Dixie, Im interested in your opinion...

Face it damo, if you are even slightly to the right of center and cross maine in any way you are going to get roasted by bad language and insults (ie the sheep thing)......he has always been quick to fly of the handle (seemingly) and throw the foul language around on these message boards. I have seen no place in this where you might have even insinuated that he was a liar and yet the thread continues with this line of conversation.
you simply stated that you'd bet he said one thing and I purposely misquoted him.

And Damo was right, I did say something entirely different than the context you've continued to present it for a week now. You did misquote me, by attributing things to what I said, that were never intended in my context. A "so-called Arab Nationalist" is not equivalent to an Arab. You intentionally assumed it was, and proceeded to perpetuate a lie about what I said.

Damo called you on your lie, and you are in a tissy about it now, and have resorted to petty juvenile personal snipes regarding how I look in jeans...
(I am much hotter in jeans than Dubya!)
Face it damo, if you are even slightly to the right of center and cross maine in any way you are going to get roasted by bad language and insults (ie the sheep thing)......he has always been quick to fly of the handle (seemingly) and throw the foul language around on these message boards. I have seen no place in this where you might have even insinuated that he was a liar and yet the thread continues with this line of conversation.
M'eh.. Some people are just more confrontational in their approach. Honestly I see nothing for me to be angry about in his statement...

BTW - I need you to remessage me your address, I somehow deleted it and can't send you those patches if you still want them. I've been embarrassed about the length of time it took me and now have to proclaim my ineptitude...

Sorry about that...
M'eh.. Some people are just more confrontational in their approach. Honestly I see nothing for me to be angry about in his statement...

BTW - I need you to remessage me your address, I somehow deleted it and can't send you those patches if you still want them. I've been embarrassed about the length of time it took me and now have to proclaim my ineptitude...

Sorry about that...

Haha......no problem damo. Been patch and smoke free for 1 1/2 months now. Thanks for the advice by the way. I've also lost 15 pounds....part of my regiment for quitting smoking. When I am at home and want a cigarette, instead of getting up and going outside to smoke I go to the back room and do 15 minutes on treadmill. Working good so far:)
Excercise is key. Otherwise you get the "angries" terribly. My family doesn't deserve the "angries"...
DIXIE: "In the early days of our country, how many American Indians do you suppose we elected to office? During the Civil War, how many Southerners were elected to Federal office? How many Japanese-Americans were on the ballots in 1945? How many Russian people did we elect to Congress in the 50's, 60's and 70's? Was this because we were just a bunch of bigots? Or did we have sound reasonable objections to certain people holding certain positions of elected office? Is that somewhat prejudiced and discriminatory? Perhaps, but it's not bigoted because it isn't based on a bigoted view."

this is shocking, even for a bigot like Dixie.

There was NEVER any "sound reason" to prevent japanese americans, or russian americans from holding public office.

Just as there's no "sound reason" to keep muslim-americans from holding public office.
DIXIE: "In the early days of our country, how many American Indians do you suppose we elected to office? During the Civil War, how many Southerners were elected to Federal office? How many Japanese-Americans were on the ballots in 1945? How many Russian people did we elect to Congress in the 50's, 60's and 70's? Was this because we were just a bunch of bigots? Or did we have sound reasonable objections to certain people holding certain positions of elected office? Is that somewhat prejudiced and discriminatory? Perhaps, but it's not bigoted because it isn't based on a bigoted view."

this is shocking, even for a bigot like Dixie.

There was NEVER any "sound reason" to prevent japanese americans, or russian americans from holding public office.

Just as there's no "sound reason" to keep muslim-americans from holding public office.

Japanese-Americans may have been discouraged from serving based on paranoia, and fear. Not because of "sound reasoning".

Dixie, can you go on record with the "sound reasons" for why americans of russian decent might have been, or should have been, discouraged from serving in public office during the cold war?

