Digital Dilema

None of those folks that you mention meet the M-W definition of "neocon" since they're not "new" conservatives, in fact have been at it their entire lives, as has The Southern Man.

Also, M-W and Oxford are not apt to publish "code words".

You bigot.

A Black Bigot...

Isn't that kind of re-duh-duh-duh-dundant????

Whinny is a Legend in his own mind...:readit:
What satellite do you have that doesn't carry the local channels? All of our local channels are carried on satellite. Get Dish, you'll get yours too. It's too bad their TV sucks, maybe they'll enjoy reading books now. They've had years and years of warning, it gets silly when it comes right down to it. They can use the free sucky option or they can pay more for something better, it's their option.

I've heard of that actually. I can't recall for the life of me when and where, but I've heard ppl complaining about not getting local channels.
I've heard of that actually. I can't recall for the life of me when and where, but I've heard ppl complaining about not getting local channels.

And none of the additional digital channels are on satellite yet.

Does satellite even have the capacity to carry all the local TV stations?

Damo pwned. :cheer:

Lists of television stations in North America
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* 1 United States
* 2 Canada
* 3 Mexico
* 4 Other areas
* 5 See also

United States

According to the FCC, as of December 31, 2004, there are 777 UHF commercial television stations, 589 VHF commercial television stations, 257 UHF educational television stations and 125 VHF educational television stations, plus 493 Class A UHF television stations, 110 Class A VHF television stations, 2,631 UHF television translators, 1,823 VHF television translators, 1,553 UHF low-power television stations and 481 VHF low-power television stations. A total of 8,839 television station in all broadcast formats. Please note that these lists only cover local stations and affiliates, and cable networks.

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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The imbecile actually believes that the "urban dictionary" is on par with Merriam-Websters or Oxford dictionaries. Just when I think Southie has reached the height of ignorance, he surpasses himself.

And of course, the when you ask the little dope why non-Jews like Murdoch, Limbaugh, Bennett, Cheney, Hannity, Crowley, Beck, Malkin are at the fore-front of the neocon movement, he just shrugs...because he hasn't a damned clue.

Someone needs to tell the poor fool that neocon is short for new conservative...last time I checked, the conservative party didn't discriminate against Jews being members.

None of those folks that you mention meet the M-W definition of "neocon" since they're not "new" conservatives, in fact have been at it their entire lives, as has The Southern Man.

Also, M-W and Oxford are not apt to publish "code words".

You bigot.

"code words"? Says who? You? Some like minded buffoon trying to justify every opinion, supposition and conjecture they can think of? Yeah, that and a metro-card will get you on the bus....nothing more.

Here genius, pay attention:

a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

The forementioned cast of characters sure as hell endorsed the Shrub's bogus invasion of Iraq for the last 8 years, didn't they bunky? Maybe you should take a gander at Project for a New American Century and check out the authors.

This ain't your grandfathers conservatism, bunky. Last time I checked, Republicans were NOT about imperialism in any form ("nation building", as the Shrub denied while setting up shop in Iraq) least that's what they said.

But you keep avoiding reality by trying to push this phony anti-semetic angle...everyone sees what a pathetic smoke screen that is...especially my Jewish friends who can't stand neocons....I'm sure Rupert Murdoch will be surprised to find out he's Jewish. :rolleyes:
A Black Bigot...

Isn't that kind of re-duh-duh-duh-dundant????

Whinny is a Legend in his own mind...:readit:

Look folks, the Loyal End still throwing rocks from behind others skirts. She doesn't have the brains, honesty or maturity to debate me directly on an issue. Pity her and the company she keeps.:(
Dude.....seriously......just get cable.

That's the point, Lady T.....our options are being taken away. Like it or not, you're forced to pay into a system that (currently) doesn't live up to the hype. What I find fascinating is that people who scream bloody murder about Big gov't, nanny states and their rights being taken away are so acquiesent to this.
"code words"? Says who? You? Some like minded buffoon trying to justify every opinion, supposition and conjecture they can think of? Yeah, that and a metro-card will get you on the bus....nothing more.

