Despite bible thumpers whining we keep finding transitional fossils

Exactly my point. What Jesus preached and what assholes on Sunday morning television preach are completely different.

This is why I resisted the “that’s Christianity” meme. Obviously early Christian leaders shaped Christianity into the Roman Catholic Church under Constantine by cherry-picking the hundreds of stories and “books” written over the previous 300 years.

It’d be the equivalent of a US political party reviewing all of the writings our the Founders then cherry-picking what they like and burning what they don’t. The result would not be what the Founders intended.

I see your point. I shall then rephrase my own: "Christianity as practiced and taught today is based on the human sacrifice of a human man (Jesus) in order to 1) fulfill the OT prophecies, and 2) to save us from sin.
I see your point. I shall then rephrase my own: "Christianity as practiced and taught today is based on the human sacrifice of a human man (Jesus) in order to 1) fulfill the OT prophecies, and 2) to save us from sin.
Agreed. That is how it is practiced in America today.
An intervening God and evolution are mutually exclusive. Sorry, but they are simply founded on completely conflicting principles. If selection is natural, God cannot have any hand in it.
An intervening God and evolution are mutually exclusive. Sorry, but they are simply founded on completely conflicting principles. If selection is natural, God cannot have any hand in it.

Not necessarily true. It's like the farmers and gardeners - they plant the seeds and they grow on their own.

Most Founding Fathers were Deists. They believe in non intervening God.
Exactly my point. What Jesus preached and what assholes on Sunday morning television preach are completely different.

This is why I resisted the “that’s Christianity” meme. Obviously early Christian leaders shaped Christianity into the Roman Catholic Church under Constantine by cherry-picking the hundreds of stories and “books” written over the previous 300 years.

It’d be the equivalent of a US political party reviewing all of the writings our the Founders then cherry-picking what they like and burning what they don’t. The result would not be what the Founders intended.

Funnily enough the original Christians were Gnostics.
If the earth was billiions of years old and populated all that time, the surface would be miles high with bones.

You appear to be unaware collagen and calcium phosphate ultimately breaks down chemically when exposed to atmospheric conditions

Bones are only rarely preserved as fossils if they happen to be quickly buried in sediment with favorable chemical conditions for preservation.
You appear to be unaware collagen and calcium phosphate ultimately breaks down chemically when exposed to atmospheric conditions

Bones are only rarely preserved as fossils if they happen to be quickly buried in sediment with favorable chemical conditions for preservation.

Bones do not contain collagen. :rolleyes:
An intervening God and evolution are mutually exclusive. Sorry, but they are simply founded on completely conflicting principles. If selection is natural, God cannot have any hand in it.

Not necessarily true. It's like the farmers and gardeners - they plant the seeds and they grow on their own.

Most Founding Fathers were Deists. They believe in non intervening God.
Agreed. Given the universe was created, then all Nature = God. A power outside the Universe is not limited by time and space. Given an entity is powerful enough to create the Universe, it is not necessary for it interfere or interact with that Universe since it would see all 35+ Billion years of its existence would be instantly known to it due to lacking the limitation of time and space.

Personally I fail to see the logic in an all-powerful being creating a universe with laws and then fucking with those laws along the way.
Agreed. Given the universe was created, then all Nature = God. A power outside the Universe is not limited by time and space. Given an entity is powerful enough to create the Universe, it is not necessary for it interfere or interact with that Universe since it would see all 35+ Billion years of its existence would be instantly known to it due to lacking the limitation of time and space.

Personally I fail to see the logic in an all-powerful being creating a universe with laws and then fucking with those laws along the way.

This is one of those game of life simulations. The programmers planted the seeds and watch what happened.
