Dishonest Women

Women lie, men lie, it's what devious and or, insecure people do.

Men and women are different- thank God! This is not to say they are more or less deserving of respect. Just that they have some very different needs. Everyone that's healthy likes and wants sex. But men NEED it. Men want to be heard and cherished. But women NEED it.

If men and women would learn to give what the other needs there'd be a lot more harmony in love.
Women lie, men lie, it's what devious and or, insecure people do.

Men and women are different- thank God! This is not to say they are more or less deserving of respect. Just that they have some very different needs. Everyone that's healthy likes and wants sex. But men NEED it. Men want to be heard and cherished. But women NEED it.

If men and women would learn to give what the other needs there'd be a lot more harmony in love.

I don't think your premise is true.
My take is that women are not inherently dishonest, they are about as dishonest as men. My suggestion, look at yourself and see if you are attracting the more dishonest of the group and ask why that might be. Often we see what we attract, not necessarily what is.

Sometimes I take a look at my friends, and I wonder, why are all men (bedsides myself) misogynistic assholes toward their wives, and why do the wives take that shit. After thinking about it a bit, I realize I live in a very conservative neighborhood in small town Florida, a place seriously lacking in higher education. I have to make an effort to find and associate with the type of people I feel comfortable with, rather than just be friends with those around me.

Yeah I don't understand that either. It's 2014 and I see so many wives who get treated like shit by their husbands. I assume financial insecurity and concern for their children's welfare. I have seen men tell their wives to shut up. And I don't mean like lightheartedly, I mean really nastily telling her to shut up. No man has ever told me to shut up. It would happen once at any rate.
I can give you several.

One woman has 1 child and she flirts with me but doesn't want to pursue anything because she is too tied up with her "baby daddy" yet she makes an attempt to tell me I'm so cute and handsome but makes not attempt to capitalize on dating me....Her reason?

"Um, because I still love my child's father..."

My response: Well "Bitch why the fuck do you flirt and talk about you can see my dick through my pants in the first place?"

Of course I didn't say that but that is what I was thinking. Excuse my bluntness...

It is interesting to see ole Sun Devil speak of women in these derogatory terms and the JPP female faithful seem to give him a pass.

Women lie, men lie, it's what devious and or, insecure people do.

Men and women are different- thank God! This is not to say they are more or less deserving of respect. Just that they have some very different needs. Everyone that's healthy likes and wants sex. But men NEED it. Men want to be heard and cherished. But women NEED it.

If men and women would learn to give what the other needs there'd be a lot more harmony in love.

Yeah, women should just give a man all the sex he wants, never say no, because men have different needs and they can talk all they want, is that it? Sounds misogynistically familiar!

True, but I am more interested in the pass he is given for the way he is objectifying and talking about women. I find it interesting that the JPP faithful are just ignoring his war on women. Imagine if I or any other righty uttered the words he typed?

I am sure you would be seeing a "sternly" written thread from Darla asking you what you were going to do about it.