you without asking you isn’t your friend. Your friends would ask first. Life is too short for me to chase down every fucking moron on JPP, and there’s a lot of them, to correct perceptions which they have no intent of changing anyway. Fuck’em.

*See Trump Administration.

Thanks chap.
I do like catholic churches a lot, the stained glass, the reverent silence, the cathedral architecture, the iconography.

I went to a Quaker meeting house with bare wooden floors and metal chairs!;)
I think you missed his point. Christianity itself is based on the human sacrifice, as foretold in Scripture, of Christ in atonement for mankind's sins. In the OT they would sacrifice a goat or lamb or dove or such to the Lord. There are multiple verses in the NT that refer to Jesus as a sacrifice. His name "Lamb of God" is based on that.

Yeah. Jesus is a replacement for the lamb sacrifices for the Jews. They wouldn't listen.