Despite bible thumpers whining we keep finding transitional fossils

Sorry, but I don’t agree with that interpretation because it’s post hoc, if not post hoc ergo propter, just like saying Christianity is based on God committing adulterous rape to obtain a child. All of that was written decades after the event.

Not doubt the anti-Christians love it though. :laugh:

Um no. The very basis of Christianity is God "so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son" (John 3:16) so that our sins would be forgiven. This is the very foundation of Christianity. You didn't know this? It is not a statement of denigration, either. It is a statement of fact.

We could get into Eucharist/Communion is "cannabalism," but let's not.
Um no. The very basis of Christianity is God "so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son" (John 3:16) so that our sins would be forgiven. This is the very foundation of Christianity. You didn't know this? It is not a statement of denigration, either. It is a statement of fact.

We could get into Eucharist/Communion is "cannabalism," but let's not.

Yep. The Jews had to sacrifice animals to Jehovah (sweet odor to Him but that's another story). Jesus was a replacement. No more sacrifices.
HAHAHA okay you win.

Thanks but it’s still mind boggling. If you ever have a chance to do it, track down one of these 1/10billionth scale Solar System models. It’s about half a mile long but the Earth is only about 43 feet from a grapefruit-sized Sun.

There are exhibits in Corpus Christi, Houston, DC, Kansas City:
Yep. The Jews had to sacrifice animals to Jehovah (sweet odor to Him but that's another story). Jesus was a replacement. No more sacrifices.
Lots of cultures practiced sacrifices; animal, vegetable and human. The Aztecs were good at human sacrifice.
Um no. The very basis of Christianity is God "so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son" (John 3:16) so that our sins would be forgiven. This is the very foundation of Christianity. You didn't know this? It is not a statement of denigration, either. It is a statement of fact.
We could get into Eucharist/Communion is "cannabalism," but let's not.
Was that written on Sunday right after the “Resurrection” or 50 years later? LOL. Post hoc.
I grew up in mainstream Lutheranism, went to a fundie/evangelical church for a couple years in my 20s, then went Roman Catholic till I found my true faith. I have never, in all my experience with Christians and Xtian ministers, ever heard any of them hint around that Adam was some other type of being other than human like us. Am I missing something here?

Agreed, same experiences here. In fact, most were specific that humanity was in no way related to any other species….especially monkeys.
Yep. Mel Gibson's movie demonstrated that all too well.
Apocalypto is one movie I keep intending to watch, but since I’m online so much, I’d have to stop for over two hours to read all the captions for the Mayan language spoken in the movie.

Still, it’s very well rated and shows the brutality of mankind and our penchant for both blood and ruling by fear.
Apocalypto is one movie I keep intending to watch, but since I’m online so much, I’d have to stop for over two hours to read all the captions for the Mayan language spoken in the movie.

Still, it’s very well rated and shows the brutality of mankind and our penchant for both blood and ruling by fear.

You will not be disappointed with that movie. You get to see the heads rolling down a Mayan pyramid, blood flowing down.

I rate it 10/10.

I loved that black panther but I was sad when they killed it.
America is about to become a deeply impoverished nation, we will use whatever is cheapest that our new masters the Empire allow.

Buckle Up.
Apocalypto is one movie I keep intending to watch, but since I’m online so much, I’d have to stop for over two hours to read all the captions for the Mayan language spoken in the movie.

Still, it’s very well rated and shows the brutality of mankind and our penchant for both blood and ruling by fear.

My kitty in my avatar is little. This one is um YUGE.

America is about to become a deeply impoverished nation, we will use whatever is cheapest that our new masters the Empire allow.

Buckle Up.
Better kill yourself now to save you the pain later. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is painless….but if you can get some NO2, you can laugh your way to paradise!
Better kill yourself now to save you the pain later. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is painless….but if you can get some NO2, you can laugh your way to paradise!

If you bothered to both pay attention and be honest, which you most certainly do not, you would acknowledge that you have been told many many times that I will not be around long, that I hope to be gone before things get really painful.

I am providing a public service by warning of what is coming on the way out.

My conscience demands that I do.
Apocalypto is one movie I keep intending to watch, but since I’m online so much, I’d have to stop for over two hours to read all the captions for the Mayan language spoken in the movie.

Still, it’s very well rated and shows the brutality of mankind and our penchant for both blood and ruling by fear.

This here is a Mel Gibson's trailer. You get to see bloody heads rolling down with them netting them down at the bottom and you get to see an angry black cat like the cat in my avatar. Worth the watch, I guarantee ya.

I don't believe any of that stuff either, but nevertheless the foundation of Christianity is the sacrifice of Jesus, the Son of God. written over half a century later. A few hundred years later they made Jesus God via the Trinity….along will killing off all the “heretics” who believed Jesus was a prophet, but not divine and anyone else who disagreed with them.

Somewhere along the line they lost the message.