Geeko Sportivo
Verified User
The bolded statement is exactly why I was absolutely shocked to see Occupy Democrats tweet out a meme recently saying we should support/treat students who go to trade school with the same respect of those who go to four year college. I was flabbergasted.
I don't think respect is the term we should be tying to people who gets an education- whether it be by University or Trade School!
That's like saying one has to have a College degree to be respected in our world. Respected by whom anyway? YOU PERHAPS?
DONALD TRUMP?- Who didn't learn a fucking thing in college except grabbing women by the pussy- or how to lie- or how to cheat your way through life to get what you want?
I don't know why you have such poor disregard for Trade Schools- but you may want to realize that TRADE SCHOOLS are where most people get their certifications that actually qualifies them to do most of the technical jobs in this country!
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