Don't Piss Off Israel!

The more I read you morons, the more I am understanding how profoundly ignorant you are, of what terrorism is, what the fundamental problem with it is, why we have to defeat it, or even the most rudimentary logic in the problem we face. You guys really don't have the slightest clue of what we're up against, do you?

Dixie, what the fuck do you know?

You're a terrorist supporter, as long as they look like us and use our weapons.
AnyOldIron said:
The more I read you morons, the more I am understanding how profoundly ignorant you are, of what terrorism is, what the fundamental problem with it is, why we have to defeat it, or even the most rudimentary logic in the problem we face. You guys really don't have the slightest clue of what we're up against, do you?

Dixie, what the fuck do you know?

You're a terrorist supporter, as long as they look like us and use our weapons.

Well Arnold, if you really think that, it's fine. I can live with what the US has done, and I can live with supporting who I support. If you want to think of the US and Israel as a terrorist nations, and Hezbollah as some disenfranchised militia group, you go right ahead. It doesn't have anything to do with who looks like whom, or who's weapons are being used.

Hezbollah is a radical Islamic fundamentalist terror group, just like Hamaas, alQaeda, Islamic Jihad, AbuNidal, AlAxa, the Taliban, etc. They attacked Israel just as we were attacked by alQaeda. They killed 244 Marines in 1983 when they bombed the Marine barracks, and claimed responsibility for endless terror attacks. They have currently fired over 2,000 missiles into civilian population centers of Israel, killing and injuring thousands of innocent Jews. They kidnapped 2 Israeli soldiers and demanded the release of 150 Hezbo cronies who were tried and convicted of inflicting, attempting to inflict acts of terror on Israel. They have targeted Holy sites with glee, as they hid their weapons in Mosques and hospitals. They have no regard whatsoever, for the Geneva Convention, the UN, or any authority other than their Mullah's and Clerics, and their twisted perversions of Islam. They can not be negotiated with, and in fact, state very clearly in their doctrine, they will use your 'diplomatic efforts' to benefit their ultimate objectives, and take advantage of every opportunity. Those who think we can somehow barter peace with these people are insane, those who think they are not a terror organization, are insane fools.
Well Arnold, if you really think that, it's fine. I can live with what the US has done, and I can live with supporting who I support. If you want to think of the US and Israel as a terrorist nations, and Hezbollah as some disenfranchised militia group, you go right ahead.

Your rhetoric is weak Dixie.

I don't say Hizbollah is a militia group, I say it is a terrorist group.

So is the IDF. The US is a terrorism finiancier and falicitator, like Syria or Iran.

Terrorism is targeting civilians in the effort to create political change through terror.

Any words in there you want me to define for you?

In the current situation, both sides are using terrorism, as they both have largely for decades.

The hypocrisy stands where those, such as yourself, decry terrorism only when it is not done with your approval.

Ironically, we know that Hizbollah is Syria and Iran's bitch whilst in the opposing corner, the US is certainly Israel's bitch.

Because the US has gone back to 'Arden Pyle' mode...

It's embarrassing to the Anglosphere...
The US is a terrorism finiancier and falicitator, like Syria or Iran.

I think we did finance and facilitate terrorist organizations at one time, particularly when Hillary was swooning over Arafat's wife, but that was well before the events of 9/11. There is no hypocrisy, except what you want to manufacture by painting Israel as a terror group. They simply are not. Neither is the US. I think you need to gain some understanding of what constitutes "terrorism" because you seem to not be able to draw distinction between "terrorism" and defending democracy.
There is no hypocrisy, except what you want to manufacture by painting Israel as a terror group. They simply are not. Neither is the US. I think you need to gain some understanding of what constitutes "terrorism" because you seem to not be able to draw distinction between "terrorism" and defending democracy.

Blah, Blah, Blah. All throth and no coffee...

I defined terrorism, the accepted definition of terrorism. I even asked if their were any terms which you don't comprehend.

Here's a lesson for you Dixie, call it in Philosophy...

To not be deemed a hypocrit, use the same criteria for judging both sides...

Terrorism is targeting civilians in the aim to reach a political goal through terrorism.

Now, let's hear your defense of Israeli terrorism, let's see the hypocrisy in the criteria you use to judge both sides....
It’s simply this: In the past, each fissure was on a different plane, with differing consequences, occurring at different times. Now, the globe seems to have rotated in such a way that the fissures — and the anger they generate — are coming into dangerous alignment.

Each of the lines of conflict — the vast economic chasms, the deep cultural voids, the wide political divisions, the die-hard religious and ethnic hatreds — are coming into synch along one axis and with one by-product: violent change.

With the war in Iraq and the latest blow-up in the Middle East, radical movements are gaining far more prestige, public support and financing. Moderate leaders, meanwhile, are losing public support, even becoming a laughing stock.

The impact is self-evident:
It's certainly boom-time for every lunatic who wants to make the world his personal utopia and is willing to back that up with explosives.

It's full moon time...
To not be deemed a hypocrit, use the same criteria for judging both sides...

Terrorism is targeting civilians in the aim to reach a political goal through terrorism.

