Dried Fruit "Added Sugars" Down The Drain!

Hello ThatOwlWoman,

I've only been at it a few years. I've done well with tomatoes, beans, lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, jalapenos. Some onions and carrots. Spinach eludes me. My soil must not be right. And bell peppers don't work for me either. But we've done lots of spices. Rosemary, dill, sage, oregano, parsley, cilantro. We also did watermelons one year. No more! They took over everything. We do everything from seed, so that makes it more challenging.

Other than broccoli, those plants don't need a lot of nitrogen~spinach does....... Add some slow release in the soil when you plant it, hit again when it's 4-5 inches (aprox month)..
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So you're saying that you're too "special" to occasionally toss a can of soup on the stove and bulk it up with a can of vegetables because you're in a hurry or you've had a tiring day and you don't feel like going through the rigamaroll of prepping fresh vegetables?

Well, excuse us peons down here in the real world!!!!

As I said, it's not something i do often, just once in a great while.


(BTW - modern food canning is not the same as it was three or four decades ago. The vegetables that go in cans nowadays, though certainly not preferable to fresh ones, are perfectly nutritious. Just rinse the extra sodium off first.)
I simply said I'm not fond of canned vegetables,,, or fruit or soup for that matter...I do not use them...If you need to, that's fine... but we obviously agree fresh is best, though....but if time is not on your side I guess you have to do what you need to do....
I'm sorry you took offense...Have a lovely day....
I don't touch fruit,I try to stay at 80-100 bs.
Last time I stupidly ate mash potatoes,I thought I would spike,but instead tanked to 65,from the huge insulin response!Scared the shit our of me.
Only time I got stupid!
I don't eat fruit either. Just looked it up once because I wondered which was the lowest.
Which, by the way, probably doesn't remove all that much sugar. I'm guessing the retarded OP only thinks so because of the placebo effect.
If they didn't sweeten cranberries, you couldn't eat them. They're bitter as hell. The reason they add sugar to cherries and other fruit is indeed to add a sweeter flavor.

You can buy organic dried fruit with low/no sugar. Dehydrating isn't meant to remove sugar. I don't know why you believe it would? It removes moisture, as the name suggests.

There are quite a few foods that you can dehydrate and not need to sweeten. I've been doing it for decades.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Well, that's because of too much capitalism. The goal of our food supply system is to make money, not to provide the best food.

That's why I took up organic gardening. My whole focus of gardening has changed. Now, if it doesn't produce food, I don't want it in my yard.

I'm surprised the medical profiteers don't provide more support for unhealthy foods. It makes more business for them.

But it's not needed. So much unhealthy food is sold in America, we are one of the unhealthiest populations on the planet. We don't live as long as people do in smarter nations with more socialism, more awareness of healthy habits and a better safety net.

America is generally a fat nation. One of the most obese populations and the advent of child diabetes. That's part of why our health care costs so much. It's because we get so sick.
They put corn syrup in everything because it's cheaper than sugar, and the corn lobby is pretty strong in this country.
Sugar has the same effect on your blood glucose whether it comes from a peach or a Snickers bar.....
Not really. Fruit/carbohydrate sugars are typically metabolized slowly by the body, which is much better for a person than candy. You won't get the same spikes/crashes.
So you're saying that you're too "special" to occasionally toss a can of soup on the stove and bulk it up with a can of vegetables because you're in a hurry or you've had a tiring day and you don't feel like going through the rigamaroll of prepping fresh vegetables?

Well, excuse us peons down here in the real world!!!!

As I said, it's not something i do often, just once in a great while.


(BTW - modern food canning is not the same as it was three or four decades ago. The vegetables that go in cans nowadays, though certainly not preferable to fresh ones, are perfectly nutritious. Just rinse the extra sodium off first.)
Not passing judgement about the canned soup, even though I would never eat it. You can put frozen veggies into that can of soup just as easily. The canned soup is already carrying somewhere around 300-400 mg of sodium.

I always have soup stock in the freezer. When I buy split breasts on sale, I cut the meat off and boil the ribs. It makes amazing broth, which I put in the freezer. I can have any soup I like in 15 minutes.
Carbs are not needed for diabetics,their diet is from fats,protein and green vegetables is the only carbs!
Unless they want to be on dangerous meds trying to eat a normal diet
If you're diabetic, life is a challenge. But...if you opted for carbs that are better on the glycemic index, and immediately did a workout, I believe you would be fine.
I don't touch fruit,I try to stay at 80-100 bs.
Last time I stupidly ate mash potatoes,I thought I would spike,but instead tanked to 65,from the huge insulin response!Scared the shit our of me.
Only time I got stupid!
You're still making insulin? Then I don't believe you are diabetic. You're probably pre diabetic, which I am.
Not really. Fruit/carbohydrate sugars are typically metabolized slowly by the body, which is much better for a person than candy. You won't get the same spikes/crashes.
That's incorrect. Sugar has the same effect on blood glucose regardless of the source. Fruit sugar causes the same spike as a Starburst candy.
Other than broccoli, those plants don't need a lot of nitrogen~spinach does....... Add some slow release in the soil when you plant it, hit again when it's 4-5 inches (aprox month)..
Peas/Beans add nitrogen fixing bacteria into the soil. Plant your veggies that need nitrogen where you had your legumes the year before. Never add chemicals to your soil!!!
Our GI tracts' job is to convert everything we eat into the food our cells need -- glucose. Excess glucose is stored. Some foods are more easily digested and thus the resulting glucose is available sooner for energy or storage. If healthy eating is your goal you will want to eat longer-to-digest foods rather than the quick-to-convert sugary things. We have to have carbs for health and for survival, no way around that. We just make wise choices, or try to anyways.

(Damn you, delicious chocolate cake.) :laugh:
If they didn't sweeten cranberries, you couldn't eat them. They're bitter as hell. The reason they add sugar to cherries and other fruit is indeed to add a sweeter flavor.

You can buy organic dried fruit with low/no sugar. Dehydrating isn't meant to remove sugar. I don't know why you believe it would? It removes moisture, as the name suggests.

There are quite a few foods that you can dehydrate and not need to sweeten. I've been doing it for decades.

I never said dehydrating would remove sugar, really not sure where you got that idea. I was merely pointing out how stupid it is to buy commercially manufactured dehydrated fruit, with added sugar, and then attempt to remove the added sugar by rinsing and redrying.