Government isn't a Church

Since the US diatribe has been it's a Christian Nation, godvernment churchstate cross conditioning propaganda of one nation under God leaves suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos "man is God" cognitive dissonance jihad tautology for that homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming cognitive dissonance avoidance - acceptance compulsive - obsessive behavior; where being just as too dang lily brilliant white as it's Islamidiotocracy oil business liberally drugging humanity with plastic particulates for the past 50 years plus.
Reagan definitely capitulated quite a bit on immigration. Granted, he was a globalist, like many politicians of his era and today.

He got certain things right, but immigration wasn't one of them.

Reagan made the mistake of believing the demonrats when he gave amnesty to illegals. It was in exchange for the wall. The demonrats pulled the funding. So reagan was trying to build the wall he was lied to by those demonrats.
Who is for open borders? What politicians? What posters? Who, gimmie some names or stop saying it.

All the current candidates running for the Democrat nomination.

To rebut your response in advance, yes they are. They are against the wall, for amnesty and many other laws that attract more to come, behind santuary areas, for health insurance for illegals, against ice and even helping ice with criminal illegals.

So while their platform might say they aren't for open borders their actions and the things they are for and against say they are.
Conservatives always suspected some type of mental disorder with our liberal counterparts because their arguments/positions are often conflicted. You pin them in the corner and they either lie, attack, or run from the debate. Always angry it seems. Well I finally figured out why. It's called cognitive dissonance.

Example........a demonrat claiming to be a christian but supports abortion.

And I thought it was only Trump Derangement Syndrome all this time.

Bad example. Dems are not pro abortion but pro-choice. Abortion has a lot to do with a woman's economic well being, her ability to decide her own life. We respect her right for self determination.
All parties that support capitalism suffer from cognitive dissonance, obviously, because they have to pretend a death-dealing system contains some sort of hope.
Since the US diatribe has been it's a Christian Nation, godvernment churchstate cross conditioning propaganda of one nation under God leaves suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos "man is God" cognitive dissonance jihad tautology for that homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming cognitive dissonance avoidance - acceptance compulsive - obsessive behavior; where being just as too dang lily brilliant white as it's Islamidiotocracy oil business liberally drugging humanity with plastic particulates for the past 50 years plus.

America isn't a Christian Nation never was.
Conservatives always suspected some type of mental disorder with our liberal counterparts because their arguments/positions are often conflicted. You pin them in the corner and they either lie, attack, or run from the debate. Always angry it seems. Well I finally figured out why. It's called cognitive dissonance.

Example........a demonrat claiming to be a christian but supports abortion.

And I thought it was only Trump Derangement Syndrome all this time.

:thumbsup: Short answer; they suffer from a pathology of lying and hypocrisy.
The best example I've seen with cognitive dissonance among liberals/progressives is how they demand raising the minimum wage while still supporting open borders. Illegal labor will always undercut any government mandates for higher wages. They just don't get it.

Another good example is how they claim that police are very abusive, particularly toward black people, but then some of them want only cops to have guns. It's amusing in a sort of sad way.

I think this is an even better example:

Jerry Nadler | We're Lowering the Standard of Impeachment
Reagan did not support ICE, and therefore was for open borders, by your theory. There is a strong argument that INS did it better.

LINK to this bald faced fabrication. Reagan is dead. Reagan is irrelevant in this discussion.
Feb. 6, 2020, 7:14 AM PST
By Ben Collins, Maura Barrett and Vaughn Hillyard
The phone number to report Iowa caucus results was posted on a fringe internet message board on Monday night along with encouragement to “clog the lines,” an indication that jammed phone lines that left some caucus managers on hold for hours may have in part been due to prank calls.
An Iowa Democratic Party official said the influx of calls to the reporting hotline included “supporters of President Trump who called to express their displeasure with the Democratic Party.” The party official’s comments were first reported late Wednesday by Bloomberg News.

Users on a politics-focused section of the fringe 4chan message board repeatedly posted the phone number for the Iowa Democratic Party, which was found by a simple Google search, both as screenshots and in plain text, alongside instructions.
"They have to call in the results now. Very long hold times being reported. Phone line being clogged," one user posted at about 11 p.m. ET on Monday, two hours after the caucuses began.
"Uh oh how unfortunate it would be for a bunch of mischief makers to start clogging the lines," responded another anonymous user, sarcastically.
Some users chimed in, posting alleged wait times on hold, imploring others to “clog the lines [and] make the call lads.”
The telephone reporting problems exacerbated other issues, notably a smartphone app that did not work for some people and also had a coding problem that prevented results from being reported properly, pushing more caucus volunteers to the phone lines.
Yes, Reagan gave some amnesty, but there were stipulations that went with it that were never enforced.

CORRECT; the Democratic controlled House agreed to make reforms once they got Reagan to cave on taxes. They lied and never met their part of the agreement. Nothing unusual for leftists; they lie, they cry and they deny.
Since the US diatribe has been it's a Christian Nation, godvernment churchstate cross conditioning propaganda of one nation under God leaves suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos "man is God" cognitive dissonance jihad tautology for that homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming cognitive dissonance avoidance - acceptance compulsive - obsessive behavior; where being just as too dang lily brilliant white as it's Islamidiotocracy oil business liberally drugging humanity with plastic particulates for the past 50 years plus.

^Lunatic rant that reads like this:
