Drunk Rodney King Shot! BAC get yo ass over to LA and teach those Korean Store Owners

funny how you completely missed replying to this:

As Singer ordered King to get his hands where she could see them, King--according to Singer's testimony--"grabbed his right buttock with his right hand and he shook it at me." King finally complied with Singer's order to lie on the ground. As she drew close to King with her gun drawn to make the arrest, Sergeant Koon, who was not part of the chase and arrived after King pulled over, shouted, "Stand back. Stand back. We'll handle this."
So why flat foot would LAPD push asside CHP, who made the stop and had the situation under control, and then feel the need to use force on someone already down. But then I already know the answer, the CHP officer lied under oath cause she is a liberal do gooder who hates cops. Right?
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Your comments were a little confusing...like burning the candle at both ends...;) I gotta run dinner bell is ringing...have a nice night!

Looking back I can see the interpretation. Nope, I'm either the hare or the hounds. I read your post and was thinking about it and reflecting and then posted some further thoughts, not in opposition to but because of your post.

I still hold that King was taken down in a controlled manner that wasn't an out of control beating.

I still maintain that the cops were sacrificed for political expediency.

I accept that some cops are bigoted. I used to be, so why shouldn't anyone else be (at least until they grow up), heck I still could be for all I know. I do know I won't act on whatever bigotry I have inside me.

I also accept that some cops are big-noting big-mouths who brag about things when they get back to the station or over the radio. Yes, it happens. But those have nothing to do with the facts (at least as I understand them) that King was taken down tactically and not in an unlawful manner.
funny how you completely missed replying to this:

So why flat foot would LAPD push asside CHP, who made the stop and had the situation under control, and then feel the need to use force on someone already down. But then I already know the answer, the CHP officer lied under oath cause she is a liberal do gooder who hates cops. Right?

From memory, Koon in his book indicated that the CHP approach was well out of order in that they didn't have control. I don't have the book (I lent it to a colleague and ... you know how it goes). These are my words, not Koon's, I think the CHP officers (from memory) weren't handling it at all well until LAPD were on scene. I remarked earlier that it was eerily reminiscent of the incident in Watts in 1966 that started the riots back then.
Excuse me counselor.............

funny how you completely missed replying to this:

So why flat foot would LAPD push asside CHP, who made the stop and had the situation under control, and then feel the need to use force on someone already down. But then I already know the answer, the CHP officer lied under oath cause she is a liberal do gooder who hates cops. Right?

But this is your problem from the get go...no where did I attack the CHP Officer or reference any Liberal connotations to her...however the stop was made by CHP, albeit the stop also fell within the jurisdiction of LAPD...who by the way were familiar with Rodney Kings history...they were protecting the female CHP Officer...! And by the way if you really read the history of this case the fight ensued with the LAPD Officer while they attempted to place cuffs on good ole' Rodney...He jumped to his feet and started resisting...get your facts right counselor!
Although you put forward the motion...and here comes Counselor Soco...the fact remains...yes the officers involved did use questionable language on the radio..yes that was bad...however your claim that Rodney was not on PCP is up for discussion...as he refused the blood test on arrest...we will never really know for sure of the test results as they were later on...(late show negative) However he does have a history of drug and alcohol abuse as well as a long criminal history....and showed all the signs/symptons of PCP use during the altercation!

I also know you did the history search on this case as did I...we can post equal for and against every link...this will not solve the issue as discussed...we both know this! Were mistakes made on both sides....ya bet your boots there were...now here comes counselor soco with the next motion...this is so fun!:tongout:

In case you haven't noticed the case has already been resolved. Powell and Koon were convicted and sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and King was awarded nearly 4 million dollars in damages.

You can go on and on about how tough police work is, the King case remains one of the biggest stains on the police in history. It was an international embarrassment for this nation.

Those are the facts .. the rest is all bullshit excuses.
Well BAC.............

In case you haven't noticed the case has already been resolved. Powell and Koon were convicted and sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and King was awarded nearly 4 million dollars in damages.

You can go on and on about how tough police work is, the King case remains one of the biggest stains on the police in history. It was an international embarrassment for this nation.

Those are the facts .. the rest is all bullshit excuses.

