Digital Dilema

Again, you're full of is the opinion-only blogg site that you use as your "proof". All your repetition won't make your BS true. My previous assessment stands to wit you cannot logically and/or factually disprove or refute . I strongly urge you to take heed.
Again I consider you calling me neocon like me calling you nigger. Noecon is a code word for Jew, and even the alternative definitions do not describe The Southern Man, so I will politely ask you to cease use of the term.
I have no leaders as such.
My country's government has some.
I have no heroes that did not earn it on a personal level either.
Again I consider you calling me neocon like me calling you nigger. Noecon is a code word for Jew, and even the alternative definitions do not describe The Southern Man, so I will politely ask you to cease use of the term.
Augh... It's not even close. Neocon does not have even close to the same connotations, nor does it mean what you seem to think it does in the context of use. Maybe when some skinheads get together neocon becomes a code word, but here it is simply a political description.
Augh... It's not even close. Neocon does not have even close to the same connotations, nor does it mean what you seem to think it does in the context of use. Maybe when some skinheads get together neocon becomes a code word, but here it is simply a political description.
I disagree. It's not a legitimate political label but a disparaging one.
I disagree. It's not a legitimate political label but a disparaging one.
It is a disparaging one, much like "liberal" or "turbolib", but it doesn't mean "Jew" in any context used on this board. It never has. While some people may use it as a code word, those people do not frequent this board.

Also calling somebody a code word for "Jew", if it were actually such, has not even one little bit of the connotation of the N-word. Nobody puts up signs telling Neocons to enter from the back door, Neocons were never held as animals and chattel on farms, Neocons have, in almost every case, always had the vote (with the exception of black and women neocons).
Again I consider you calling me neocon like me calling you nigger. Noecon is a code word for Jew, and even the alternative definitions do not describe The Southern Man, so I will politely ask you to cease use of the term.

Referring to yourself in the 3rd person speaks volumes on the state of your self delusions.

No one beyond your blog site resource considers neocon a racial slur....though the originators of the movement can be attributed to liberals who happened to be Jewish, the current leaders in neocon punditry are NOT Jewish or of one particular ethnic.
Neocon describes the political mindset that supported the Shrub's "executive branch" dominant stance of our gov't and subsequent "pre-emptive" war mentality that got us into Iraq under false pretense. YOU have demonstrated an unwavering support of the forementioned, and that makes you part of the new conservative movement....neocon for short. Like Gingrich, Hannity, Crowley, Limbaugh, Beck, Drudge, O'Reilly, Murdoch, and the many authors of the PNAC (read it, get educated).

That you try to palm of your willful ignorance of various subjects and your inability to defend your assertions as a victim of racism is laughable. But be warned...your continued effort to use this ploy as an excuse to hurl bonafide racial insults will not be tolerated by the rules of this board.
It is a disparaging one, much like "liberal" or "turbolib", but it doesn't mean "Jew" in any context used on this board. It never has. While some people may use it as a code word, those people do not frequent this board.

Also calling somebody a code word for "Jew", if it were actually such, has not even one little bit of the connotation of the N-word. Nobody puts up signs telling Neocons to enter from the back door, Neocons were never held as animals and chattel on farms, Neocons have, in almost every case, always had the vote (with the exception of black and women neocons).
That fact that blacks were once slaves has nothing to do with this discussion.
Referring to yourself in the 3rd person speaks volumes on the state of your self delusions.

No one beyond your blog site resource considers neocon a racial slur....though the originators of the movement can be attributed to liberals who happened to be Jewish, the current leaders in neocon punditry are NOT Jewish or of one particular ethnic.
Neocon describes the political mindset that supported the Shrub's "executive branch" dominant stance of our gov't and subsequent "pre-emptive" war mentality that got us into Iraq under false pretense. YOU have demonstrated an unwavering support of the forementioned, and that makes you part of the new conservative movement....neocon for short. Like Gingrich, Hannity, Crowley, Limbaugh, Beck, Drudge, O'Reilly, Murdoch, and the many authors of the PNAC (read it, get educated).

That you try to palm of your willful ignorance of various subjects and your inability to defend your assertions as a victim of racism is laughable. But be warned...your continued effort to use this ploy as an excuse to hurl bonafide racial insults will not be tolerated by the rules of this board.

You admit that the word was used to describe Jews who embraced some aspects of conservatism yet you deny that it is a code-word to describe Jews, and wrongly state the easily proven falsehood that "No one beyond your blog site resource considers neocon a racial slur....". This speaks volumes on the state of your self delusions. *shrug*