Dried Fruit "Added Sugars" Down The Drain!

Canned vegetables? Yuck;)
It's not that much extra time....if you like tasty nutritious food, why not invest a bit more "time" ?;)

So you're saying that you're too "special" to occasionally toss a can of soup on the stove and bulk it up with a can of vegetables because you're in a hurry or you've had a tiring day and you don't feel like going through the rigamaroll of prepping fresh vegetables?

Well, excuse us peons down here in the real world!!!!

As I said, it's not something i do often, just once in a great while.


(BTW - modern food canning is not the same as it was three or four decades ago. The vegetables that go in cans nowadays, though certainly not preferable to fresh ones, are perfectly nutritious. Just rinse the extra sodium off first.)
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Well, that's because of too much capitalism. The goal of our food supply system is to make money, not to provide the best food.

That's why I took up organic gardening. My whole focus of gardening has changed. Now, if it doesn't produce food, I don't want it in my yard.

I'm surprised the medical profiteers don't provide more support for unhealthy foods. It makes more business for them.

But it's not needed. So much unhealthy food is sold in America, we are one of the unhealthiest populations on the planet. We don't live as long as people do in smarter nations with more socialism, more awareness of healthy habits and a better safety net.

America is generally a fat nation. One of the most obese populations and the advent of child diabetes. That's part of why our health care costs so much. It's because we get so sick.

We could all do much better, for sure. I've grown our veggies and stuff for years, but not enough to be self-sufficient. Frozen veggies are awesome, mostly... well, peas and corn and beans. Other stuff, not so much.

Food nutritional labels can be scary. I wonder how many ppl actually look at them?

What do you grow?
I stay away from honey too.

It's still added sugar.

Of course, I substitute it with artificially sweetened products, so that's not great either.

But I think it's still better than sugar.

I can't stand the taste of artificial sweeteners -- far too bitter. Stevia is okay, but honey is better. And like Crocodile said, better for you as well. I'm not a big sweet-tooth. Salt is my nemesis!
Canned vegetables? Yuck;)
It's not that much extra time....if you like tasty nutritious food, why not invest a bit more "time" ?;)

Why not stop giving smarmy unwanted advice? Why not talk about what *you* do instead of scolding others? This is why no one likes you.
Very little. And the nuts in Snickers have nutritional value but is negated by the sugar.

I don't really buy the "net carbs" thing. Carbs convert directly into sugar.

Carbs are a necessary part of a healthy diet. There are poor choices and good choices. White breads, white potatoes, white rice, soda pop, beer, etc. -- not good choices. High-fiber carbs like raw veggies and whole grains = good choices.
Carbs are a necessary part of a healthy diet. There are poor choices and good choices. White breads, white potatoes, white rice, soda pop, beer, etc. -- not good choices. High-fiber carbs like raw veggies and whole grains = good choices.
Of course, there are carbs in practically everything. Broccoli, lettuce, everything. Some have less than others.
I can't stand the taste of artificial sweeteners -- far too bitter. Stevia is okay, but honey is better. And like Crocodile said, better for you as well. I'm not a big sweet-tooth. Salt is my nemesis!

Artificial sweeteners have come a long way over the past few years.

Diet sodas actually taste like regular sodas.

People used to tell me that long ago but I knew it wasn't true.

Nowadays, it's actually true.

The first time I tried a Coke Zero Sugar.... (not to be confused with Coke Zero)


...I was amazed.

Even the grocery store brand diet sodas taste like they've got real sugar in them.
Artificial sweeteners have come a long way over the past few years.

Diet sodas actually taste like regular sodas.

People used to tell me that long ago but I knew it wasn't true.

Nowadays, it's actually true.

The first time I tries a Coke Zero Sugar....


...I was amazed.

Even the grocery store brand diet sodas taste like they've got real sugar in them.

Mr. Owl drinks Diet Coke -- ugh. I've tried it (even with rum lol) and it's still yuck. I don't care for the taste of soda period anymore, whether it's got real sugar, or HFCS, or fake sugar.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

We could all do much better, for sure. I've grown our veggies and stuff for years, but not enough to be self-sufficient. Frozen veggies are awesome, mostly... well, peas and corn and beans. Other stuff, not so much.

Food nutritional labels can be scary. I wonder how many ppl actually look at them?

What do you grow?

I've only been at it a few years. I've done well with tomatoes, beans, lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, jalapenos. Some onions and carrots. Spinach eludes me. My soil must not be right. And bell peppers don't work for me either. But we've done lots of spices. Rosemary, dill, sage, oregano, parsley, cilantro. We also did watermelons one year. No more! They took over everything. We do everything from seed, so that makes it more challenging.