Digital Dilema

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You are a prime example of an ignorant man who is proud of it. There is an entire world outside your little sphere of existence...perhaps you should ask for details before braying like an ass about things you know absolutely nothing about.

Here, let me spell it out for you: I live in a suburb of New York City.....before 9/11 my analog television had NO MAJOR PROBLEMS. After 9/11, the majority of broadcast stations relocated to the Empire State (transmissions lost from the Twin Towers). The MOST problems I had were a loss of signal from the broadcast station once in awhile, and some static on bad weather nights that resulted in just a simple antenna adjustment. Since the "conversion", I end up either perfect pictures or a series of breakups, loss of signal, loss of audio....this occurs frequently, it's the exception if it goes hours without incident. THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN WITH ANALOG.

Do a little research, genius. I'm not alone....I've got friends throughout the state who will tell you the same thing...and we all don't have the same converter box. A simple google search will confirm similar problems throughout the country.

I find it fascinating that neocon parrots like yourself who are always squawking about "nanny gov't" are so willing to accept a gov't mandate to fork out more money for a service that has done well by them for decades for free. PT Barnum was right.

LOL That's your problem, living in a targeted area by the neocon military-industrial complex. Buy cable you moron. *shrug*

Notice folks, that this whenever I take this fool to task, he can't logically or factually refute or counter he resorts to a BS personal attack.

Once again, Southie....I've reduced you to a shrugging buffoon who can't debate worth a damn or have the stones to just concede a point. You're finished.
Yes, they can broadcast either 4 SD programs or 1 HD program using much less bandwidth. This frees up some of the spectrum for other uses (like more broadband internet, something that will come in handy out in these parts).

While broadcasting their HD program, on a secondary channel they could offer a different camera view, a newstream with weather reports, a newspaper, all at the same time, still using less bandwidth than before.

I suspect that soon there will be some changes that even Taichiliberal would find beneficial over time. It's unfortunate that he's having issues gathering the broadcast, but the changes will be beneficial in the future.

You are a living example that PT Barnum was right on the money.

THINK, genius, THINK......if digital is so superior, then why not have it exclusively for our military/fire/rescue/police? Also, why is it that no one ever read or heard of this dire need for more analog bandwith from said services prior to this brilliant deal from Slick Willy and company? I don't recall hearing the NSA complaining about analog...they complained that they needed more funding and staffing. And I seem to recall that for YEARS Cable television scrambled their analog signal so that no one could see their broadcast unless they bought into cable service. The only problem they had was some joker building their own descramblers and selling them or splicing into the cable feed of an apartment building.

Bottom line: Cable and satellite has been available to the general public for what, 30 years prior to the "switch"? If people wanted it, then they could pay the monthly bill. But the reality is that the vast majority of people weren't buying it as the manufacturers and retailers hoped. They were happy with what they had.

Also, remember that little factoid I told you about the NY firemen and 9/11? Well, one of the MAJOR problems I have with the digital switch is a more than occasional failing of audio.....something that RARELY happened with analog.
Also remember, a vast majority of people have TV's that are in good working order that do not have the software for digital. Those wide screen TV's weren't hitting those sales projections because the technology that preceded them was THAT dependable.

Again, the FACTS demonstrate that a collusion between gov't and business have FORCED a major portion of the American public to fork over money for a system that has a lot of flaws....the alternative is to add another bill to their monthly expenses. That is not right....but as we are basically helpless, one can only hope that steps are made to make the broadcast signals stronger in bad areas.....because it's going to be a bitch and a half if a real Emergency Broadcast gets fubbed up!
Who said this: "You are a prime example of an ignorant man who is proud of it."


I said it as a response to you alledging that I was "too stupid" to hook up and program a converter box. [ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Digital Dilema[/ame]

Once again, the recorded post shows you for the dishonest neocon parrot you truly are......shrug that one off, toodles.
if digital is so superior, then why not have it exclusively for our military/fire/rescue/police?

I don't know what kind of signal they're using, and neither do you. Just because the television stations were broadcast in analog on that spectrum doesn't mean their new owners can't use digital.

Stupid proles.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
if digital is so superior, then why not have it exclusively for our military/fire/rescue/police?

I don't know what kind of signal they're using, and neither do you. Just because the television stations were broadcast in analog on that spectrum doesn't mean their new owners can't use digital.

Stupid proles.

For someone who admitted he doesn't know something, you sure as hell love to take your supposition and conjecture as plausible fact.

The FACTS are that the original proposal was to sell the newly freed analog "space" to the military...and that is still proceding as far as I know. Therefore, my original points still stand.

I notice you ignored all my other points....typical. Your "spectrum" argument does NOTHING to change or refute the points I put forth in the previous post....especially the FACT I related regarding the NYFD and 9/11. You need to stop admiring yourself in the mirror and actually THINK before your fingers hit the keys.....makes you look less like a pompus ass.
And of course I said that in response to your insult in another thread, as well as your continued racist remarks. *shrug*

And all one has to do is follow the chronology of the thread (which I started) to see WHO made the first condescending/insulting remark (that would be you) and who responded in kind (that would be me).

Also, nowhere do I state, allude, insinuate, infer, suggest, or remark in any shape form or fashion a "racist" remark.....given that the thread is about techonology, race wouldn't enter into the discussion....until some jackass who can't honestly win a debate trys to divert attention from his failure by making such a false allegation.

