Does Winterborn = Solitary?

Can anybody suggest a way to stop the harrassment I'm suffering?

See, I bet somebody that I didn't claim they supported unions, and then I offered a $500 reward to anybody who could link to a post where I said the other guy supported unions.

Then another asshole came along and linked to a joke post where I said "seems" as a joke, even had a smilie.

Now these two jerks and a couple others are stalking me.

What should I do?

A joke is a joke.
To summarize:

Solitary joins JPP, gets irate at me because I'm attacking maineman.
Solitary becomes maineman's chief defender and attacks me.
After realizing his mistake, Solitary gets so embarrassed that he quits the site, and his old moniker becomes cancel3.
Two weeks later Solitary re-joins with a new name: Winterborn.
I quickly expose the ruse, but he denies it, and continues the lie for four years.
In a ridiculous attempt to hide the truth, Solitary rejoins for the third time as Solitary1 here:
Finally, after another two years, Winterborn finally admits that he is Solitary.