Let's go Brandon!
And it’s all trash you idiot
Every court Donnie took it to laughed them out of court
Wong, biatch.
And it’s all trash you idiot
Every court Donnie took it to laughed them out of court
Wrong. What other ppl are saying is inadmissible in court as hearsay. Lindell, in order to be successful, will have to provide valid evidence of doctored voting machines, as well as valid evidence of the alleged conspiracy to defraud the voters and corrupt the voting process. The burden will fall upon him to show that what he has been claiming is the truth. All Dominion has to show is 1) Lindell said ___ and ___ and ___, and 2) that his words caused the company harm (loss of sales, damaged reputation, threats to company employees, etc.)
They are damaged because Fox News gives him a platform to spew his lies about dominion which helps destroy our nation along with dominions reputation
Dominion is unlikely to get anything from it. They'd have to prove that their company lost something close to that in sales because of Lindell's comments. That's incredibly unlikely. So, this is just Dominion trying to punish Lindell for talking smack about them. At best the court will find Lindell has to shut the hell up. But monetary damages require proving you were actually harmed monetarily. I doubt Dominion can do that.
Yes, Dominion will have to show that they suffered direct harm in loss of sales, etc., --their reputation on the other hand will be extremely difficult to prove--to prevail. Lindell, you, me, whoever can smack talk about a corporation all we want. It isn't litigable until what we're saying causes actual economic harm to the company. Potential harm is difficult to prove, and generally won't be accepted by a court as actionable.
Then according to what you stated, they should be suing FOX News, not Lindell. If it took FOX giving him a platform, then they are responsible.
As to the rest of your tripe, it's just insults and ad hominem requiring no response whatsoever.
There is zero chance they can show 1.3 Billion in damages from My Pillow guy saying they suck.
There is zero chance they can show 1.3 Billion in damages from My Pillow guy saying they suck.
It might take two years until the next election for Dominion to prove that their brand is damaged.Dominion is unlikely to get anything from it. They'd have to prove that their company lost something close to that in sales because of Lindell's comments. That's incredibly unlikely. So, this is just Dominion trying to punish Lindell for talking smack about them. At best the court will find Lindell has to shut the hell up. But monetary damages require proving you were actually harmed monetarily. I doubt Dominion can do that.
It will be fun to watch him produce his 'evidence' in court.that should be no problem at all, listen to any one of his rants on Fox
They are.They'll have a hard time with that too since there are many, many people at various levels saying stuff about Dominion and their machines being hacked, operating incorrectly, etc. All Lindell would have to do to beat that is show those statements in court and ask why Dominion isn't suing every last one of those persons too. What I'm saying isn't a defense of what Lindell said, only that Dominion has a very steep hill to climb to prove defamation. Lindell can talk smack about Dominion right up until it hurts their bottom line, and they have to prove it did.
For per se defamation, you still need fairly clear evidence that you will be hurt in the future by those statements. I don't think Dominion is faced with orders cancelled or customers saying they're going elsewhere at this point. There aren't very many companies making voting machines so it should be easy to prove or disprove future harm.
Coupled with those I referenced above, it took up weeks on Fox News. The damage is assumed.What damages does Dominion suffer from statements so hyperbolic as to be obviously wrong? Lindell's claims are idiotic on their face. How is Dominion damaged by such nonsense?
LOL, that's not what they said. They said Dominion was part of a vast conspiracy to flip the election to Biden, which would of course be criminal.
The point wasn't what the guy said, the point was they wouldn't be able to show 1.3 Billion in damages.
TA posted the link concart
They'll slow walk it in order to show damages in the next election cycleIt also means discovery so look for Dominion to slow walk it.
I hear the scary pillow guy is ready to go today.
The point wasn't what the guy said, the point was they wouldn't be able to show 1.3 Billion in damages.
All they have to do is win any of the other cases pending, and they have precedent. The Giuliani/Kraken cases should be easy to win.They don't have to. Accusing a company of participating in a criminal conspiracy is defamation per se. They won't get 1.3 billion. But they WILL get a ton of money, enough to shut this idiot up.