Despite bible thumpers whining we keep finding transitional fossils

Welcome to the Deaf world. :D

We are so used to it that we are able to watch the movie while reading the subtitles with no problem.
….a world I’m slowly joining starting with the elimination of high freq noises and working my way down the scale.

This here is a Mel Gibson's trailer. You get to see bloody heads rolling down with them netting them down at the bottom and you get to see an angry black cat like the cat in my avatar. Worth the watch, I guarantee ya.

Thanks. I’m downloading it now and will watch it on my flight home since I’ll be offline for several hours.
To be fair Uncle.... it's better to pour bleach in ears than to pour blech in eyes after seeing shit. :eek:

I get it. The world is too noisy for you to listen.

Loss of hearing from 40 years of whiners and turbine engines. Even though I was religious about wearing double hearing protection, after four decades, it’s a significant loss. We had to have our hearing checked every year. I could see on the chart that my high freq hearing was going away.
If you bothered to both pay attention and be honest, which you most certainly do not, you would acknowledge that you have been told many many times that I will not be around long, that I hope to be gone before things get really painful.

I am providing a public service by warning of what is coming on the way out.

My conscience demands that I do.
My apologies for disappointing you by not following you around like some assholes follow me.

OTOH, we all die. Some sooner than others. Which do you think is more important: How long we live or how we live?

Sorry, dude, but your conscious is delusional. You are reflecting your own pain and hate on the world. The “anger” phase of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s 5 stages. Best wishes that you get to “acceptance” and die happy.
Loss of hearing from 40 years of whiners and turbine engines. Even though I was religious about wearing double hearing protection, after four decades, it’s a significant loss. We had to have our hearing checked every year. I could see on the chart that my high freq hearing was going away.

Yeah. When I was in Phoenix, my uncle got us to visit the LAFB. Guess what? He insisted that I wear the earphones, or whatever they're called. I told him um I'm deaf. DO NOT MATTER THEM THE RULES. Okay then I watched the F-16s (or whatever they're called) taking off. I understood.

Being close to them would shatter your eardrums yo dude.
Yeah. When I was in Phoenix, my uncle got us to visit the LAFB. Guess what? He insisted that I wear the earphones, or whatever they're called. I told him um I'm deaf. DO NOT MATTER THEM THE RULES. Okay then I watched the F-16s (or whatever they're called) taking off. I understood.

Being close to them would shatter your eardrums yo dude.
LOL. Rules is rules!

When were you in Phoenix? I’ve passed through there a few times in the 80s and 90s. My dad lived in Scottsdale for a few years.
LOL. Rules is rules!

When were you in Phoenix? I’ve passed through there a few times in the 80s and 90s. My dad lived in Scottsdale for a few years.

I think it was around 91 to 92. My uncle/aunt/cousins live in Phoenix. We went to the Grand Canyon. The pictures cannot describe it.

One thing's accurate, the Afghan refugees will live there with no problem.

I am not sure if my uncle is retired or if he's still have higher rank there at the LAFB.

It was funny when my cousin told me not to go anywhere. I asked why. He pointed at the sign warning about getting shot. :rofl2: written over half a century later. A few hundred years later they made Jesus God via the Trinity….along will killing off all the “heretics” who believed Jesus was a prophet, but not divine and anyone else who disagreed with them.

Somewhere along the line they lost the message.

I expect that a lot -- if not most -- of the NT was rewritten and retranslated and changed somewhat to fulfill the prophecies of the OT. Apparently those of Jewish faith agree, and are still awaiting the promised messiah.
Guess you went to the wrong churches. Did they handle snakes also?

I have never been to a Church that handled snakes.

I have been to Quaker meetings, Orthodox liturgy, Catholic service, Unitarian sevice, Methodist service, Episcopalian service, Church of Christ service, and I think possibly Lutheran service and I literally cannot recall a single time it was ever implied that Adam was not a human of the same species we are.

It was never even suggested that Adam was Neaderthal, Homo Erectus, Australopithecus, or any other form of archaic hominid or primate.
Hello Cypress,


The only plausible explanation.
I think most intelligent people have accepted the basic tenets of evolution for the past 200 years.

Even in non-fundamentalist religious communities. History regards the Catholic Benedictine monk Gregor Mendel to be the father of genetics.

The remaining question is about the process and mechanism by which it happens. The modern neo-Darwinisn paradigm has a lot of explanatory power, but there is a multitude of unresolved questions warranting investigation and inquiry
I grew up in mainstream Lutheranism, went to a fundie/evangelical church for a couple years in my 20s, then went Roman Catholic till I found my true faith. I have never, in all my experience with Christians and Xtian ministers, ever heard any of them hint around that Adam was some other type of being other than human like us. Am I missing something here?

As you know, the bible was written by men, not God, so there is a lot of interpretations and guess work in it. Take creationism no one was around to record what happened so it's all guess work.
I expect that a lot -- if not most -- of the NT was rewritten and retranslated and changed somewhat to fulfill the prophecies of the OT. Apparently those of Jewish faith agree, and are still awaiting the promised messiah.

Exactly my point. What Jesus preached and what assholes on Sunday morning television preach are completely different.

This is why I resisted the “that’s Christianity” meme. Obviously early Christian leaders shaped Christianity into the Roman Catholic Church under Constantine by cherry-picking the hundreds of stories and “books” written over the previous 300 years.

It’d be the equivalent of a US political party reviewing all of the writings our the Founders then cherry-picking what they like and burning what they don’t. The result would not be what the Founders intended.
As you know, the bible was written by men, not God, so there is a lot of interpretations and guess work in it. Take creationism no one was around to record what happened so it's all guess work.

Very true. The same is true of all religious scriptures... written by man in our attempt to explain and to interpret the god(s). Even so, they contain human wisdom and (for the most part) good instruction on how to be a decent person and get along with others.