Donald Trump Unleashes All Caps Truth Social Tirade: ‘I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT’

So you are claiming that trump increased employment, and that it is not his fault that he did not? Both cannot be true at once.
Yes it can. Trump drove unemployment up as long as the governors kept their states open like they did for Biden.
Obama handed over very low unemployment, so it was difficult to get much employment growth. Making it harder, the Baby Boomers are retiring, so more people no longer want to be employed.
And Trump improved on it until COVID hit and governors shut their economies down clossing many kinds of businesses.
Then, as you point out, Covid hit, and the world economy shutdown. And there was already a recession before that, which would have driven down employment, even without Covid.
COVID hit Europe before it hit the US. Remember Italy and the UK?
A more honest statement about trump is that he had some of the lowest employment growth of any president in modern history, and then massive job losses towards the end of his term.
Another dishonest statement. Either you are brainwashed or just dumb or both. :thinking:
And Trump improved on it until COVID hit and governors shut their economies down clossing many kinds of businesses.

COVID hit Europe before it hit the US. Remember Italy and the UK?
Another dishonest statement. Either you are brainwashed or just dumb or both. :thinking:
A real doctor would know that Trump botched the US COVID response. An honest doctor would admit it.
It's projection. Trump ramps up hate against anyone to the left of Alt-Right. When someone responds in kind or simply to disagree, they are accused of starting the hatemongering. It's crazy.
If trump is elected, he will be looking for retribution against the majority of America. If Harris is elected, she will be looking to improve things for all Americans. That is just reality.

Or put another way, most of the industrial jobs that Biden has helped to create has gone to people who voted against Biden. The increase in farming exports again goes to people who voted against Biden. Biden wants to improve the lives of everyone.
I wonder what sort of "retribution" trump is going to try to get on Swift, if he is elected. We can all do something never to find out.