Digital Dilema

They aren't sending pictures you maroon. I said "if", genius. And by your reaction, you inadvertently concede my point with regards to digitals inferiority to analog in certain respects. It works fine for voice, but will not carry the same amount of information as the digital signal. This gives them more channels than they had before that will work for their use. :rolleyes:Once again for the cheap seats and mentally challenged.....NY fire fighters and emergency crews lobbied the mayor to have their communication systems switched back to analog from digital. America's mayor wouldn't do it, and when 9/11 came around, people DIED because the digital signal FAILED! Got that bunky? So this claim of yours is dubious at best.

Quit trying to play "gotcha" you're embarrassing yourself again. And you should really stop taking every post so personally. Again, I understand you are conservative on this issue, but it's been decided.

See, that's your problem....someone provides facts that contradict your opinion/beliefs, and you come unglued....taking it as a personal "got'cha"...which is why you took on the condescending attitude. YOU make it personal with the snotty attitude...which is a joke when you're proven wrong and dig in your heels.

You are stuck in "the old days were good enough"... The world is moving on.
Repeating your BS doesn't make much sense when I keep proving you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness.
OMG you retard. They CAN use digital with that signal! And they should! Just stop now. You have no idea what you're talking about. You have nothing but retarded conspiracies to prove your point.

Hey genius.....the gov't just forced America to buy converters so they could watch TV...then a lot people had to upgrade their aerials. Without it, you can't watch TV if your TV is over 10 years old....and THAT'S a LOT of people in America, if you hadn't realized.

So stop admiring yourself in the mirror, and learn what the hell it is you're talking about BEFORE your fingers hit the keys...makes you look less foolish.
How many billion did the govt spend on converter coupons?
And what country made those converters?
Someone on the other side of the globe is laughing all the way to the bank over our conversion to DTV.
ZOMG just stop now!

The electromagnetic spectrum isn't necessarily analog or digital. They could very well broadcast digital signals in the old spectrum. This is an epic science fail of massive proportions.

OMG, you can't watch TV unless you've a converter or a TV that isn't over 10 years old...unless you're hooked to cable or satelite.
That's the reality, you braying jackass. So what you state here falls in line with what I've been complaining about....the American public has been scammed to a large degree.
Originally Posted by Watermark
ZOMG just stop now!

The electromagnetic spectrum isn't necessarily analog or digital. They could very well broadcast digital signals in the old spectrum. This is an epic science fail of massive proportions.

Umm Hello Einstein, thay are broadcasting the DTV signals in the old TV spectrum, no new spectrum is used.

This did not appear to free up any spectrum unless it would be between the new DTV channels.
Originally Posted by Watermark
ZOMG just stop now!

The electromagnetic spectrum isn't necessarily analog or digital. They could very well broadcast digital signals in the old spectrum. This is an epic science fail of massive proportions.

Umm Hello Einstein, thay are broadcasting the DTV signals in the old TV spectrum, no new spectrum is used.

This did not appear to free up any spectrum unless it would be between the new DTV channels.

They couldn't broadcast them both at the same time if it were in the same spectrum. And I'm pretty sure that DTV probably uses less of the frequency than analog.
There is no 'analog signal' or 'digital signal'. A signal is a signal. Analog or digital are ways in which the signal will be broadcast. The old spectrum may very well start being broadcast in digital.
There is, however, limitations on what some spectrums can carry.
They couldn't broadcast them both at the same time if it were in the same spectrum. And I'm pretty sure that DTV probably uses less of the frequency than analog.

Yes digital uses a lot less bandwith per channel, but I think all four digital channels an old analog channel is allowed in digital may take up the same bandwidth as the old analog channel did. So what are they going to gain?

I will research this some more. Been a long time since I had my second class FCC liscence.
Originally Posted by Watermark
ZOMG just stop now!

The electromagnetic spectrum isn't necessarily analog or digital. They could very well broadcast digital signals in the old spectrum. This is an epic science fail of massive proportions.

Umm Hello Einstein, thay are broadcasting the DTV signals in the old TV spectrum, no new spectrum is used.

This did not appear to free up any spectrum unless it would be between the new DTV channels.