This is true both were sentenced by a Federal Court for Civil Liberty Violations...however this was after being found not guilty by a local court of peers...this was a PC conviction...nothing more...The system was trying to avoid another riot by your peers...plain and simple...Rodney was a drug addict,abuser and has a substantial criminal history...but hey feel free to associate!:pke:
Looking back I can see the interpretation. Nope, I'm either the hare or the hounds. I read your post and was thinking about it and reflecting and then posted some further thoughts, not in opposition to but because of your post.

I still hold that King was taken down in a controlled manner that wasn't an out of control beating.

I still maintain that the cops were sacrificed for political expediency.

I accept that some cops are bigoted. I used to be, so why shouldn't anyone else be (at least until they grow up), heck I still could be for all I know. I do know I won't act on whatever bigotry I have inside me.

I also accept that some cops are big-noting big-mouths who brag about things when they get back to the station or over the radio. Yes, it happens. But those have nothing to do with the facts (at least as I understand them) that King was taken down tactically and not in an unlawful manner.

Then you justify citizens fear of their own police departments. You justify the anger, rage, and disconnect from the mainstream that a great many people, especially youth maintain.

The abuse of citizens by LAPD cops is documented and proven. Making excuses for the most obvious case of police brutality in modern times on ly widens the chasm between the police and the community.

There was a case in LA were sheriff's deputies disguising themselves as just citizens, called their own station and reported loud noises coming from a house so they could get dispatched to that house to check it out. These fuckwads thought "drugs" were at the house. When the occupant of the house, a pregnant woman answered the door holding the broom she was using to sweep her floors, one of these "should be killed" fuckwads shot the woman in the stomach killing her baby. They should have been killed by the community.

I can fill this server up with horrific cases of police brutality and murder from all over this country and there remains one solid communality among most of the cases .. the victims were black and hispanic.

Where are the white Rodney Kings? If this had been a white man being pummeled by black cops white people, including cops, would have been up in arms.

How many white women get shot in the stomach killing their unborn child by the police? If this had been a white woman it would have been broadcast all over the country and the sympathy would have beend decidedly for the woman.

You justify citizens having the right to self-defense and the killing of police officers. Personally, I think more out-of-control cops should be killed by citizens protecting themselves. Fuck them being above the law while they murder and abuse innocent citizens.

There are consequences for this kind of mindless brutality.
Your False outrage...........

Then you justify citizens fear of their own police departments. You justify the anger, rage, and disconnect from the mainstream that a great many people, especially youth maintain.

The abuse of citizens by LAPD cops is documented and proven. Making excuses for the most obvious case of police brutality in modern times on ly widens the chasm between the police and the community.

There was a case in LA were sheriff's deputies disguising themselves as just citizens, called their own station and reported loud noises coming from a house so they could get dispatched to that house to check it out. These fuckwads thought "drugs" were at the house. When the occupant of the house, a pregnant woman answered the door holding the broom she was using to sweep her floors, one of these "should be killed" fuckwads shot the woman in the stomach killing her baby. They should have been killed by the community.

I can fill this server up with horrific cases of police brutality and murder from all over this country and there remains one solid communality among most of the cases .. the victims were black and hispanic.

Where are the white Rodney Kings? If this had been a white man being pummeled by black cops white people, including cops, would have been up in arms.

How many white women get shot in the stomach killing their unborn child by the police? If this had been a white woman it would have been broadcast all over the country and the sympathy would have beend decidedly for the woman.

You justify citizens having the right to self-defense and the killing of police officers. Personally, I think more out-of-control cops should be killed by citizens protecting themselves. Fuck them being above the law while they murder and abuse innocent citizens.

There are consequences for this kind of mindless brutality.

Is duly noted...we can post the same as above about New Orleans finest...and by the way alot of them are African Americans...go figure...BAC!
This is true both were sentenced by a Federal Court for Civil Liberty Violations...however this was after being found not guilty by a local court of peers...this was a PC conviction...nothing more...The system was trying to avoid another riot by your peers...plain and simple...Rodney was a drug addict,abuser and has a substantial criminal history...but hey feel free to associate!:pke:

A jury of peers my ass. It was the same racist whitewash that has been taking place in this country for hundreds of years.

Interesting how you reach for "a jury of peers" when I know you have a completely different take on the jury of peers that found OJ not guilty.

The system was trying to avoid another international embarrassment by your peers.

The community should take more aggressive action against police and they'd think twice .. something else the system was trying to avoid.
Sorry BAC...........

A jury of peers my ass. It was the same racist whitewash that has been taking place in this country for hundreds of years.

