Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Of course there are series of traumas throughout childhood. That's normal.
What isn't normal is forcing traumas on children.
Correct. Most people call that abuse.
Of course there are series of traumas throughout childhood. That's normal.
What isn't normal is forcing traumas on children.
I understand. The point of my OP is that certain people born in the 50's to 70's were raised to feel that way. Hence the reason we have what we have today.
It isn't their fault so we should be careful to accuse them of hate and whatnot.
You say it isn't "their" fault, yet your initial reaction would strongly suggest that you're one of them...
Epic logic fail.
"I just saw it for the first time, I felt a very, very minor disgust rising from the bottom, no no no the BOTTOMEST OF THE BOTTOMEST of the pits of Hell.
"What the fuck?", I said. Then I realized I was raised that way and it's ingrained into my personhood since childhood."
Your words, Slappy, not mine...
Yes my words. I fail to see how you see the connection to those homophobes.
You admitted to being one of those as opposed to the woke cow you virtue signaler you like to think you are.
Yes my words. I fail to see how you see the connection to those homophobes.
Another person who doesn’t understand what “virtue signaling” is and misuses the term.Huh?
Well, the way you described it, your reaction to it was exactly what you'd expect theirs to be.
I didn't make the connection. You did...
If you had bothered to read the rest, you'd see the main point. Go ahead and read the rest.
I read the entire post.
Are you acknowledging why they're so hateful, or wrestling with the fact that, apparently, you are, too?
It is clear you have reading comprehension issue.
There is nothing in my OP about hating gay people. It's your imagination.
Homosexuality is not a serious birth defect. It benefits nature.
"yep one of the sources of guilt, hatred, disgust, feeling sick, sinful, wanting to eliminate them (in this context, the source of the feelings), and so on."
So, what should I be inferring from that?
One... more... time. Try to keep up. Those feelings, guilt and emotions were forced on children at a young age. It is a child abuse and causes trauma on those children as they grow into adulthood. It is the same with straight sex. The Catholic Church teaches that sex is to be ashamed about and to feel guilty about.
Boy you are slower than usual.
You're still one of them.
And who cares what the Catholic Church says about anything? Probably only Catholics, I'd imagine.
Also, you said there was nothing about "hate". I just proved to you that there was. It was easy to find...