Yes, it freed up some of the spectrum for stuff like Broadband internet and Police/Firefighter voice transmission...
Yes digital uses a lot less bandwith per channel, but I think all four digital channels an old analog channel is allowed in digital may take up the same bandwidth as the old analog channel did. So what are they going to gain?

I will research this some more. Been a long time since I had my second class FCC liscence.
Yes, they can broadcast either 4 SD programs or 1 HD program using much less bandwidth. This frees up some of the spectrum for other uses (like more broadband internet, something that will come in handy out in these parts).

While broadcasting their HD program, on a secondary channel they could offer a different camera view, a newstream with weather reports, a newspaper, all at the same time, still using less bandwidth than before.

I suspect that soon there will be some changes that even Taichiliberal would find beneficial over time. It's unfortunate that he's having issues gathering the broadcast, but the changes will be beneficial in the future.
Yes, they can broadcast either 4 SD programs or 1 HD program using much less bandwidth. This frees up some of the spectrum for other uses (like more broadband internet, something that will come in handy out in these parts).

While broadcasting their HD program, on a secondary channel they could offer a different camera view, a newstream with weather reports, a newspaper, all at the same time.

I suspect that soon there will be some changes that even Taichiliberal would find beneficial over time. It's unfortunate that he's having issues gathering the broadcast, but the changes will be beneficial in the future.

So they will be locking out part of the TV spectrums from use by broadcast TV? The entire low and high band TV spectrum was reserved for TV growth. I guess they are putting a cap on that growth?

That link did not go into technical details. I will do some more research.
Yes, they can broadcast either 4 SD programs or 1 HD program using much less bandwidth. This frees up some of the spectrum for other uses (like more broadband internet, something that will come in handy out in these parts).

While broadcasting their HD program, on a secondary channel they could offer a different camera view, a newstream with weather reports, a newspaper, all at the same time, still using less bandwidth than before.

I suspect that soon there will be some changes that even Taichiliberal would find beneficial over time. It's unfortunate that he's having issues gathering the broadcast, but the changes will be beneficial in the future.

In my area, the ABC affiliate is offering constant whether updates on the second channel. The PBS affiliate offers both HD and SD programs, and another station named "Cr" which seems to broadcast actual documentaries and other learning programs most of the time rather than the constant pledge drives of the main station (although, unfortunately, it's in SD). The Fox/WB affiliate is broadcasting a second station named "XXV2" which gives us some various cable programming (it's apparently a cooperation with the cable provider in the area). All in all, I've been watching TV a lot more since we switched to digital because the new options are much more interesting, and watching things in HD is just so gorgeous. My dad can afford cable comfortably, he just refuses to buy it. Can't really blame him; we used to have 500 channels, and there was usually just as much to watch on there as there was over the air.
Yeah, and we totally cheated too. We literally had all of the channels, even the pay-per-view, because we had a haxxored card. We stopped having cable when the cable companies finally made the haxxoring not work anymore. There was still almost nothing to watch.
You are a prime example of an ignorant man who is proud of it. There is an entire world outside your little sphere of existence...perhaps you should ask for details before braying like an ass about things you know absolutely nothing about.

Here, let me spell it out for you: I live in a suburb of New York City.....before 9/11 my analog television had NO MAJOR PROBLEMS. After 9/11, the majority of broadcast stations relocated to the Empire State (transmissions lost from the Twin Towers). The MOST problems I had were a loss of signal from the broadcast station once in awhile, and some static on bad weather nights that resulted in just a simple antenna adjustment. Since the "conversion", I end up either perfect pictures or a series of breakups, loss of signal, loss of audio....this occurs frequently, it's the exception if it goes hours without incident. THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN WITH ANALOG.

Do a little research, genius. I'm not alone....I've got friends throughout the state who will tell you the same thing...and we all don't have the same converter box. A simple google search will confirm similar problems throughout the country.

I find it fascinating that neocon parrots like yourself who are always squawking about "nanny gov't" are so willing to accept a gov't mandate to fork out more money for a service that has done well by them for decades for free. PT Barnum was right.

LOL That's your problem, living in a targeted area by the neocon military-industrial complex. Buy cable you moron. *shrug*
Factoid. the digital signals to not travel as far or something.
There is no fuzzy picture that you used to watch, just no picture at all if you had a bit fuzzy analog channels before.
Fact: I get most of my signals from 90 miles away. *shrug*