Now, let's hear your defense of Israeli terrorism, let's see the hypocrisy in the criteria you use to judge both sides....

I don't know that I can defend something that doesn't exist. Israeli's aren't strapping bombs to their kids and sending them into Muslim markets to kill innocent Muslims. Israel isn't kidnapping people and making demands for their safe release. Israel isn't intentionally targeting civilian population centers to inflict terror on innocent people, they have never expressed a desire to rid the world of Muslims and their religion does not condone killing all Muslims in the name of their deity. So, I am not sure what you expect from me in terms of an argument, I can't present something that doesn't exist, and a defense of Israeli terrorism, is something of an oxymoron.
Dixie, do you think that targeting civilians in the effort to create political change through terror only consists of suicide bombers?

Israel is terrorising, it is targeting civilians (the evidence of which is all over any reputable news broadcaster) in the effort to create political change through terror.

They are doing it with artillery with missiles and aircraft.

It doesn't matter if you wear a uniform or use western weapons.

So why don't you get off the side of terrorism Dixie and join in condemnation of terrorism on both sides?

Surely you can't justify supporting terrorism?
I am not so sure they are a "terrorist" state as they are a bunch of tough motherfuckers who will NEVER give up their country and will never allow themselves to be herded anywhere ever again. They are surrounded by enemies and are convinced - and rightfully so - that the rest of the world does not really like them.... and they, therefore, could really give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks about their actions. They are gonna bitchslap arabs every time they get too uppity... but they DO show a remarkably callous disregard for the fact that their actions cause incredible amounts of "collateral" casualties... but from their perspective, they KNOW that all the arabs really hate them and want them out of the holy lands...and they know that they will never go... so really, from Israel's deepest darkest perspective, the only good arab is a dead one, because they know that muslim arabs, at least, will never agree to let the state of Israel live in peace.
Iraq: The Pentagon has just extended the tour of 4,000 U.S. troops, expanding the total number in Iraq. But now the troops have a new, far tougher mission:

Instead of just putting down an insurgency, they also have to stop a civil war. Instead of fighting one amorphous enemy, they’re fighting many — jihadists, Shiite militias and often, even corrupt government forces themselves.

Last week, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki told Congress that, if the U.S. loses in Iraq, it will be a monumental victory for worldwide terrorism, an event that could be tragic in its consequences.

What he failed to mention, however, is the corollary tragedy: Even if the U.S. prevails in Iraq, it could be a victory for Iran.

Reason: The U.S. has little more than a short-term alliance with the Shiite leaders of Iraq, based on convenience and expediency. In contrast, Iran has a long-term alliance with the Shiite leaders, based on decades of mutual suffering against Saddam ... long years of joint training exercises ... deeply shared religious beliefs ... and intimate contacts that continue to this very day.

Iran: When most Americans see the news of war between Lebanon and Israel, they still don’t make the connection to the looming conflict with Iran. But others do.

In Tehran this weekend, Iranian officials, former officials and analysts said a conflict with the West is now so likely they’re deathly afraid to even talk about it. Their interpretation: Israel’s war against the Hezbollah in Lebanon is actually America’s first salvo in its coming war against Iran.

The view coming out of Washington this week is very similar, but in reverse: Hezbollah was created by Iran, financed by Iran and armed by Iran. Hezbollah is Iran’s front line. Ergo, Hezbollah’s incursion into Israel is Iran’s way of attacking the West.

Connect the dots, and you’ll see that, indirectly, Iran and U.S. are already at war.
I am not so sure they are a "terrorist" state as they are a bunch of tough motherfuckers who will NEVER give up their country and will never allow themselves to be herded anywhere ever again.

The same could be said of Hizbollah. That doesn't make them any less a terrorist group. Same with the IRA.
AnyOldIron said:
I am not so sure they are a "terrorist" state as they are a bunch of tough motherfuckers who will NEVER give up their country and will never allow themselves to be herded anywhere ever again.

The same could be said of Hizbollah. That doesn't make them any less a terrorist group. Same with the IRA.

Red looks good on you, AOI!
AnyOldIron said:
Red looks good on you, AOI!

I've only just noticed! What does that signify?

That you are a warrior for an upcoming debate... You can also view the warriors in the Leadership area.
That you are a warrior for an upcoming debate... You can also view the warriors in the Leadership area

Cool! I'm going to smear dirt on my face and sharpen a stick.... I can feel the testosterone rising....

AnyOldIron said:
That you are a warrior for an upcoming debate... You can also view the warriors in the Leadership area

Cool! I'm going to smear dirt on my face and sharpen a stick.... I can feel the testosterone rising....

Maybe I made the change too early...

Maybe I made the change too early...

Too late. My armour is being delivered this afternoon...

Let the Hundred Years War begin... :)
Israel is terrorising, it is targeting civilians (the evidence of which is all over any reputable news broadcaster) in the effort to create political change through terror.

This is not so. Israel is targeting Hezbollah, who is deliberately hiding in places where civilians will be killed when they strike. It is a tactic they are well-known for.
