Dried Fruit "Added Sugars" Down The Drain!

Not passing judgement about the canned soup, even though I would never eat it.
You can put frozen veggies into that can of soup just as easily.
The canned soup is already carrying somewhere around 300-400 mg of sodium.

I always have soup stock in the freezer. When I buy split breasts on sale, I cut the meat off and boil the ribs. It makes amazing broth, which I put in the freezer. I can have any soup I like in 15 minutes.

Yes, and I have done that, too. But once in a great while, I'll find myself at the grocery store looking for a quick, cheap dinner, but I don't want to buy a whole bag of frozen vegetables. I just want one of those small 1/2 sized cans. So I quickly rinse them off, dump them into the pot with the soup then toss the empty cans in the recycle bin.

This is not something I do on a regular or even semi-regular basis.

Just something I've done a few times.
Idiot. Why don't you buy grapes, when what you really want is raisins?

I buy grapes nearly every day, along with mango, pineapple, jack fruit, dragon fruit, rambutan and mangosteen. Do like durian chips, dried apricots and prunes though.
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I never said dehydrating would remove sugar, really not sure where you got that idea. I was merely pointing out how stupid it is to buy commercially manufactured dehydrated fruit, with added sugar, and then attempt to remove the added sugar by rinsing and redrying.

You didn't say dehydrating would remove sugar, but you incorrectly implied or suggested that PoliTalker claimed or thought that it would, when he never did.


Which is even stupider than what you claimed he said.
Hello Bill,

Other than broccoli, those plants don't need a lot of nitrogen~spinach does....... Add some slow release in the soil when you plant it, hit again when it's 4-5 inches (aprox month)..

Right on! Thanks for the tip. What's baffling is why I can grow tomatoes but not bell peppers. I thought the requirements were the same. Maybe it's the nematodes. I have no organic solution to that. The tomatoes suffer a bit but still flourish...
Our GI tracts' job is to convert everything we eat into the food our cells need -- glucose. Excess glucose is stored. Some foods are more easily digested and thus the resulting glucose is available sooner for energy or storage. If healthy eating is your goal you will want to eat longer-to-digest foods rather than the quick-to-convert sugary things. We have to have carbs for health and for survival, no way around that. We just make wise choices, or try to anyways.

(Damn you, delicious chocolate cake.) :laugh:

That's why I eat Keto,in keto the object is to put your body in ketosis,where instead of burning glucose for energy,your body switches to burning fat for fuel.
So once you burn off all stored glucose and ends
Fatty liver,you only eat 20 grams of carb a day from green vegetables.
But you raise good fats for fuel!
That's the science of Keto and how type 2 diabetic patients can get normal blood sugar without meds
That's why I eat Keto,in keto the object is to put your body in ketosis,where instead of burning glucose for energy,your body switches to burning fat for fuel.
So once you burn off all stored glucose and ends
Fatty liver,you only eat 20 grams of carb a day from green vegetables.
But you raise good fats for fuel!
That's the science of Keto and how type 2 diabetic patients can get normal blood sugar without meds

Spoken like a true convert!

I'm really glad you've been able to shed the excess weight. Good for you!
Hello Althea,

They put corn syrup in everything because it's cheaper than sugar, and the corn lobby is pretty strong in this country.

I see that as a failure of capitalism. Here we have something that is done, not to delver the best product, but strictly out of greed, to make the same product more profitable. And it is done with a complete disregard for public health. This is exactly the type of instance where big government needs to step in and say no, for the good of the people. I would totally support a new law to make the practice of using corn syrup illegal. It really has no nutritional value. And I am not forgetting that these were the same nefarious corporations that fought tooth and nail against truth in product labeling.

It is predictable that people are going to have health issues from eating the food they profit from. It is also logical to assume that some will even die for this greed. It is an irresponsible practice, and it should end. It causes unneeded strain on our health care system, and makes health care more expensive for all of us. Just so these few people can get richer than they already are.
Yes prediabetic,but I don't want to go over the edge,so I'm pretty strict Keto!
Then you can do as I suggest. You can eat certain fruit/carbs, but if you do a pretty good workout you should burn the sugar. I've been a cookie/cake freak for decades. I have to be careful now. Pot is not good for people trying to avoid sweets!
Hello Althea,

Peas/Beans add nitrogen fixing bacteria into the soil. Plant your veggies that need nitrogen where you had your legumes the year before. Never add chemicals to your soil!!!

That sounds better. Or perhaps where all that clover keeps coming up. That adds nitrogen, too, right?
Hello Althea,

I see that as a failure of capitalism. Here we have something that is done, not to delver the best product, but strictly out of greed, to make the same product more profitable. And it is done with a complete disregard for public health. This is exactly the type of instance where big government needs to step in and say no, for the good of the people. I would totally support a new law to make the practice of using corn syrup illegal. It really has no nutritional value. And I am not forgetting that these were the same nefarious corporations that fought tooth and nail against truth in product labeling.

It is predictable that people are going to have health issues from eating the food they profit from. It is also logical to assume that some will even die for this greed. It is an irresponsible practice, and it should end. It causes unneeded strain on our health care system, and makes health care more expensive for all of us. Just so these few people can get richer than they already are.
What you say it true. I'd remind you what happened when Bloomberg made Big Gulps illegal in NYC. Or what happened when FLOTUS Obama changed dietary guidelines in schools.

Everything in Capitalism is guided by profit. Healthy outcomes have absolutely no consideration. Why do you think Europe won't eat our tainted meat/corn?
Hello Althea,

Idiot. Why don't you buy grapes, when what you really want is raisins?

I grow grapes too. A 3 plant mini orchard. Here's the way that works. When they are ripe you have more than you can eat, plus you are in a race with the birds and squirrels to get them before they are all gone. So they don't last long. Then the rest of the year, nothing.
Hello Althea,

That sounds better. Or perhaps where all that clover keeps coming up. That adds nitrogen, too, right?
Much like legumes, the root nodules do fix N, but typically only enough for the clover plant. Letting it grow and turning it under in the fall can't hurt.
Hello Althea,

I grow grapes too. A 3 plant mini orchard. Here's the way that works. When they are ripe you have more than you can eat, plus you are in a race with the birds and squirrels to get them before they are all gone. So they don't last long. Then the rest of the year, nothing.

Bees are worse than birds or squirrels. Make wine with what you can't eat.
Hello Althea,

I grow grapes too. A 3 plant mini orchard. Here's the way that works. When they are ripe you have more than you can eat, plus you are in a race with the birds and squirrels to get them before they are all gone. So they don't last long. Then the rest of the year, nothing.
Buy a dehydrator and make raisins. You can do tomatoes too. When you have an over abundance of anything, dehydrating tends to be the best way to use it. There's so much water in fruit, you probably reduce mass by 3/4.