Interesting how you reach for "a jury of peers" when I know you have a completely different take on the jury of peers that found OJ not guilty.

The system was trying to avoid another international embarrassment by your peers.

The community should take more aggressive action against police and they'd think twice .. something else the system was trying to avoid.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it...and by the way OJ was guilty...albeit I do believe Cato was his hit man!...IMHO
What point would that be.............?

Thanks, you proved my point.

Never mind another poor minority was unfairly treated...give it a rest BAC!

OJ was guilty as was Rodney...both of these incidents were politically motivated...PC convition in the white Officer conviction...PC release in the other...all for the sake of avoiding a proposed riot from your peers...thats it in a nutshell...anymore comments?
Never mind another poor minority was unfairly treated...give it a rest BAC!

OJ was guilty as was Rodney...both of these incidents were politically motivated...PC convition in the white Officer conviction...PC release in the other...all for the sake of avoiding a proposed riot from your peers...thats it in a nutshell...anymore comments?
No you moron you miss his point completely. You praise the Koon et al verdict, Moved to ultra white Simi valley as acquittal by a jury of their peers but don't give the OJ verdict the same respect. And lets remember, the OJ verdict came out of a court house in and around Rampart. A district that later because famous for cops framing people. So the jury in OJ could easily believe that the cops had tainted the evidence because they had lived in a part of LA where cops tainted evidence.
Whatever counselor.........

No you moron you miss his point completely. You praise the Koon et al verdict, Moved to ultra white Simi valley as acquittal by a jury of their peers but don't give the OJ verdict the same respect. And lets remember, the OJ verdict came out of a court house in and around Rampart. A district that later because famous for cops framing people. So the jury in OJ could easily believe that the cops had tainted the evidence because they had lived in a part of LA where cops tainted evidence.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it...by the way I did own a house long ago in the bedroom communty of Simi Valley...I suppose by your definition that makes me a biggot! Oh well,counselors are known for twisting facts...carry on counselor!:rolleyes:

Oh by the way I worked for LAPD ...long before the OJ and Rodney cases... before going Federal...and the Rampart division borders on a slum..high crime and all...

Please post proof of your accusations about the officers who worked this division...more counselor bluff I suspect!
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No you moron you miss his point completely. You praise the Koon et al verdict, Moved to ultra white Simi valley as acquittal by a jury of their peers but don't give the OJ verdict the same respect. And lets remember, the OJ verdict came out of a court house in and around Rampart. A district that later because famous for cops framing people. So the jury in OJ could easily believe that the cops had tainted the evidence because they had lived in a part of LA where cops tainted evidence.

And with Fuhrman n-word this and n-word that having "discovered the glove" it's a real wonder why OJ was found not guilty.

I think OJ did it, but I couldn't convict either. You just can't. Not with crap like that going on. First of all that is assuming that what you think you "know" has to be right and needs no evidence, and second of all it is just telling the cops, sure go ahead, do whatever you want, we'll convict anyway.

It's such Bs that only an ex-cop could defend it.
City Will Pay $810,000 in Rampart Lawsuit
From Times Staff and Wire Reports

September 14, 2006

The City Council agreed Wednesday to pay $810,000 to settle a lawsuit by Paul Bastidas, who alleged that Rampart anti-gang officers planted marijuana on him and wrongly arrested him in 1998 as part of a wider police corruption scandal.

Bastidas served 30 months in prison after he pleaded guilty to felony sale of narcotics because, his lawsuit contends, he "felt helpless" against the police officers. A judge later vacated the conviction.

Doug McFarland, an attorney for one of the accused officers, said the settlement does not admit any wrongdoing by police officers, who reported that during a foot chase they saw Bastidas toss away two plastic bags that were later found to contain marijuana.
Jury Awards $6.5 Million in Frame-Up
Public defender for a man falsely imprisoned and shot by Rampart officers should have uncovered the police misconduct, panel finds.
By Andrew Blankstein
Times Staff Writer

May 26, 2005

A man who was falsely imprisoned after being shot and framed by corrupt Rampart gang officers nearly a decade ago was awarded $6.5 million in damages Wednesday by a jury that found his county public defender was negligent for failing to uncover the police misconduct.

Javier Francisco Ovando was paralyzed after he was shot by former Los Angeles police officers Rafael Perez and Nino Durden in 1996, but was later convicted and served 2 1/2 years of a 23-year sentence in state prison after the pair testified that he attacked them.