If you have PROOF to the contrary, copy and paste it or paste the link or name the number of the post. If not, just shrug like the dishonest little neocon buffoon that you are....makes no difference...the posts are your undoing.
And all one has to do is follow the chronology of the thread (which I started) to see WHO made the first condescending/insulting remark (that would be you) and who responded in kind (that would be me).

Also, nowhere do I state, allude, insinuate, infer, suggest, or remark in any shape form or fashion a "racist" remark.....given that the thread is about techonology, race wouldn't enter into the discussion....until some jackass who can't honestly win a debate trys to divert attention from his failure by making such a false allegation.

If you have PROOF to the contrary, copy and paste it or paste the link or name the number of the post. If not, just shrug like the dishonest little neocon buffoon that you are....makes no difference...the posts are your undoing.
The Southern Man's memory goes beyond this mere thread. Your use of the word "neocon" is indeed racist. *shrug*
The Southern Man's memory goes beyond this mere thread. Your use of the word "neocon" is indeed racist. *shrug*

Oh my goodness, you're referring to yourself in the third person! Well, you've just proven that you are a bigger dick than asshat!

And you STILL cannot provide any proof beyond your worthless word.....linking an opinion piece rambling about the "jewish conspiracy" controlling our gov't is a joke.....Hannity, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Crowley, Beck, Bennett, Gingrich...they sure as hell are not jewish, but they sure as hell are neocons.

Look up the definition in the dictionary, you shrugging fool. I'm through wasting time on're done here.
I don't know what kind of signal they're using, and neither do you. Just because the television stations were broadcast in analog on that spectrum doesn't mean their new owners can't use digital.

Stupid proles.

The signal is still broadcast in analog, it is just encoded in a digital format.
Oh my goodness, you're referring to yourself in the third person! Well, you've just proven that you are a bigger dick than asshat!

And you STILL cannot provide any proof beyond your worthless word.....linking an opinion piece rambling about the "jewish conspiracy" controlling our gov't is a joke.....Hannity, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Crowley, Beck, Bennett, Gingrich...they sure as hell are not jewish, but they sure as hell are neocons.

Look up the definition in the dictionary, you shrugging fool. I'm through wasting time on're done here.


n. 1. a convert to conservativism. 2. code used by left-wing anti-semites to identify a conservative Jew 3. a word used by a moron trying to sound intelligent.


Ahhh yesssssss.... Southern Man has now been fully introduced to Whinny the Whiner.

Yes folks. Whinny will edumucate you on how to conduct yourself in political message forums on the bounds of decency and preferred (Whinny-preferred that is) method of communication.

Now hold on a sec. He has to grab his list from his 'murse' but we need to wait until the clear coat on his manicure dries before he sticks his hands in there to fetch it out.

Us women sympathize him. :p:rolleyes::p
Umm that link was not about what you seemed to indicate.

The imbecile actually believes that the "urban dictionary" is on par with Merriam-Websters or Oxford dictionaries. Just when I think Southie has reached the height of ignorance, he surpasses himself.

And of course, the when you ask the little dope why non-Jews like Murdoch, Limbaugh, Bennett, Cheney, Hannity, Crowley, Beck, Malkin are at the fore-front of the neocon movement, he just shrugs...because he hasn't a damned clue.

Someone needs to tell the poor fool that neocon is short for new conservative...last time I checked, the conservative party didn't discriminate against Jews being members.
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Ahhh yesssssss.... Southern Man has now been fully introduced to Whinny the Whiner.

Yes folks. Whinny will edumucate you on how to conduct yourself in political message forums on the bounds of decency and preferred (Whinny-preferred that is) method of communication.

Now hold on a sec. He has to grab his list from his 'murse' but we need to wait until the clear coat on his manicure dries before he sticks his hands in there to fetch it out.

Us women sympathize him. :p:rolleyes::p

Ahh, the Loyal End of the neocon parrots joins us to throw rocks from behind other posters legs.

She never has the courage or the intelligence to debate an issue head on with someone....instead she tries to detour the discussion into a schoolyard slam fests against a poster.

Bottom line: only a fool would try and put the "urban dictionary" on par with Merriam-Websters or only a fool would ignore that FACT that "neocon" is short for "new conservative"...and the identified leaders of such a mindset (Cheney, Bennett, Crowley, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Malkin, etc.) are not Jewish. Hell, all one has to do is read the PNAC website to know that Southie is just using a standard neocon dodge when he can't defend his assertions. Pity he, like the Loyal End, don't realize how transparent their ploys are. Oh well, makes for good entertainment!
The imbecile actually believes that the "urban dictionary" is on par with Merriam-Websters or Oxford dictionaries. Just when I think Southie has reached the height of ignorance, he surpasses himself.

And of course, the when you ask the little dope why non-Jews like Murdoch, Limbaugh, Bennett, Cheney, Hannity, Crowley, Beck, Malkin are at the fore-front of the neocon movement, he just shrugs...because he hasn't a damned clue.

Someone needs to tell the poor fool that neocon is short for new conservative...last time I checked, the conservative party didn't discriminate against Jews being members.

None of those folks that you mention meet the M-W definition of "neocon" since they're not "new" conservatives, in fact have been at it their entire lives, as has The Southern Man.

Also, M-W and Oxford are not apt to publish "code words".

You bigot.