Should we prevent Jewish Americans from serving in office because of the middle east conflict and possible conflict of interest ?
those "sound reasons" all revolve around ignorance, fear, and bigotry..... Dixie's stock in trade.

I doubt dixie's response will be either that honest or straightforward.

He'll give a tap dance answer, similar to his answer for why it wasn't racist for southern whites to be against inter-racial marriage: because there are "sound reasons" outlined in the bible to be against inter-racial marriage, according to Dixie. .

Anytime you want Dixie, you can tell me what the "sound reasons" were to discourage americans of russian decent from serving in public office....

DIXIE: "How many Russian people did we elect to Congress in the 50's, 60's and 70's? Was this because we were just a bunch of bigots? Or did we have sound reasonable objections to certain people holding certain positions of elected office? Is that somewhat prejudiced and discriminatory? Perhaps, but it's not bigoted..."
Japanese-Americans may have been discouraged from serving based on paranoia, and fear. Not because of "sound reasoning".

Paranoia is fear for no reason. There is certainly a justifiable reason to fear potential enemies of the state. It's one of the reasons we have the law about native-born Americans holding the office of president. I asked you how many American Indians do you suppose we elected to office? During the Civil War, how many Southerners were elected to Federal office? How many Japanese-Americans were on the ballots in 1945? How many Russian people did we elect to Congress in the 50's, 60's and 70's? You didn't answer me. Let me answer for you, in every instance, there were NONE. This is not because Americans are one big melting pot of bigots! It wasn't because we felt racially superior over Asians or Russians, or because we held racial prejudice in any way, it was because these people could potentially represent an enemy of the state, and it's patently stupid to elect enemies of the sate to office.

You're such a turd head, I don't expect you to understand, we're just fortunate as a nation, your ilk hasn't been around all that long, and we haven't managed to elect our enemies to office in a stupid attempt to be politically correct.
"This is not because Americans are one big melting pot of bigots! It wasn't because we felt racially superior over Asians or Russians, or because we held racial prejudice in any way, it was because these people could potentially represent an enemy of the state, and it's patently stupid to elect enemies of the state to office."

Why would an American citizen of russian descent be any more likely to be an an enemy of the state than any other citizen? Do you really think that the country of your ancestor's origin holds some powerful sway over you and diminishes your love of your home country? My grandmother came over from Ireland. If I were elected to congress, I am quite sure that that fact would not cause me to cast votes for the better interests of Ireland against the better interests of my constituents. Other than native American indians, we all came from some other country. Do you think it would be appropriate to require members of congress to recuse themselves from any votes about policy concerning the countries of their ancestor's origin? Do you feel that some Americans are better than others simply by nature of their genealogy? Do you agree with Virgil Goode that electing more members of congress who happen to also be muslims is a bad thing for America and if so, why?
DIXIE: "Paranoia is fear for no reason. There is certainly a justifiable reason to fear potential enemies of the state. I..... This is not because Americans are one big melting pot of bigots! It wasn't because we felt racially superior over Asians or Russians, or because we held racial prejudice in any way, it was because these people could potentially represent an enemy of the state, and it's patently stupid to elect enemies of the sate to office.

Thanks. That's exactly what I thought you would say:

That Americans of japanese, russian, or muslim descent are, or were, rightly considered by you to be potential enemies of the state based on their ethnic background.
Right... You can tell because nobody knows about him. He's not even Glenn Beck popular... That's surely "one of the most" popular wingnuts out there...


This is such a totally obvious attempt to give some unknown radio guy more power than he has ever wielded before and ever will in life again. Shoot... More people know of him now than ever before because of the free publicity the lefties give him on this one...

Somebody who doesn't even know that the oath isn't taken on any book... really doesn't have the knowledge necessary to be "one of the most popular wingnuts out there"... Give me a break.

Sean Hannity - one of the most popular guys in cable news and radio - was pushing the Keith Ellison/Koran story on Fox News last night.