Digital Dilema

I, for one, don't know how the board would be policed without you.

One day Damo will probably get round to deputising you - a sort of Doc Holidays to his Wyatt Earps.
Thank you for the words of deference sir, but the Southern Man merely wishes to pick off liberals at his pleasure, not his job, sort of like sitting on the back porch at cool dusk with a .22 bull barrel rifle and picking off varmints while his darling wife cooks vittles in the kitchen.
Thank you for the words of deference sir, but the Southern Man merely wishes to pick off liberals at his pleasure, not his job, sort of like sitting on the back porch at cool dusk with a .22 bull barrel rifle and picking off varmints while his darling wife cooks vittles in the kitchen.

Is there no chance of you widening your avenging glance to include other board vermin?
That fact that blacks were once slaves has nothing to do with this discussion.
However, understanding the connotations of the N-word while you are using it in comparisons does. So, yup. I'm on topic for this particular one. This is like the DailyKOS comparison to the Bozeman Chronicle. The LA Times would have been a better comparison. I'm sure there is a better comparison in this case too.
You admit that the word was used to describe Jews who embraced some aspects of conservatism You're a liar....I NEVER stated any such thing and I CHALLENGE YOU TO PRODUCE THE QUOTE WHERE I STATE SUCH IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. If you can't THEN YOU'RE A LIAR...and a not very bright one at that yet you deny that it is a code-word to describe Jews, I proved that only YOU and the moron blogger who's site you sourced or of this "denial" is necessary and wrongly state the easily proven falsehood that "No one beyond your blog site resource considers neocon a racial slur....". Well mastermind, so far you haven't "proven" a damned thing other than repeating yourself and referring to ONE blog site as your "be all, end all" proof. Sorry, but two morons mouthing supposition and conjecture do NOT a majority make. This speaks volumes on the state of your self delusions. *shrug*

Jeez, you don't even have the imagination to be you parrot what I write. I guess your shrugging tick got activated when for about the second day YOU CANNOT/WILL NOT ADDRESS THE FACT THAT THE LEADERSHIP/PUNDITRY OF THE NEOCON MOVEMENT ARE NOT JEWISH. To do that would have you admit your full of it. So all you've got (as usual) is denial, lies, repetition, insipid stubborness and shrugging like a willfully ignorant fool refering to himself in the 3rd person. You're a pathetic joke, Southie. You always were, you always will be.
From what I've read about the origins of the Neocon movement, a lot of them were/are Jews, although I've never heard anyone claim before that Neocon is a buzzword for Jew. That said, Israel is a core feature in the Neocon philosophy and worldview, such as the concept of Creative Destruction, which was meant to help Israel as well as remake Iraq.
"...the originators of the movement can be attributed to liberals who happened to be Jewish..."

I again ask you from using this racial slur. *shrug*
From what I've read about the origins of the Neocon movement, a lot of them were/are Jews, although I've never heard anyone claim before that Neocon is a buzzword for Jew. That said, Israel is a core feature in the Neocon philosophy and worldview, such as the concept of Creative Destruction, which was meant to help Israel as well as remake Iraq.

Israel has always been a strategic part of America's military policy....LONG before Wolfowitz and Perle appeared on the scene, since the end of WWII. Your assessment is spot on. To date, Southie REFUSES to deal with the FACT that many of the leading pundits/politicos of the neocon movement are NOT Jewish.
You admit that the word was used to describe Jews who embraced some aspects of conservatism You're a liar....I NEVER stated any such thing and I CHALLENGE YOU TO PRODUCE THE QUOTE WHERE I STATE SUCH IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS.

"...the originators of the movement can be attributed to liberals who happened to be Jewish..."

I again ask you from using this racial slur. *shrug*

Once again, you've demonstrated what dishonest neocon parrot you are. You see, you can't LIE about what I write when the original posts exist. Only a fool would try to edit something in his favor or take something out of context. Here is what REALLY transpired:

No one beyond your blog site resource considers neocon a racial slur....though the originators of the movement can be attributed to liberals who happened to be Jewish, the current leaders in neocon punditry are NOT Jewish or of one particular ethnic.
Neocon describes the political mindset that supported the Shrub's "executive branch" dominant stance of our gov't and subsequent "pre-emptive" war mentality that got us into Iraq under false pretense. YOU have demonstrated an unwavering support of the forementioned, and that makes you part of the new conservative movement....neocon for short. Like Gingrich, Hannity, Crowley, Limbaugh, Beck, Drudge, O'Reilly, Murdoch, and the many authors of the PNAC (read it, get educated).

You're full of it, Southie. You can't win an honest debate, so you resort to slander. You're done!
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FYI, folks. My mom tells me that a Verizon rep knocked on her door the other day (suburban Long Island, NY). First time in nearly 30 years ANY cable folk solicited in my old neighborhood...usually they do it by mailings. Anyway, this guy gave her the usual pitch and when she wasn't buying, he asks "Do you have a converter box? Is that working out okay for you?" My mom just smiled and closed the door.

We're being played for suckers, America.
FYI, folks. My mom tells me that a Verizon rep knocked on her door the other day (suburban Long Island, NY). First time in nearly 30 years ANY cable folk solicited in my old neighborhood...usually they do it by mailings. Anyway, this guy gave her the usual pitch and when she wasn't buying, he asks "Do you have a converter box? Is that working out okay for you?" My mom just smiled and closed the door.

We're being played for suckers, America.

Fios or The Verizon fiber to the premise service also has a "converter box" :)
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
FYI, folks. My mom tells me that a Verizon rep knocked on her door the other day (suburban Long Island, NY). First time in nearly 30 years ANY cable folk solicited in my old neighborhood...usually they do it by mailings. Anyway, this guy gave her the usual pitch and when she wasn't buying, he asks "Do you have a converter box? Is that working out okay for you?" My mom just smiled and closed the door.

We're being played for suckers, America.

Fios or The Verizon fiber to the premise service also has a "converter box" :)

Do tell? What's the cost?
Do tell? What's the cost?

It is included with the Fios service I believe. I was in the provisioning side not sales. I hate salesmen.
It splits out the video for your TV, data over ethernet or wireless for you broadband net and phone for your standard phone service.
It is included with the Fios service I believe. I was in the provisioning side not sales. I hate salesmen.
It splits out the video for your TV, data over ethernet or wireless for you broadband net and phone for your standard phone service.

Gee, you think maybe the Verizon folk kind of figured out that a whole lot of folk were going to get crap-shoot reception when this whole deal initiated?

Man, is the average consumer getting the shaft or what?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Gee, you think maybe the Verizon folk kind of figured out that a whole lot of folk were going to get crap-shoot reception when this whole deal initiated?

Man, is the average consumer getting the shaft or what?

It is called economic growth.

Hmmm, well somebody better tell that to my wallet, because nothing is growing there!:D
I have enough money for FiOS television/internet. However, I do have some poor friends who use antennas and their reception = teh suck. :)
Bottom line, a federally mandated switchover to digital is not only a waste of time (time that could be spent solving real problems, or whatever...), but is just reeks of corporatism and/or fascism. How much did the digital lobbyists shell out in bribes to get this sucker through?