does anybody want to play werewolf?

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also, when someone dies, should we reveal who they were? because that'd be cool, but on the other hand the more people that are revealed, the more certain you will be who is who in the game. (though never totally sure)

I would suggest that you wait until the end; because otherwise it does become self revealing.
people can be invisible but mods can see invisible people, headaches man.

but i think the whole anon feature is cool, but even if you figure out who someone is, it doesn't tell you if someone is a wolf or a villager, so it's more like a cool extra thing, but not the end of the world if someone is exposed i guess.

Make all the fake names as invisible.
Are we allowed to waive confidentiality and just play as ourselves, or is that considered bad form?

Try as an anonymous, that way everyone is on the same page.
It'll be fun and interesting, with everyone trying to figure out who is who and who's a villager and who's a wolf. :)
If someone will link up the rules, I'm in.

here is a brief summary:

- the game takes place in real time.
- it involves two teams, villagers and wolves.
- villagers only know their own identity in the game, but they do not know the identify of anybody else.
- wolves know who the other wolves are, and therefore, they also know who all the villagers are. wolves have near perfect information except for one thing which I will discuss a bit later

- if the wolves kill enough villagers so that there are an equal number of villagers and wolves, wolves win.
- if the villagers kill all the wolves before the wolf team is tied in numbers with the village, the village wins.

- so essentially what you have is 13 people all saying different things, sharing theories, strategy, trying to piece a puzzle together, while the wolf team is trying to get everybody killed. because a villager has such limited information, they need to figure out who to trust, and who is lying.


- the game is split into two distinct "phases"
- the phases are a day phase, where one person is voted to be killed by the village
- the second phase is a night phase, where wolves kill a member of their choosing. This may be someone they view as a threat, or they may kill for other reasons.

Day Phase:

- first you have the day phase, which is usually from around 9am-9pm, give or take a few hours. this is set before the game begins.

- everybody, clueless villagers, the wolves, all gather and discuss who should be killed on day 1. who seems like they are lying? who seems like their logic doesn't make sense?

- people can vote, and unvote/change their minds throughout the day. whoever has the most votes at days end is killed, removed from the game, and it is revealed if the person was a villager, or a wolf.

- once the day ends, there is no more posting in the game thread until the night activities conclude.

Night Phase:

- the next phase is night, where a few things happen behind the scenes. First, the wolves get to kill someone. they do this by pming the mod running the game, telling who they want killed, and then that person is removed from the game.

- one villager with a special role, called the seer, gets to ask (called "peeking") the gameMod the true identify of one person in the game. The seer role is assigned before the game begins.

- after these things happen, the next day starts, and the mod will say who the wolves killed. The seer now has a piece of valuable information in hand that they will want to communicate to the village, doing so as they see fit. If they are super obvious about it, the wolves will be able to kill the seer the next night, so there needs to be a balance struck. Some seers hold back info until a few days in.

Now it's a race for the wolves to seer hunt at night to prevent too many identities being revealed.

There is some more stuff I am leaving out for simplicity sake right now. But that is the gist of it.

Still in?
May I also recommend that anyone not playing be excluded from making any comments within the werewolf thread, kind of like the way the debates were set up; to avoid anyone outside of the game from posting, just because they have an axe to grind.
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