Downtown Los Angeles

Middle Americans don't value cultural diversity the way coastal Americans do.

For one thing, they don't travel abroad as much and thus don't realize how backwards we are compared to more forward thinking nations.

Also, middle Americans tend to be more religious, and nothing stifles intellectualism as much as religion does.

From a cultural perspective, middle America is really a different country than civilized cultural centers like Boston, New York and San Francisco.

It's like Afghanistan only with indoor plumbing and electricity in the bigger cities like St. Louis and Kansas City.
I bet there is close to a zero percent chance you have ever been to downtown LA.

I hear that Trump-loving trailer parks in the deep south are pleasant places to visit.

Oh yeah, the resident Trumptards there just love them.

Several of your rightwing buddies on this thread have explicity or implicitly stated that trash and pooping in public are associated with hispanics and brown people. Your buddies CFM, volsrock, and Stretch to name just three.

There is no need for you to cuss at me and get angry simply for pointing out overt rightwing racism.
Its right out in the open for everyone to see.

Again, fuck off with that bullshit. I have the fake conservative CFM on ignore, and Vols certainly isn't "my buddy". I am a brown skin person, and that also has nothing to do with the heaps of trash in Downtown LA. This is why liberalism is a mental disorder, you would rather argue for the sake of it, than address the real world problems in your liberal utopia. I don't need to cuss at you, do you need to call me a redneck? I happen to live in the country by choice, how does that make me a "redneck"? If you want to have a civil conversation, I'm good with that, but making bullshit claims about redneck trailer parks with trash heaps in my neighborhood, ain't it.
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Has become 3rd World...Thanks Libs!

I doubt that's even a picture of Los Angeles or any other American city.

Using a picture taken in some actual 3rd world slum and falsely claiming it is some American city run by Democrats is exactly the kind of bullshit we've come to expect out of the right wing propaganda machine.
I visit Southern California fairly regularly, I grew up there. What does that have to do with the video of a recent news report FROM THERE. Is the local news station lying?

This is where I live douchebag, no trailers in sight on my private road, or anywhere in the township, that I'm aware of. This county doesn't tolerate trash heaps.

I will take that as a 'NO", you have not set foot in DTLA anytime recently, perhaps not even within the last decade.

Between the two of us, only I have been in downtown Los Angeles in the last six months.

And it is really weird that it makes you angry that I had a pleasant visit, enjoyed downtown LA, was not creeped out, and did not see enormous piles of trash everywhere.
I understand that teabaggers are terrified of anyone with brown skin, and horrified by world culture and foreign languages.

I recently stayed at the landmark Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles and had a very pleasant time. I walked around day and night, and visited a lot of cool restaruants, cafes, and pubs.

If ever in downtown LA, I recommend a visit to the Grand Central Market an emporium hosting hundreds of food vendors collectively bringing together the cuisines and cultures of Los Angeles - basically any kind of ethnic, specialty, or American-esque food you could imagine.

Tell me just who do you consider Tea Baggers? Kind of a broad term so exactly are these chicken Tea Baggers?


They’ve led the nation in welcoming illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities, the minimum wage, welfare programs, and stupid Hollywood celebrities.

Despite all that (especially the leftist brain trust in Tinseltown), the state also leads the nation in poverty.

And not just because it’s the largest state by population, but by percentage.

More than one in five Californians now live in poverty, new data released by the Census Bureau indicates.

At 20.4 percent, that poverty rate is higher than in any other state (only Washington DC has a higher rate at 21 percent). The national poverty rate stands at 14.7 percent.

Amazingly, The Orange County Register reports, while the state with the largest economy in the country has 12 percent of the national population, they account for a full one-third of all families in the nation receiving money from the Clinton-era “Temporary Assistance for Needy Families,” which sucks almost $20 billion from the federal budget.

Why are so many Californians in poverty? There are many reasons. One of the first is the high cost of housing.

According to a report on the housing crisis by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, “production averaged less than 80,000 new homes annually over the last 10 years, and ongoing production continues to fall far below the projected need of 180,000 additional homes annually.”

As a result, homeownership rates are at the lowest they’ve been since the 1940s, as increasing proportions of renters find themselves rent-burdened.

According to the California Budget & Policy Center, more than half of renter households pay more than 30 percent of their incomes for housing, and one-third pay more than half of their incomes for housing.

So while only 12 percent of the population, 22 percent of the country’s homeless are in California.

But there are other factors, as the OC Register points out: They have some of the highest tax rates in the country and some of the least business-friendly policies as well.

In a recent WalletHub report on overall tax burdens, California ranked 10th-worst in the country. Meanwhile, the Tax Foundation ranked California 48th in its 2017 State Business Tax Climate Index due to California’s distinction of having some of the highest income, sales and corporate tax rates in the nation.

California is consistently ranked as one of the worst states to do business in. For the last 13 years, in fact, the state has ranked dead last for “perceived business friendliness.”

Taken together, California’s barriers to business will, in turn, harm the poor the most. If California wants to seriously address its high levels of poverty and factors aggravating it, like high housing costs, it must relinquish its commitment to excessive taxation and regulation.

DEMOCRATS who control California will not learn a thing from this lesson. They will continue to drive their state further into the ditch by sucking taxpayers dry, alienating the business community and imposing burdensome and idiotic regulations on its people.
I visit Southern California fairly regularly, I grew up there. What does that have to do with the video of a recent news report FROM THERE. Is the local news station lying?

This is where I live douchebag, no trailers in sight on my private road, or anywhere in the township, that I'm aware of. This county doesn't tolerate trash heaps.

Oh geez.... now cuntboy has a "private road".

I wonder if his "private road" runs anywhere near one of Dork Soul's exclusive luxury homes, and if cuntboy let's Dork Soul drive one of his expensive, classic or high performance cars on it.


Pathetic fucks.
I will take that as a 'NO", you have not set foot in DTLA anytime recently, perhaps not even within the last decade.

Between the two of us, only I have been in downtown Los Angeles in the last six months.

And it is really weird that it makes you angry that I had a pleasant visit, enjoyed downtown LA, was not creeped out, and did not see enormous piles of trash everywhere.

So, is the local news station lying?

Your film would have more impact if it identified where it was taken. Having been to England I have seen alleys just like in the film but without the trash. I have never seen one like that in the US. BTW the motorist was on a 4X4 not a car.
Again, fuck off with that bullshit. I have the fake conservative CFM on ignore, and Vols certainly isn't "my buddy". I am a brown skin person, and that also has nothing to do with the heaps of trash in Downtown LA. This is why liberalism is a mental disorder, you would rather argue for the sake of it, than address the real world problems in your liberal utopia. I don't need to cuss at you, do you need to call me a redneck? I happen to live in the country by choice, how does that make me a "redneck"? If you want to have a civil conversation, I'm good with that, but making bullshit claims about redneck trailer parks with trash heaps in my neighborhood, ain't it.

CFM is not a "fake conservative". He might be an embarrassment for you on a public forum like this, but only because he comes out and says the kind of shit you and the rest of your neo-con buddies think.

Aamof, I would go as far as to say that CFM is one of the only REAL conservatives around here, with people like YOU being the fake ones.

At least CFM doesn't try to PRETEND to be civilized like you do.

And btw.... having a dark tan because you work outside mowing lawns for a living, doesn't make you a "brown-skinned person".