Here genius, pay attention:

a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

The forementioned cast of characters sure as hell endorsed the Shrub's bogus invasion of Iraq for the last 8 years, didn't they bunky? Maybe you should take a gander at Project for a New American Century and check out the authors.

This ain't your grandfathers conservatism, bunky. Last time I checked, Republicans were NOT about imperialism in any form ("nation building", as the Shrub denied while setting up shop in Iraq) least that's what they said.

But you keep avoiding reality by trying to push this phony anti-semetic angle...everyone sees what a pathetic smoke screen that is...especially my Jewish friends who can't stand neocons....I'm sure Rupert Murdoch will be surprised to find out he's Jewish. :rolleyes:
I dont know what religion Rupert Murdoch is nor do I care but I am far from neocon and since you now know its a code word for Jew you need to stop using it it is like me calling you nigger.
I dont know what religion Rupert Murdoch is nor do I care but I am far from neocon and since you now know its a code word for Jew you need to stop using it it is like me calling you nigger.

Sorry bunky, but you can't bullshit your way out of this one. I've given legitimate dictionary definitions as opposed to your collection of slangs and neologisms. Neocon is short for new conservative, and you sure as hell don't have to be Jewish to be a new conservative. The PNAC agenda is the prime guide for neocons. That you cop to your ignorance about Murdoch further cements your status as a willfully ignorant neocon don't DARE address the FACT that Murdoch's ultra-conservative stances regarding the Shrub's 8 years made him one the premier neocon pundits via his newspaper and broadcast. And it's painfully obvious that you don't DARE address the FACT that many of the leading neocon pundits; O'Reilly, Buchannan, Crowley, Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity...are NOT Jewish.

Bottom line: you've got NOTHING to offer here regarding the mandatory switch to you just go off on this BS tangent to try and bulletproof any and all criticisms of your blatant parroting of neocon mantras. That dog won't fly here....and if you persist in creating excuses to use real racial slurs, you will be held accountable.
Sorry bunky, but you can't bullshit your way out of this one. I've given legitimate dictionary definitions as opposed to your collection of slangs and neologisms. Neocon is short for new conservative, and you sure as hell don't have to be Jewish to be a new conservative. The PNAC agenda is the prime guide for neocons. That you cop to your ignorance about Murdoch further cements your status as a willfully ignorant neocon don't DARE address the FACT that Murdoch's ultra-conservative stances regarding the Shrub's 8 years made him one the premier neocon pundits via his newspaper and broadcast. And it's painfully obvious that you don't DARE address the FACT that many of the leading neocon pundits; O'Reilly, Buchannan, Crowley, Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity...are NOT Jewish.

Bottom line: you've got NOTHING to offer here regarding the mandatory switch to you just go off on this BS tangent to try and bulletproof any and all criticisms of your blatant parroting of neocon mantras. That dog won't fly here....and if you persist in creating excuses to use real racial slurs, you will be held accountable.

Again, M-W and Oxford don't list "code words". So if you insist on using the term neocon then you are a bigot.
Sorry bunky, but you can't bullshit your way out of this one. I've given legitimate dictionary definitions as opposed to your collection of slangs and neologisms. Neocon is short for new conservative, and you sure as hell don't have to be Jewish to be a new conservative. The PNAC agenda is the prime guide for neocons. That you cop to your ignorance about Murdoch further cements your status as a willfully ignorant neocon don't DARE address the FACT that Murdoch's ultra-conservative stances regarding the Shrub's 8 years made him one the premier neocon pundits via his newspaper and broadcast. And it's painfully obvious that you don't DARE address the FACT that many of the leading neocon pundits; O'Reilly, Buchannan, Crowley, Malkin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity...are NOT Jewish.

Bottom line: you've got NOTHING to offer here regarding the mandatory switch to you just go off on this BS tangent to try and bulletproof any and all criticisms of your blatant parroting of neocon mantras. That dog won't fly here....and if you persist in creating excuses to use real racial slurs, you will be held accountable.

Again, M-W and Oxford don't list "code words". So if you insist on using the term neocon then you are a bigot.

Again, you're full of is the opinion-only blogg site that you use as your "proof". All your repetition won't make your BS true. My previous assessment stands to wit you cannot logically and/or factually disprove or refute . I strongly urge you to take heed.