The conviction was overturned after the two officers emerged as key figures in the Rampart corruption scandal, which involved dozens of cases of police misconduct including beatings, shootings and false arrests of gang members.

So far, the scandal has cost the city more than $70 million from settlements, caused more than a dozen officers to leave the force and resulted in more than 100 overturned criminal convictions.

Ovando, who was a 19-year-old gang member at the time of the shooting, already has collected $15 million in damages from the city of Los Angeles in connection with the actions of Perez and Durden.

Perez was sentenced to two years in prison for violating Ovando's civil rights. He also served three years in state prison for stealing cocaine from LAPD evidence lockers. He was released in 2001.

Durden, 36, eventually pleaded guilty to crimes he committed with Perez; he received a five-year prison sentence in August 2002. He was released last month after serving less than three years behind bars.

With Wednesday's verdict, the jury found that Deputy Public Defender Tamar Toister and Los Angeles County were 100% liable for the compensatory damages.

The award stunned officials with the public defender's office, who could not recall any malpractice verdicts against their office.

In 2000, the state Supreme Court lifted what had been considered broad immunity against state-appointed counsel.

"We're shocked at the verdict and do not believe that Ms. Toister committed malpractice or was negligent," said Chief Deputy Public Defender Robert Kalunian. "We don't understand how the jury found that the two officers, who have publicly admitted that they lied and framed Mr. Ovando, were zero percent responsible for his conviction and incarceration. I don't believe the verdict will stand."

Senior County Counsel Roger Granbo said his office was considering its legal options.

Juror Teresa Reese, one of three who voted against the payout, said she believed some of her fellow panel members voted to award damages because they were sympathetic to the wheelchair-bound defendant. Others, she said, seemed confused about the judge's instructions to the jury.

"Some of the jurors were second-guessing [Toister's] legal strategy instead of following the judge's instructions to focus on the evidence," Reese said. "They couldn't lay the blame on Perez or Durden, so they blamed the public defender instead."

But attorney Gregory W. Moreno said the jury rightfully saw that Toister and the county could have stopped Rampart before it started with a healthy dose of skepticism.

"How could so many people be victimized by dirty cops?" Moreno said after the trial. "The reason is because the legal protections in the system failed them. They are supposed to catch the lies. They were supposed to be the firewall."

At trial, Moreno argued that Toister failed to listen to Ovando after he repeatedly told her the officers had planted a weapon on him after the shooting.

The attorney also argued that Toister failed to check the personnel files of the officers, interview witnesses who would have contradicted their stories and explore inconsistencies in the officers' statements.

To make the point, he called Perez to testify. The disgraced former officer detailed how he and Durden shot the unarmed Ovando as he walked into a vacant apartment the two officers were using as an observation post to monitor gang activity.

Perez then told jurors how he and his partner obtained an assault rifle from an informant and shaved the serial number off the weapon before planting it on the wounded man
I've always felt sorry for Rodney King. Imagine becoming famous for what is likely to be the worst day of your life, then only hitting the news when something sucky happens again.

The guy has some serious karma. I hope that he can begin to just live sometime. That way we can stop hearing about what those cops did. I can't believe that all cops out there aren't embarrassed about this rather than attempting to defend it.
And with Fuhrman n-word this and n-word that having "discovered the glove" it's a real wonder why OJ was found not guilty.

I think OJ did it, but I couldn't convict either. You just can't. Not with crap like that going on. First of all that is assuming that what you think you "know" has to be right and needs no evidence, and second of all it is just telling the cops, sure go ahead, do whatever you want, we'll convict anyway.

It's such Bs that only an ex-cop could defend it.

The only mistake Mark Fuhrman made was denying he made those 'N' word comments...however it was also shown that he did it during a interview for a proposed book deal he wanted to write(tapes were made of the inteview)...it was not predjudice on his part just hyping his take on the way the world operates in the Los Angeles area...

Having said that Mark also found the infamous glove behind Catos guest house...the glove would have fit cato I suspect..why they chose to prosecute just OJ is behond me...maybe some pc stuff going on at city hall...dunno

At any rate Mark was a good investigator...it was a sorry state of affairs that he chose to deny making the 'N' word comments...maybe he was embarrased...I actually believe the lead prosecutor made the error and told Mark not to admit saying those words...this is what sent the case down hill fast...OJ got off on a technicality and Cato was never taken as a suspect when he should have been...imho!